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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #053

YourTurtleTourGuideDec 3, 2020, 2:34:47 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #053

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #13 - Subversive Symbolism, part 8

Light and Dark Freemasonry

Freemasonry” = tradition that teaches Natural Law and Morals through Symbols, Allegories, and Rituals

Allegory” is a fictional story with a Moral or Political Message

This is the Esoteric underlying teachings (that doesn’t mean this is what is being taught in received in the current Masonic Lodge; it’s been perverted)

Freemasonry” is designed to build a better brain and a better heart, it’s a craft. 

The Compass and Square

The Square on its point = base Consciousness (R-Complex), the lower aspect of self

The lower aspects self need to be ruled by the higher Self (obtain Self Mastery)

A being that lives in unity Consciousness (so you think, so you feel, so you act)

The number “three” (three aspects of consciousness - thought, emotions, actions)

The Square needs to be made in Harmony with Natural Law

The Compass draws the Circle perfect Shape (Square the imperfect shape), symbolizing the Divine Self (we need to Circle Square)

The “G” means many things, one of them is “Geometry”, so a Square and Compass are Geometry tools.

The Compass is on top of the Square,, the Circle needs to be put over the base instincts

To get there is through the middle, the “G”

The “G” also represents the Light (the Sun, the Solar Mind, the higher awareness of Self)

The “G” = the emotion aspect of Consciousness (the Limbic Brain)

“G” = Gnosis (Knowledge)

“G” = Great Architect of the Universe (the Creator)

“G” = Goodness

“G” = Gaia (Spirit of the Earth plane)

“G” = Green (the Balance Color)

“G” = The Gift of Life

“G” = The Gate to higher consciousness

“G” = Generative Principle

“Generative Principle” = causality, the causal relationships, the causal factors

The number “8” is an infinity symbol, it’s internal and it’s forever

“Generative Principle” = Care (Freemasons try to teach; Dark Masons try to keep for themselves)

“G” = Genesis (the Creative Principle)

“G” = The Generator

“Mason” = Builder (a builder of your experience)

The True Mason = Shedding Light on Knowledge 

To all free and accepted” = operative masonry

“Free” Mason = an Esoteric Mason, has the keys of the craft, and they are “Free”

“Accepted” Mason = speculative Mason, exoteric masons

Freemasonry stems from the Builder’s Guilds

The Lodge System come down from the ancient Builder Guilds

The Ritual and Symbols the Lodge System Uses come from the Builder Guilds, skillful stone workers that held the secrets of these ancient architectural techniques 

The Masons skills were in such demand that they became wealthy and gained knowledge of other cultures, they were granted privileges from the Psychopathic Rulers, that normal citizens would not have.

“Free” Mason = operative mason, with esoteric knowledge has the “keys” of the craft, esoteric tradition.

“Operative” means put it into the world through your behavior (actions)

 Freemasonry goes back to Ancient Egypt and even before that

The First Degree Tracing Board (Entered Apprentice)

The Two Pillars (the Third Pillar is a guy riding a goat)

The Terrestrial Pillar (The Earth above) = Solar Cult

The Celestial Pillar (The Moon above) = Lunar Cult

The Pyramids parallel the three pillars?

Above Gentleman on Goat is the All Seeing Eye = Stellar Cult

The Gentleman on a Goat and blindfolded is Hiram Abiff (one of the three builders of the Temple of Solomon) 

“Hiram Abiff” = High Ram Above (Aries the Ram; a male Sheep; the beginning of the Zodiac)

The Checkerboard = base consciousness (R-Complex)

The  Compass, Square, and G = Limbic Brain (Emotional consciousness)

Then above is the higher Self, the Neocortex

Hiram King of Tyre; Hiram Abiff, and the Phoenicians?

“Solomon” = Sol (Sun) and Mon (Moon); the building of the Brain and the building of the Heart

The Goat represents the Base Consciousness and Hiram Abiff is controlling it

“Hiram Abiff” symbolizes Truth, Self, Natural Law, Goodness and Purity

The Blindfold means his sight is not of this world, it is within (Spiritual Awakening) Blindfold Ritual

Aries = is the beginning of Spring the return of the Sun to the Northern Hemisphere

The Ram symbolizes Power, Force, Drive, Energy, Virility, Vitality, and Fearlessness 

Ram Gods = Celtic God Cernunnos, Ancient Egypt God Amon-Ra, Scandinavian God Thor, Zeus, Apollo,  Indian God Agni, Hermes, Phoenician God Baal

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast #053 (1-1/2 hours) -