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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #071

YourTurtleTourGuideDec 28, 2020, 7:19:05 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #071

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #14 - Chaos Sorcery

Reading Material

Document #1 - The Satanic Bible (146 pages)

Document #2 - The Nine Satanic Statements (1 page)

Document #3 - The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth (2 pages)

Document #4 - The Nine Satanic Sins (2 pages)

Document #5 - The Satanic Rituals (97 pages)

Document #6 - The Satanic Witch (88 pages)

Document #7 - The Devil’s Notebook (53 pages)

Document #8 - The Church of Satan (1,004 pages)

Document #9 - The Secret Life of a Satanist (86 pages)

Document #10 - The Satanic Scriptures (192 pages)

Document #11 - Church of Satan Basic Information (1 page)

Document #12 - The Church of Satan Informational Pack (54 pages)

Document #13 - Church of Satan Application (2 pages)

Document #14 - Grotto Master’s Handbook (78 pages)

Document #15 - What is a Satanic Ritual (5 pages)

Document #16 - Temple of Set (165 pages)

Document #17 - Temple of Set Application (2 pages)

Document #18 - Temple of Set Information Letter (12 pages)

Document #19 - Diabolicon (19 pages)

Document #20 - Ruby Tablet of Set (1,381 pages)

Document #21 - The Sapphire Tablet of Set (27 pages)

Document #22 - Onyx Tablet of Set (206 pages)

Document #23 - Confessions of a Satanist (16 pages)

The Religion of the Dark New World Order

“Religion” = religare (means to tie back or to bind or to hold back)

“Religion” could mean to retie or reconnect (a “true” religion would reconnect people to the light, to the Self, to higher consciousness) 

“Philosophy” = “Philo” means love, “Sophus” means wisdom

“Wisdom” = acting on the knowledge you have, the “knowledge” must be the “truth”

The “Religion” of the Dark New World Order is called “Satanism” or “Setianism” (referring to “set” the dark aspect of “Horus” the Egyptian Sun God)

“Satanism” = referring to “Satan” who Christians connect to “Evil”

“Luciferians” = the true religion of the Dark New World Order

There are “Light” Luciferians and there are “Dark” Luciferian

“Satan” = opposition

“Lucifer” = “light bringer” (Lux = light; fiat = carry); “light” represents knowledge

“They” have the light and everyone else is “ignorant”, therefore “they” have the divine right to direct the entire species (including reducing the population); Eugenics is one of their main goals. (a smaller population is easier to control)

The ideology of “Satanism”

First - the concept of “Ego Identification” (one of the Barriers of Self Realization) - believing you are your body and your thoughts, “identification” with the five senses, the only way reality can be perceived.

We exist within an infinite number of frequencies and densities; in “Satanism” only what we pick up with our Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch is “Reality” and nothing else exists

Second - death is the succession of consciousness for eternity (you exist and then you’re done)

This is the “Religion” of “slavery”

A “Left Brain” dominated religion (no balance to the “Right” or sacred feminine part of the brain)

The “Left hand path” is the alternative name for “Satanism” (it combines both “Satanism” and “Dark Luciferianism”)

Man is just another Animal

There are too many ways to count as to how “man” is different from other “animals” (that doesn’t give us the right to rule over other animals)

You can disprove this by the structure of the brain

The Main Tennant - Moral Relativism (there is no such thing as objective “right” or “wrong”)

“Satanism” is the “cremation care”, the destruction of the “heart” 

“Rights” are actions that does not harm another; if there are no “right” or “wrong”, then there is no “rights”

“Social Darwinism” - Man lives as another animal and needs to become the most ruthless to come out on top. (Survival of the fittest) 

This leads to man thinking he’s “God” on Earth, deciding who lives and who dies

Satanism is a Religion of Hierarchy, man can become “authority” and rule other

“Dark Luciferians” control the “Satanists” 

“Dark Luciferians” have a deep understanding of the spiritual world and of the Natural Law principles; they know your primal fears and know how to control you

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening, podcast #071"