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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #069

YourTurtleTourGuideDec 19, 2020, 12:41:34 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #069

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #14 - Chaos Sorcery, part 4

The 9-11 event was conducted by dark occultists to create fear in the mass public and change the world to the way they see fit.

World Trade Center and Pentagon

The Twin Towers and the Salomon Brothers building resembles the Sefirotic Tree of Life; the Pentagon represents the “Daath” Sefirot

The Twin Tower (North Tower) with the antenna (male energy) = 1

The other Twin Tower (South Tower) = 2

Salomon Brothers Building = 7

1+2+7 = 10 (“1” (an archetype) symbolizes a male phallic; the “0” (an archetype) represents the egg ; the coming together of “male and female”, like the Sefirot Tree of Life represents w/ its 10 sefirot) 

The event is called “9-11”, meaning it’s not “10” - it’s “9” (one less than 10) and “11” (one more than 10)

The Zohar claims it is blasphemy to suggest the Sefirotic Tree of life has less or more than 10 Sefirot

The”9-11” event is a ritual, completing the destruction of this tradition, it’s blasphemy of the kabbalistic tradition, blocking the path to higher conscious

The Plane Numbers corresponding to their target

The North Tower was struck by “Flight 11” = 11

The South Tower was struck by “Flight 175” = 175

The Pentagon was struck by “Flight 77” = 77

The Salomon Brothers was suppose to be struck by “Flight 93” = 93

“11” = Signaling number often used to identify “occultists” to each other; represents the “great work” of synthesis between opposing forces; duality; chaos; “The Fall”; Us vs. Them

“175” (1+7+5 = 13) = reduces to “13”; equivalent to 418; Abrahadabra; Manifestation; which also reduces to “13”; generally representative of magick or ritual workings

This ritual to dark occultists is called “The Right to Manifestation” 

“77” = “77 out of 777” (7+7 = 14; 7+7+7 = 21); 14 out of 21; ⅔ = .666; Intellect combined with egoic will, but devoid of compassion; duality x 7; one short of 78 - number of tarot cards, book of truth; deceit, sorcery, and chaos prevail over truth, love, and Will.

“777” = thoughts, emotions, and actions ; “77” represents thoughts and actions, but no emotions; “77” = the Skull (thoughts) and the leg bones (actions) or “skull and bones”

“93” = “Θελημα” - Will (9+5+30+8+40+1 = 93); “αΥαπή” - Love (1+3+1+80+8 = 93); Ascension out of ego and duality to love, Will, and unity consciousness; reduced to 3 equivalent to 777

777 = unity consciousness (thoughts, emotions, and actions activated, unified, complete) = 3 (7+7+7 = 21; 2+1 = 3)

666 = beast consciousness  (thoughts, emotions, and actions inactive and incomplete) = 9 (6+6+6 = 18; 1+8 = 9)

Properties of 9 (Adding 9 to a number, you get that number back = adding ego changes nothing; Multiplying 9 to any number gets 9 back = when ego multiples more ego is made)

9/11 (9/1+1 = 9/2 or “92”) 

92 = failure to achieve “93”, failure to achieve “love”, “unity”, “higher consciousness”

93 = Love, Will, and ascension into higher consciousness

92 / 93 = (9 + 2) / (9 + 3) = 11 / 12 = (1+1)/(1+2) = ⅔ or .666 (eternal failure; “hell”)

“Flight 11” = 11 (1+1) = 2

“Flight 93” = 93 (9+3) = 12 (1+2) = 3

“Flight 175” = 175 (1+7+5) = 13 (1+3) = 4

“Flight 77” = 77 (7+7) = 14 (1+4) = 5


11+77+93+175 = 356 (3+5+6) = 14

9/11/2001 (9+1+1+2+0+0+1) = 14

On the Great Seal of the United States - the Obverse side w/ the Pyramid

Novus ordo seclorum” = New World Order

11 + 175 = 186

If you redistribute 186 over the North & South towers you get “93”

186/2 = 93 

11 = 93

175 = 93


Pentagon = 666

Salomon Brothers = 777

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening #069" -