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My notes from the WOEIH Podcast #038

YourTurtleTourGuideNov 18, 2020, 1:04:14 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening Podcast #038

Mind Control Methodologies, Technique #12 - Religion, part 2

Religion” = “Religare” to tie back; hold back; bind fast

Exoteric” = intended for or likely to be understood by the General Public; current or popular among the General Public; Relating to the outside world; “External” comes from Greek “Exoterikos”  - Outer, Outside

Esoteric” = Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest. From Greek “Esoterikos” - within or into

Illustration: https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/04.jpg

Consciousness” = “Thoughts (The “Father”, the Creative Principle); “Emotions” (the “Yin”, the “Mother”, “Feminine Principle”); “Actions” (the “Yang”, the “Child”, “Masculine Principle”)

Winter Solstice” - Sun 23.5° South

Spring Equinox” - Sun at Equator

Summer Solstice” - Sun 23.5° North

Autumn Equinox” - Sun at Equator

Precession Circle” = 23.5° Radius

Winter” = Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Spring” = Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Summer” = Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Autumn” = Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Document #1 - “The Christ Conspiracy” (325-pg PDF)

Document #2 - “The Jesus Mysteries” (255-pg PDF)

Document #3 - “Ancient Egypt; the Light of the World” (11-pg PDF)

Document #4 - “Parallels between Horus and Jesus” (6-pg PDF)

Document #5 - "Sun Gods" (106-pg PDF)

Document #6 - “Zeitgeist Companion Guide” (50-pg PDF) 

Videos: Zeitgeist (2-hours) 

Modern Religion” = Astrotheology, worshipping the heavenly bodies as “Gods”

Religion” to cause “Right Brain” imbalanced

Religion” (positive aspect) = Reconnect (Reconnect us with the Truth); Reunite us with the Divine; Reunite us with Natural Law

Astrotheology” = The Solar Cult, The Lunar Cult, The Stellar Cult (Stars/Planets)

Christianity” = the Triune God, an esoteric concept for our consciousness (thoughts, emotions, actions)

The Controllers want you to think the Gods are Exoteric, are from with outside

Jesus says “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”

Babylon - Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz

Egyptian - Osiris, Isis, and Horus

Hindu - Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu

Christian - Joseph, Mary, Jesus (Creator, Mary, and Jesus)

A Father, a Mother, and a Son

“The Father”, “Son”, and “Holy Ghost” removes the sacred feminine and replaces it with a spirit, the significance is to create a male dominated patriarchal religion

The Solar Cult = Sun Worship

Egyptian Mythos - a family of three gods that acted as one unit.

Osiris = the Creator, the giver of life 

Isis = the wife, the Goddess, she represents the Natural World (the Sky, the Galaxy, the Birth Giver) 

Horus = the Child (Horus = Hours), the “Golden Falcon”, the Sun (the bright ball of light in our sky); Horus Zone = Horizon

Horus rises in his Zone in the East and travels in an arc to his “Zenith Point” and then in the West sets and encounters “Seth” the dark god, the brother of Horus at the opposite Horizon. 

Horus and Seth do battle where Horus is slain. 

In Egypt, the three phases of the Sun - the Rising Aspect (represented by Horus), the Zenith Aspect (represented by Amon-Ra, “Amen” is derived), and Seth (Set); (the “Evil” Brother or Alter-Ego of Horus) - they do battle in the underworld and Horus rises triumphant

Isis is the Night Sky, and she gives birth to and carries Horus

Osiris - depicted as a Pillar (Djed Pillar), the backbone that symbolized stability and harmony, dominion, sovereignty, oneness with the divine force, the flow of nature

To the Left and Right of Osiris is Isis and Horus, Isis represents Natural Law, Horus represents Right Action in harmony with Natural Law

Coming together they form an Arch, a very strong structure, the Pillar of Stability

Isis and Horus is the same as Mary with Jesus

Isis the Moon Goddess - the Sacred Feminine Symbol, the Yin Energy (Lunar Energy)

Mary wears a dark cloak with stars in it, she is the Mother of the Night Sky, the Queen of the Heavens, the Goddess that gives birth to the sons of the Heaven.

