John Galt

I'm a Christian, Father, Photographer, Airline Pilot and Software Engineer. You might guess that John Galt is not my real name as this is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). My real name shall remain a mystery. I highly recommend all novels from Ayn Rand. They speak directly into todays times. And it's interesting how the language has evolved since the 1950's. But this does not automatically mean that I support of all of her ideas. Minds shall be a place of free expression. My posts are my opinions and my ideas, what I like and what I find interesting. Feel free to up- or down-vote. Remember that an upvote means "yes, I agree" and a downvote means "yiikes, I disagree" nothing more than that. Minds is *not* fb! Revolver-posters(*) and rage-downvoters will be blocked. If you block me on top of that, I will block you even faster, as I still see your post but have no way to interact with you. * revolver-poster: A person that creates a high amount of low quality posts on social media. The term is gleaned from the German "Revolver Journalist" which describes a Journalist that favors quantity over correctness or quality.
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I'm a Christian, Father, Photographer, Airline Pilot and Software Engineer. You might guess that John Galt is not my real name as this is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). My real name shall remain a mystery. I highly recommend all novels from Ayn Rand. They speak directly into todays times. And it's interesting how the language has evolved since the 1950's. But this does not automatically mean that I support of all of her ideas. Minds shall be a place of free expression. My posts are my opinions and my ideas, what I like and what I find interesting. Feel free to up- or down-vote. Remember that an upvote means "yes, I agree" and a downvote means "yiikes, I disagree" nothing more than that. Minds is *not* fb! Revolver-posters(*) and rage-downvoters will be blocked. If you block me on top of that, I will block you even faster, as I still see your post but have no way to interact with you. * revolver-poster: A person that creates a high amount of low quality posts on social media. The term is gleaned from the German "Revolver Journalist" which describes a Journalist that favors quantity over correctness or quality.