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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #066

YourTurtleTourGuideDec 16, 2020, 8:58:40 AM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #066

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #14 - Chaos Sorcery, part 2

The Physics involving the 9/11 event (9-pg PDF)

“Why the World Trade Center could not, according to the Basic Laws of Dynamics, have fallen at the speeds at which they were observed to fall, unless forces other than weight and gravity were at work”

The North Tower = Building #1 (Struck by Flight 11)

Height: 1,368 ft, Floors: 110

Flight 11 strikes at about the 93rd floor

Loaded Mass: 992,080,179 lbs

Loaded Floor Mass:: 9,038,952 lbs

Floor Height = 12 feet

Height of 5 Impacted Floors = 62 feet

Height of Lowest Damaged Floor (Floor 93) = 1,158 feet

Number of Floors above Impact: 18 floors

18 floors raised up 62 ft (removing the 5 “damaged” floors from the direct impact from the plane)

93 Floors below = 1,158 ft

Dynamics Equation (v = velocity (speed); v0 = initial velocity of initial block; a = acceleration due to gravity; d = displacement): 

v2 = v02 + 2ad

v0 (the 18 floors above impact start at “rest”) = 0

a = 22 mph; 32 ft/s (or 9.81 m/s) (this is the acceleration of gravity at free fall speed)

d (raising the 18 floors above impact up) = 62 ft

v2 = 02 + 2 x (32 ft/s) x (62 ft)

v2 = 0 + 3,968 ft2/s  

v2 =  3,968 ft2/s

√(v2) = √(3,968 ft2/s)

v = 63 ft/s or 43 mph

F = ma (F = Force; m = mass; a = acceleration)

m = 9,038,952 lbs (or 4,100,000 kg)

a = 22 mph or 32 ft/s (9.81 m/s)

F1 = the Force of the upper floors (above direct impact)

F1 = (4,100,000 kg)(9.81 m/s)

F1 = 40,221,000 kg-m/s (multiply this by the number of floors = 18)

F1 = 723,978,000 N (“N” stands for Newtons)

F2 = the Force of the floors below, which had the strength to hold the floors above for all those years (this would be the Resistance Force)

F2 = (m + ms)g (ms = safety measures; g = acceleration of gravity)

m + ms = 992,080,179 lbs (4,500,000 kg)

F2 = 18 floors x 4,500,000 kg x 9.81 m/s

F2 = 794,610,000 N (“N” standing for Newtons)

F2 > F1

The Resistance Force is greater

To find the total acceleration

Σ (the Greek letter “sigma”) = to sum up

Σa =ΣF / Σm

a = acceleration

F = Force

m = mass

F1 =  723,978,000 N

F2 = -794,610,000 N (the Resistance Force is a negative number)

Floors = 18

m1 = 4,500,000 kg (or 992,080,179 lbs)

m2 = 4,100,000 kg (or 9,038,952 lbs)

Σa = (723,978,000 N - 794,610,000 N) / [18 x (4,500,000 kg + 4,100,000 kg)]

Σa = -0.456 m/s2

a = a0 + a 

a0 = the initial acceleration which is 0 (it starts from rest) 

a = 0 - 0.456 m/s2 (or -1 mph), this means acceleration should be slowing down

d = v0t + .5at2 (d = displacement; v0 = velocity; t = time; a = acceleration)

d = 1,159 ft (353.4 m) (this is from the ground to the point of impact by Flight 11)

v0 = 43 mph (19.3 m/s)

a = -0.456 m/s2 

d = v0t + .5at2  → 353.4 m = (19.3 m/s)t + .5(-0.456 m/s2)t2

Solve the equation: 353.4 = 19.3t - .228t2 → use algebra to move the “353.4” to the right of equal sign → 0 = -353.4 +19.3t - .228t2 

Additive Principles, rearrange the equation: 0 = -.228t2 + 19.3t - 353.4

Quadratic Equation: ax2 + bx + c = 0 (x is the variable and a, b, & c are coefficients)

To solve: x = [-b + √(b2 - 4ac)]/2a (x = t; a = -.228; b = 19.3; c = -353.4)

t = [-19.3 + √(19.32 - 4(-.228)(-353.4))]/[2(-.228)]

t = [-19.3 + 7.084]/[-.456]

t = -12.216/-.456 

t = 26.8 s 

The South Tower = Building #2 (struck by Flight 175)

Displacement = 1,361 ft (110 floors)

Flight 175 strikes the 77th floor

Loaded Mass: 992,080,179 lbs

Loaded Floor Mass:: 9,038,952 lbs

Floor Height = 12 ft

Height of impacted Floors = 62 ft (19 m)

Height of Lowest Floor damaged (Floor 77) = 960 ft

Number of Floors above impact = 34 floors

v2 = v02 + 2ad (v = velocity; v0 = initial velocity (starting from rest); a = acceleration of gravity; d = displacement of impacted floors)

v2 = 0 + 2(9.81 m/s2)(19 m)

v2 = 372.78 m2/s2

v = √(372.78 m2/s2)

v = 19.3 m/s (43 mph)

F = ma (F = Force; m = mass; a = acceleration)

F1 = mg (g = acceleration of gravity); (34 floors, m = 9,038,952 lbs (4,100,000 kg), g = 9.81 m/s2)

F1 = 34 x 4,100,000 kg x 9.81 m/s2 

F1 = 1,367,514,000 N

F2 = (m + ms)g (ms = safety measures); (34 floors, m = 992,080,179 lbs (4,500,000 kg); g = 9.81 m/s2)

F2 = 34 x 4,500,000 kg x 9.81 m/s2 

F2 = 1,500,930,000 N (F2 = Resistance Force, this is a greater number than F1)

To find the total acceleration

Σa =ΣF / Σm (a = acceleration; F = Force; m = mass)

Σa = (1,367,514,000 N - 1,500,930,000 N)/[34 x (4,500,000 kg + 4,100,000 kg)]

After completing the arithmetic, a = -0.456 m/s2, meaning the acceleration should be slowing down

d = v0t + .5at2 (d = displacement; v0 = velocity; t = time; a = acceleration)

d = 960 ft or 292.6 m (this is the displacement from the ground to the impact of Flight 175)

v0 = 19.3 m/s (43 mph)

a = -0.456 m/s2 

292.6 = 19.3t + .5(-0.456)t2 ; 292.6 = 19.3t - 0.228t2

Use algebra to move the “292.6” to the right side of the equal sign and additive properties to write the equation as 0 = -0.228t2 + 19.3t - 292.6

Solve for t by solving the Quadratic Equation 

To solve: x = [-b + √(b2 - 4ac)]/2a (x = t; a = -.228; b = 19.3; c = -292.6)

t = 19.78 s

Not even close to the fairy tale of the “official” story. The towers came down at Freefall speed

The Force that took down the powers that came from below, not above.

The object of this event was to traumatize the nation to the point, that the frightened population would accept the encroachment on their Natural Law Rights

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents, "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #066 -