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My notes from the WOEIH podcast #040

YourTurtleTourGuideNov 20, 2020, 6:37:12 AM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #040

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #12 - Religion, part 4

Religion” from “Religare” to tie back, to hold back, to bind fast, “Binding”

Exoteric” to be understood by the General Public. From Greek “Exoterikos” meaning “outer” or “outside”. Related to the “outside world”, External

Esoteric” Understood by a small number of people with specialized knowledge. From Greek “Esoterikos” meaning “within” or “into”

The Chakra System and the Planets

Chakra System Illustration with their Planet Correspondents - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/040/08.jpg

“Saturn” = “Red” = “Root Chakra” (Muladhara) - the shape is a Square (Base Consciousness)

“Jupiter” = “Orange” = “Sacral Chakra” (Swadhisthana) - the shape is the Crescent Moon (Desire/Sexual Energy; Desire to aspire higher knowledge)

“Mars” (the God of War) = “Yellow” = “Sun Chakra” (Solar Plexus) (Manipura) - the shape Blade   (Will Power / Courage)

“Earth/Moon” = “Green” = “Heart Chakra” (Anahata) Shape is the Star of David or Seal of Solomon (Generator Energy; Balance)

“Venus” = “Blue” = “Throat Chakra” (Vishuddha) Shape is the Chalice (Voice Energy) 

“Mercury” = “Indigo” = “Third Eye Chakra” (Ajna)

“Sun” = “Violet” = “Crown Chakra” (Sahasrara) 

Illustration of the Chakra System with their archetype shapes https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/040/09.jpg

The Three Cults and their Respective Religions

“Solar Cult” =”Sun” = “Christianity”

“Lunar Cult” = “Moon” = “Islam”

“Stellar Cult” = “Stars & Planets” = “Judaism”

Illustration https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/040/11.jpg

The Three Modes of Thought

  1. Concentration (Right Brain who don’t want to delve into the Left “Male” Brain); “Con” = together; “Centra” = Center; “Ation” = at-Eye-on ; Come together at the Center to bring the eye on
  2. “Meditation” = “Medi”, like “Medium” like “Middle”, “Ation”, at Eye-on)
  3. Contemplation = “Con” Together, “Temple” in the temple of the head = Contemple a Eye on ; Bringing the Temples together (Left and Right Neocortexes); the Bridge that does this is the “Corpus Callosum” a form of daydreaming.

Islam” = the Lunar Cult

The Goddess Principle or the Moon (the main Symbol is the Crescent Moon) 

The Sacred Goddess of the Ancient World, was patterned after the Galaxy 

ISIS = the moon Goddess, other names “Nuit”,, this is the Goddess given to Islam

“Islam” = begins with “Is” like “Isis”, and it means Submission (a Right Brain characteristic) - Submission to God (Yin Energy, Passive Energy, the Dark Energy)

Islam” = traditions pattern themselves after the Goddess and the Galaxy, the Crescent Moon, Semiramis was depicted as a Dove or an Owl, usually a Dove making it’s trek across the sky. 

The journey to Mecca, wear a white robe and there’s a large Black Box (Kaaba at Mecca) and make revolutions around this black cube. 

The Circumambulating Ritual: 

Inside the Kaaba 

“The Sons of Mat” = Masons (Stars of the Stellar Traditions)

The “Stellar Cult” = Judaism , given to the stars and planets or “pinpoints” of lights

The God in Judaism is “Elohim” a plural word, and a Feminine God - the Astrological Gods. 

Judaism chooses one God out of many

Saturnian Religion, the symbol of Judaism is a Star.  

“Saturn” = “El”; “Elite”, “Elder”, a derivator of “Light”, the word “Illuminated” 

The Seal of Solomon = the Sun and the Moon 

“The Symbolic Temple of Solomon” = a balanced Human Brain, activating the “Third Eye Chakra” (Pineal Gland), the Temple of Solomon is not a physical structure, it is from within

Illustration https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/040/13.jpg

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening" podcast#040 (2-hours)