Illustration - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/13.jpg

If it’s Isis, she gives birth to Horus; if it’s Mary, she gives birth to Jesus

Isis/Mary give birth to and bare the Sun in the morning sky - the Sun is the “Savior”

The “Virgin Birth” (it’s not about actual conception - Mary conceiving without knowing Man) - The Human Brain (R-Complex, Limbic Brain, Neocortex) - R-Complex = the Old Testament; Limbic Brain & R-Complex produce the Divine Child, the Neocortex (the Newest Part of the Brain, the New Testament. “The Virgin Birth” = harmony between the R-Complex & Limbic Brain give birth to a Child); in Freemasonry, birth of the Widow’s Son; the birth of higher orders of consciousness. Hiram Abiff, the widow’s son, has been raised out of his tomb (the way Jesus was raised out of the tomb). 

Do you look at the Eastern Horizon? The Light?

Do you look at the Western Horizon? The Dark?

Dark Occultists worship Set (the Temple of Set) - Research Michael Aquino (in charge of the Psychological Division of the US Army) a Setarian (alternative word for a Satanist)  

Astronomical and Astrological Principles

The Earth’s path around the Sun (Christianity = Solar Cult; worship of the Sun) - Four Seasons, a circular pattern. 

The tilt of the axis creates the season. Tilted at a 23.5° angle with its respect to plane of orbit with respect to the Sun.

When the Northern axis is pointed to the Sun, this is the Summer Season (most of Humanity lives in the Northern hemisphere)

The Autumn Equinox - strikes the Earth at a 0° angle

The Winter Solstice, the Sun strikes the Earth at a 23.5° angle in the Southern Hemisphere

The Spring Equinox - striking the Earth again at a 0° angle

Illustration - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/14.jpg

Together the Equinoxes and the Solstices create a Cross

The Earth’s tilt slowly wobbles and turns in a counter-clockwise in respect to the twelve signs of the zodiac (the Great Year = 25,000 years)

Illustration - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/15.jpg

The Zodiac = the sky Animals

12 Constellations - 12 groupings of stars that we give symbolic names and images that tell a story about what is going on in the heavens

Illustration - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/16.jpg

Christianity = Stories of stars in the Heavens in which the Sun passes through

They are called “Houses” because the God inhabits this background of stars 

Aries = is the beginning of the Zodiac year , the Spring Equinox begins in the house of Aries (Aries is a Ram or a young Lamb)

Taurus = the midpoint of the Spring Season (the first occult “Sabbath”, the celebratory day for that season and they perform occult rituals on these days) (Taurus is a Charging Bull - the Sun is gaining its strength; the Golden Calf) 

The Spring Sabbath is on May 1st and is called “St. Walspurgisnaut” - this is Pagan Tradition

Gemini = the Twins, the sun approaches summer (the mid-point between Gemini and Cancer, the Sun reaches its highpoint of the Summer) 

Cancer = The Crab

Leo = The Lion (the Sun is the roaring Lion, the King) the midpoint of Leo is August 1st and that is Lammas - the Sabbath of the Summer Season

Virgo = the Virgin, the last house of the Summer, over 10,000 years ago this was the “Spring Equinox”, symbolically depicting the Sphinx (the Head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion symbolizing  the Fall Equinox) - the Sun begins descending in its power, moving into the Southern Hemisphere

In Virgo is above the “Crux” or the “Southern Cross”

Illustration - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/17.jpg

Libra = Scales (this is the time of season the Sun is symbolically “on the Cross” and began to die)

Scorpio is the middle of Fall = October 31st (Fall Sabbath) “Halloween”  - the Sun is stung by the venom of the Scorpion (Kiss of Death) and the Sun is in rapid decline

Sagittarius = the end of Fall and at the End it dies on the “Crux”, the Southern Cross (the Lowest point of the Sun)

Illustration, God's "Son" dead on the Cross - https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/038/18.jpg

The Sun stops moving when it reaches its lowest point

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents "What on Earth is Happening #038" (2-hours)