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Change is Coming...You just have to Realize it...

YotivationnationAug 1, 2018, 12:36:44 PM

Change is Coming...You just have to Realize it...That Red Wave is going to knock it all Down and then we are going to build it all back up the Correct way...It is going to Change absolutely everything...I am looking forward to that time...We are in the midst of Shift as we speak...

Be Sure to Live in the Moment Baybee...So you can Witness what we are Living Through as we are Living through it...So many Folks have No idea...and they may just never even know...That is the Difference in Actual Reality and Fabricated Perceptions...

Consider everything has an Equal and Opposing...and My Friends...We have been living in a Lie...Brainwashed by Orchestration...Dumbed Down by Design...So we would not ever be Aware of the Enslavement and Entrapment that we have grown accustomed to...We are the Birds raised in the Cage who never dare to Fly...We are the Elephant tied to the tiny stake with a little rope...Never realizing our Own Power to Escape and Save Ourselves because of our own Belief about it...Never understanding that the only way the entrapment works is if we give our compliance...and we do nothing about it...Having never Challenged it...Having been Shackled since Birth...We just think this is the way it is...

...But Heck-to the-No...Rise Up and Take Action!

Now imagine actual Freedom...A Life where we are not being poisoned and caused to be sick for population control and money...willfully paying them to Make us sick and to Keep us Sick...and completely unaware as we do so...I do not mean to insult but this is the definition of a Fool...You know doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result...Not gonna happen this way...

A World where it is Finally Realized that We can Cure ourselves by Simply Not putting the Toxins in our bodies to begin with and Our Big Government and Big Business No Longer Striving to do so with Purpose...When there are No Toxins...There are No Problems....and we can all be our 100% Healthy and Whole Selves the way we were always intended to be...

A World where Monsanto and The Pharmaceutical Companies are Paying Us Back for all that they stole from each and every one of us...However that penance comes is just fine by me...so long as it does...I think they Could Easily Fund a Big Beautiful Border Wall for America...at the very very least...

A World where we are no longer being Spied upon without our permission...Instead we have Freedom and Anonymity to be where we want and be friends with whomever we like without Big Brother monitoring our every move...what we eat...and who we associate ourselves with...No longer the Product without Permission...

A World where we No longer have Corrupted Agencies covertly trying to create chaos and confusion...Division and Distraction...Instead there will be World Peace because We all want Sovereignty in Our Nations...and with the Double-Crossers being held accountable and taken out of the equation and trying to take over the World...the incidents will no longer be orchestrated planned and staged to push a covert agenda...

A World where we foster the Best in our Children and Encourage Creativity Imagination and Growth...Imagine how much Different this World will be when we no longer have to conform to a certain curriculum...but we are challenged to excel beyond average parameters...Where Thinking is Required rather than Compliance...

A World where we No Longer poison our brand new babies with horrible toxic vaccines that serve to restrict growth and create more patients...Imagine when we are no longer stifling the brains and the bodies of our beautiful babies...unfettered growth...WoW...It can happen when enough folks become Aware...

A World where Debt is a thing of the past...Debt obliges us and None is more Aware of this Than The Centralized Banking System...We are Gonna Flip this old outdated Debt Generator...It's gonna be such a Wonderful change...When trade has value again...

A World where we are able to Provide for ourselves...Including Energy...Water...Growing Foods without Poison Seeds or Poison Chemicals...Where we are not restricted but rewarded for our enterprise...

A World where we are all Happy and Getting along because our Hormones are no longer imbalanced from stress and toxic "foods" and toxic "medicines" that work against us as a matter of fact...When we remove these inhibitors we are left with 100% Healthy and Whole and In balance...People who's hormones are in balance don't lash out at others...they don't have mental issues and heartaches or regrets because our Health and our Wellness are at Optimum and Prime levels on Purpose instead...We Thrive instead!

A World where There is no need for any of those Pharmaceuticals or alcohol which cause side-effects...addictions...cancer...sickness...and disease...You just need to use your own brain to realize that...If you don't put it in...it has no Power over you...at all...

It's all coming...Change is Here...It took Generations and Generations to manipulate us to this point...But Today is a New Day...and Tomorrow is a New Tomorrow...We will no longer be restricted and corralled into a specific closed-minded way of thinking...We are going to begin using MORE of our Brains again...Not Less (The smarter the appliances get...the dumber the people get) Ya gotta use it if you don't wanna lose it...Ya gotta exercise your Brain Daily...Not auto-pilot...But Creating...Creative Thinking...We are meant to Create...

Creating = Thriving and Growth

Complying = Restriction and Contraction

As always it is our choice to make...May I suggest you remember the Bird that Never Flies...Or the Elephant held back by a tiny rope...Don't hold yourself back because of your Beliefs...Believe in Yourself...Exercise Your Power to remove the shackles and escape the bondage all on your own...You can Do it...