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My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #080

YourTurtleTourGuideJan 6, 2021, 1:57:13 PM

My notes from the What on Earth is Happening podcast #080

Force vs. Violence

“Force” - The “capacity” to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, active power

“Force” - Voluntary action based in morality and Natural Law

“Force” - Action which one “always” possesses the Right to take (including defending oneself against “violence”)

“Force” - Does “not” violate against others Natural Law “Rights”

“Violence” - The “immoral use” of physical power (force) to coerce, compel, or restrain

“Violence” - Initiation and use of coercive action which is “not” based in morality and Natural Law

“Violence” - Action which one “never” possesses the Right to take

“Violence” - “Always” involves the violation of another’s Natural Law Rights

“Living in Harmony with Natural Law leads to” - “Freedom”, “Peace”, “Prosperity”, “Survival”, “Evolutionary Progress”

“Living on Opposition to Natural Law leads to” - “Control”, “Enslavement”, “Poverty”, “War”, “Evolutionary Stagnation”, “Extinction”

“Nature to be commanded, must first be obeyed” - Francis Bacon

The Real Political Spectrum

"Mr. Natural Law" Mark Passio presents What on Earth is Happening podcast #080 -