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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #062

YourTurtleTourGuideDec 12, 2020, 2:07:09 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #062

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #13 - Subversive Symbolism, part 15

The Great Seal of the United States (Obverse side) - The World in Transition, which New World Order will be created

The Great Seal of the United States (Obverse side?) w/ Pyramid Completed - “The Dark World Order” represents a “Male-Dominator World without Light; Dark Occultists rule an ignorant, enslaved population with an iron fist”

The Great Seal of the United States (Obverse side?) w/ Pyramid Removed - “The Light World Order” represents “Universal Enlightenment through Wisdom and personal responsibility; Truth, Love, and Freedom prevail”

At the Base of the Pyramid on the Great Seal - “MDCCLXXVI” = 1776 in Roman Numerals

The top of the Pyramid has numerology of 777 or 3 (7+7+7 = 21; 2+1 = 3)

Bottom of the Pyramid has numerology of 666 or 9 (6+6+6 = 18; 1+8 = 9)

Gematria (Occult Numerology) = Geometry and Mathematics

“777” = Man in Unity Consciousness (thoughts, emotions, actions activated; Unified and complete) = the Reduction is “3”

“666” = “Man in Base/Beast Consciousness (thoughts, emotions, actions inactive and incomplete) = the Reduction is “9”

“93” symbolizes coming out of base consciousness (9) and into higher states of Consciousness (3); from “666” to “777”, from the “Square” to the “Compass” (through the “G”, the “Generative Principle” which is “Care”) - the awakening of the “All-Seeing Eye” (the Pineal Gland)

The 13 Levels of Brick making up the Pyramid that lead to the All-Seeing Eye of Enlightenment represent the 13 levels of Illuminated Degrees of Freemasonry 

Combining the 13 Illuminated Degrees with the Degrees of the Blue & Red Lodges there’s a total of 45 Degree - these are personal degrees, the 45th degree is the highest degree, the degree of Perfection? 

The “Illuminated Degrees” are either the White Lodge (Light Freemasonry) or the Black Lodge (Dark Masonry)

Blue Lodge = 3 Degrees (1st degree to 3rd degree)

Red Lodge = 29 Degrees  (4th degree to 32nd degree), the Freezing point of Water

White or Black Lodge = 13 degrees (The Illuminated Degree); 33rd Degree is an honorary degree in Scottish Rite; 33rd Degree to 45th Degree

The Lodge of Perfection, the Degrees of Illumination, now you are standing on the brick level below the Light. Being the Light would make us God, which we are not, so we stand under God (the Light). Understanding yourself as Sovereignty, there is nothing between us and God (the Light).

“The Stone the Builders Rejected” - Light Masons rejects the Dark Stone; Dark Masons reject the Light Stone

Light Freemasons build a World in Freedom (Light, Enlightenment, Freedom, Love) - he wants to remove the stone of ignorance - Light Masons reject the Chief Cornerstone, that would block out the Light (all-seeing eye a.k.a. The Pineal Gland)

Dark Masons - reject the Light Cap Stone (the All Seeing Eye, the Light of the Creator), so they can complete their Dark New World Order

The Obverse of the Great Seal represents all of us, which Creator (God) do you serve?

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening #062" -