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My Notes from the WOEIH podcast #284

YourTurtleTourGuideFeb 26, 2024, 9:47:41 PM

My Notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #284

Website: "What on Earth is Happening"

The Unholy Feminine Revisited and Expanded Part Six

Watch the original presentation from the Free Your Mind Conference IV delivered in 2016, full title "The Unholy Feminine: Neo Feminism and the Satanic Epi-eugenics Agenda"

Click here for part one on the Odyssey platform: "The Unholy Feminine"

Click here for part two on the Youtube platform: "The Unholy Feminine Part 2"

Part Five leave off-point

Motivation: Security

The Inauthentic Woman is largely motivated by the psychological desire for attachment and security. To them, "love" is seen primarily as a form of permanence and attachment, rather than a deep familial bond with another human being. Money and government are often perceived by them as assurance of comfort, prosperity, and long-term security. The primary desire for financial security as a resource for safety can be most readily seen in our culture in the most frequently-asked question by a woman to a man when first meeting, which is: "What do you do for a living?" Ultimately, the desire for security is the desire for an ILLUSION, since there is no such thing as true security as long as you live in physical reality

Part Six picks-up

Motivation: Security (Continued)

The search for security in a man with money, or the desire to be simply "taken care of" by someone else in an integral part of the ego-gratification. Me-Me-Me, Satanic  mindset. Very few want to see and admit the truth regarding this. Most will attribute this to Darwinian-theory biological response, when in fact this behavior is deeply ingrained in social conditioning. Sadly, most people desire a state of safe and secure slavery, as opposed to one of dangerous freedom and its associated personal responsibility. Most men are also in this manipulated mindset. The realization that death lurks around every corner is the state of Reality that the Authentic Man and authentic Woman live in at all times.

Life of modern people = chasing money.

Equating Money with Value

The inauthentic Woman is social engineered to perceive money as the primary value system in human life. This general mindset postulates that something is only worth doing if money is being made by doing it. In reality, nothing could be further from the Truth. This is one of the primary reasons that Art, Music, Poetry, and especially Philosophy are so drastically de-emphasized in modern society, and even frowned upon as something you choose to do only "if you want to starve". 


When the inauthentic Woman meets a man for the first time, the first and foremost question that she asks is: "What do you do for a living?" Why is not: "Do you know the difference between right and wrong behavior?" 

Hypergamy, or "marrying upward" is a learned behavior that is entirely about the search for security in a man with a high monetary income.

Rampant Consumerism

Women largely drive the world's corporate economy, being responsible for over 85% of total purchases of all goods and services according to corporate and consumer advocacy studies. Time is not only well past the natural expected median, but it is ridiculously skewed, and it shows just how much corporate advertising is completely geared toward the manipulation of women, their purchasing power, and their power to influence societal trends.

Equality vs. Sameness

The Neo-Feminist Agenda continually reinforces the notion that women are the same as men, not just having equal rights as men, but the same in characteristics and abilities as well. This was one of the main techniques used to influence women to join the corporate workforce, which removed them from their traditional roles as nurturers of the young. Children were then largely turned over to the State-run indoctrination system in public schooling in order to shape their beliefs and destroy their health and morals. Abandonment issues are also created in children through parents being absent from them during the 15,000 hours of compulsory schooling they endure.

Unholy Matrimony

The Conditioned Woman is being engineered to love the State-for the small perks they are given by it. On a subconscious level, they have bought into the State as the protective father figure (an expression of parental abandonment issues). Emotional, spiritual and sexual connections between men and women are being eroded and eventually eradicated by the State. The State continually positions itself to be psychologically accepted as the "provider", "protector", and "husband". The vast majority of women in our society will not speak out against the state for those reasons.

Just in case the video clip below gets removed or taken-down, click here --> "www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast?start=275" and scroll down to the corresponding episode

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #284 (warning! be prepared for expllcit/vulgar language and righteous anger by the presenter)-