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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #112

YourTurtleTourGuideFeb 7, 2021, 1:23:35 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #112

Non-support of Dominators, part X

Hard Mentality and Group-think - Techniques of Cults

“Techniques of Cults” or “How to brainwash willing followers who want to give away personal responsibility for their own actions”

  1. Isolation
  2. Conformity
  3. Indoctrination through Repetition
  4. Trauma

“Cult Technique #1” - “Isolation”

Physical Separation from the rest of the community

Creation of an “Us” vs. “Them” mentality

Demonization of outsiders, those who don’t belong

“Cult Technique #2” - “Conformity”

No individuality tolerated; one’s old identity must be completely shed

Uniforms to create sameness in appearance

Sameness in speech and behavior

“Cult Technique #3” - “Indoctrination” (through Repetition)

Rigorous schedules and instruction

Repetitive Behaviors (obstacle courses, drills, formations, marching in-step)

Repeated phrases, chants, or songs

“Cult Technique #4a” - “Physical Trauma”

High levels of activity to the point of exhaustion

Low sleep time and disrupted sleep

High-carbohydrate and low-nutrient diet

“Cult Technique #4b” - “Mental and Emotional Trauma”

Verbal and psychological abuse

Unexpected, sudden, and shocking scenarios

Perpetual atmosphere of fear

“Intellect” = “Masculine Component” (Blade)

“Intuition” = “Feminine Component” (Chalice)

“Indoctrination” = Three methods of speaking into

“Education” (Educo) = “to lead out of”

“Idiot” = the one who knows not the Self

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #112 -