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Orangutan Offers Helping Hand To Man Wading In Snake-infested Waters

Truth TheoryOct 25, 2020, 10:13:18 AM

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory

In Borneo, Indonesia, where palm oil plantations have destroyed nearly 40% of the jungles, a wild orangutan was quick to offer aid to a man who was wading through snake-infested waters. The touching encounter was captured by amateur photographer Anil Prabhakar.

According to AZFamily, Prabhakar was on a safari with friends at a conservation forest run by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) when he witnessed the scene. The photo below shows one of the island’s critically endangered apes extending a hand to help a man out of unsafe water.

Prabhakar told CNN: “There was a report of snakes in that area so the warden came over and he’s clearing snakes.”

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