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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #129

YourTurtleTourGuideMar 3, 2021, 12:07:54 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #129

Entheogens, Psychedelics, True Sacraments, Real Medicine

“Entheogen” = “En” is “within”; “Theo” is “divine”; “Genere” is “create”

“Entheogen” = The divine created within

“Psychedelics” = “psyche” is “mind”; “Deloun” = “to make clear”

“Psychedelics” = to make the mind clear

“Sacrament” = “Sacrum” is “holy”, “sacred”; “Mente” is “mind”

“Sacrament” = the sacred mind

“Medicine” = “Medi” is “center” or “middle” or “point of balance”; “Cinus” = “Ruin”, “Destruction” 

“Medicine” = Destroy the point of balance

Reading Material

  1. "The Archaic Rival" (37-pg PDF)
  2. "Ayahuasca Visions" (132-pg PDF)
  3. "Food of the Gods" (139-pg PDF)
  4. "Gnostic Garden" (32-pg PDF)
  5. "Hallucinogenic Plants" (18-pg PDF)
  6. "Invisible Landscape" (152-pg PDF)
  7. "Shamanism Encyclopedia" (1,091-pg PDF)
  8. "LSD Psychotherapy" (165-pg PDF)
  9. "Magic Mushrooms Around the World" (134-pg PDF)
  10. "True Hallucinations" (176-pg PDF)

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #129 -