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Learn the Truth About EMFs/5G in This Interview with Arthur Firstenberg + BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

The Conscious ResistanceJul 25, 2021, 6:06:59 PM

Don't Miss This Informative Interview with Arthur Firstenberg!


We survived another week of propaganda, talk of "domestic extremism", and demonizing of those who support freedom and bodily autonomy! Despite the increasingly desperate efforts of the corporate media, Big Pharma, and government - people are waking up! 

This weekend there were hundreds of protests around the world, pushing back against the calls for mandatory vaxx, immunity passports, etc. This is a wonderful development, but it's not over yet. There is still much work to do. 

What type of "work" is there left? Well, for starters, we need to emphasize the "Exit and Build" strategy, focus our efforts on growing our own food, building local community via Freedom Cells, and, generally, decreasing our dependence on the systems/increasing our independence. 

I have written several books outlining the physical, emotional, political and spiritual steps that are necessary to thrive during these times. I am going to be doing more very soon to spread these ideas.

STAY TUNED THIS WEEK FOR A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT about how I am going to spread this message. HINT*

NEW Interview with Arthur Firstenberg - 
Earlier this week I had the honor of interviewing legendary researcher/scientist Arthur Firstenberg. Arthur is the author of The Invisible Rainbow, an epic book that focuses on the dangers of electricity, electromagnetic frequencies, and 5G. 

Although this is something I have done extensive research on, particularly with my documentary The 5G Trojan Horse, I believe Arthur has much more to add to the story. Check out the interview here!

DON'T FORGET: Season 1 of The Pyramid of Power is now available and can be found at The Pyramid of Power website

Help Us Finish The Pyramid of Power documentary series... If you can contribute to the effort to finish the series, please visit the link and watch my video explaining how you can help!

Until Next Time, Remember - 
You Are Powerful. You Are Beautiful. You Are Free.

- Derrick Broze

Founder, Editor 
The Conscious Resistance Network

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