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My notes from the WOEIH Podcast #031

YourTurtleTourGuideNov 4, 2020, 2:03:44 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening Podcast #031

Website: "www.whatonearthishappening.com"

Mind Control Methodologies #9 Food and Medicine (Part 2)

The Problems with our Food that we buy and eat

Chemical Pesticides and Fertilizers

Preservatives (giving food longer shelf lives)

Processing (packaging food for convenience and robbing nutrients)

Chemical dyes and bleaches to look more attractive

Refined White Sugar, Flour, High Fructose Corn Syrup

Excitotoxins and Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda or Sucralose)

Saccharin or Aspartame (a neurotoxin nerve agent - a military application)

Alternatives to artificial sweeteners (agava, raw honey, stevia - excitatory-neurotransmitters) 

The Future of Food (51-min) 

Who funds these? SAFE (acronym?) 

Transfats - grove the arteries around the heart, creating heart disease (homogenized vegetable oils, chlorine (all municipal water supplies - tap water, bathing water, washing hands it gets in the pours) causing heart blockage

Fluoride in the Water Supply - Aluminum manufacturer, it’s used in Rat Poison, Prisoner of War drinking water (Calcifies the pineal gland and destroys Thy Will- imbalance in the Neocortex) - Social Engineers know this, they assist with these chemicals entering the human body (and it doesn’t help your teeth)

The Fluoride Deception (28-min) 


They need to control your mind so they need to destable it, so changing your food and what you put into your body, strengthens the bread and creates critical thinking

Homogenized Dairy (creates problems with the artery walls) - stay away from this and 90% of heart disease would go away (Doctors won’t tell you this, they aren’t trained in nutrition)

You are what you eat

They can’t control the Spirit, but they need to control the mind, to control your body ; the mind is the buffer between the body and the Spirit ; use mind control to attack your body to destroy spirit - Food is the most powerful weapon of the manipulators

Social Engineers are psychopathic occultists understand perfectly how this works. 

Utilizing the most ancient forms of psychology and knowledge, and have been passed down from generations.

Condemnation without investigation is the epitome of human ignorance” - Albert Einstein

People are being poisoned by design

The three things that create, Arterial Grooving - Transfats (Stay away from margarine and it creates heart disease), Chlorine, and Homogenized Dairy (eat raw milk and dairy)

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) makes food taste better and people get addicted

Genetically modified foods = GMO

Monsanto (the World According  to Monsanto, GMO) - cornering farmers into using a particular seed; leave natures plan alone

The World According to Monsanto (1 hr 45 min) 

Tinkering with the genetic codes of nature

Smart Farming Practices could feed the world 20-times over

Antibiotics in Milk and Animals

Growth hormones in Animals

Earthlings (The mistreatment of Animals) (1 hr 35 min) 


The Police diet = powder donut & 2 Liter Soda 

Deceptive Labeling - “Whole Grain Bread”, “made with …look at the ingredients label” (look for organic)

Picking Fruit too soon and it quickly ripens, so it gets out faster

This is not about fear, this is about empowerment through Knowledge (Knowledge = Love, the seemingly polarity of fear)

To know and not to do, is not to know” - Wang Yang Ming

We open up ourselves to knowledge through the feminine principle (opening our minds), the male principle is proper moral action once we have the knowledge

Codex (Code in Latin) Alimentarius (Food in Latin) = Codex-Alimentarius means Food Code

Codex-Alimentarius” = legislation making its way through European Union (2010) and it is to outlaw nutritious foods and label them as “drugs”, and they will be regulated and controlled by the Government of the E.U.

Codex-Alimentarius (10-min) 

Then it will make its way to the USA (Check out Ian Crane and Dr. Rima Laibow)    

You should not be told what you can or can’t put into your body, now if you get drunk and beat your wife - you should be charged for beating your wife; if you take a drug and then drive a car and kill someone, you should be charged with killing someone with a car. But, no one has the right to tell me or anyone else puts what to put into their body. 

Controllers make Laws and hide behind their laws

A Law going around NYC that says you can’t sell used Books (Book burning) and use legislation to accomplish this; Cops would go and enforce this kind of nonsense 

What gets people out of the cycle of thinking Government will protect them, they have to admit “I was wrong” 

Fonzie on Happy Days taught a lesson, when he could never say “I was wrong

Once you say the words “I was wrong”, you start with a blank slate

Legislation HR-875 - Forbid the growth of Organic Foods (a 117-pg PDF for HR-875)

Controllers think they can get away with anything and think they are God 

Supermarkets are there to make a profit, and they target mostly people with large families. 

They jack up the Organic Food, because that’s in high demand.

Irradiated Food (to kill microbes and bacteria, destroying the cellular structure the food) 

Food that is labeled “Organic” doesn’t mean it is organic

Communion is turned into a dead thing, is inert, and does not “Commune” with us; it is just a symbol now

In the past Communion changed Consciousness and showed you high awareness and high Consciousness, then bring you down and show you this is your work. 

Communion” = Com (together), Unio-Unera (to strengthen or to build); “Communion” = Strengthen Together

The Mushroom was used in Communion to bring people to a higher Consciousness together. Is a sacred Communion, if used in the proper context (wrong and you’ll get stung)

In case the video clip below gets taken down, click here --> "www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast?start=25" and scroll down to the corresponding episode

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio (2-hours) presents "What on Earth is Happening #031"