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A speculative answer is this.

There is a multiverse the dimensional number I am guessing is somewhere between 10 to power 192 or more.

The number comes from the Drake equation, adding multiverses and asking the wrong question receiving an answer which did not make sense until I realized what had happened.

The person using the simulator either at CERN, D Wave or Google does not know the difference between exact and 100 percent replacement values in a Monte Carlo simulation question. The example you run a simulation with everything. Note the word everything or everyone, not just your universe or a grouping of universes similar to your universe. Some how Mine Craft and D wave computing or CERN interacts with another universe, how or why wrong question at present. The issue is the person realizes their mistake because they see something that should not be. Their response is to say put everything back at 100 percent. If you have ever run a Monte Carlo simulation you realize that out liners have to be placed and positioned exactly the way they were to be running to get them back exactly in their position. Meaning exact match and 100 percent of Monte Carlo simulation are two different things. D wave computer at max can process 10 to the power of 8 meaning whomever was the analyst person screwed up and did not put everyone back where they should be. This represents Mandela effect. Every single person realizing something different has had their mind transported to a different universe. Completely different. This also goes along with facts and history. Examples Skechers or Sketchers, who is the princess in Wreck it Ralph Penelope or Vanalope, When did Bob Crane die and how in his sleep 1977 shot to death 1977, beaten to death with a camera pod 1978 or strangled 1979. The timelines are so messed up several ideas are popping up that were not here before. Abe Lincoln in my universe was a senator not a representative. First representative that I recall being a president is Bush senior. Example Rainbow Universe, which says that there is a universe for each color and timeframe due to the wavelength change in the speed of light meaning there is time shifts. I have seen this on holidays and events, recent Republican convention was supposed to happen in my timeframe July 6 through the 10th. Here I believe it happened July 18th through 21st. The example I have seen on CNN BREXIST UK stay in the UK on Tuesday and UK exist the EU on a Thursday. I was kind of lost until I realized what I was seeing and started paying attention more to the color changes around me. Deity wise the only answer is technology versus nose magic or understanding whom is giving something for doing something. Write me [email protected] I would like to hear your answers. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=500%2C000&epa=FILTERS&filters=eyJycF9hdXRob3IiOiJ7XCJuYW1lXCI6XCJhdXRob3JfbWVcIixcImFyZ3NcIjpcIlwifSJ9