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when the photo shows a galaxy diameter of 80,000 light years and you wonder what happened to the rest of the galaxy.

The Size Of The Milky Way Galaxy, Shown To Scale | Popular ...

[Search domain www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-04/cool-galaxy-size-comparison-chart/] https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-04/cool-galaxy-size-comparison-chart/

The Size Of The Milky Way Galaxy, Shown To Scale. It's puny compared to M87, an elliptical galaxy 980,000 light years in diameter. The Milky Way is only 100,000 light years in diameter. Let's not even get into Hercules A, which is 1.5 million light years across. Astronomer and artist Rhys Taylor has made such comparisons easier...

Picture above shows largest circle at 40,000 light years.. making diameter 80,000 light years.. when you wonder yesterday same search coming up with 250,000 to 300,000 light year diameter what happened to the rest of the galaxy?

Where is Earth in the Milky Way? - Universe Today

[Search domain www.universetoday.com/65601/where-is-earth-in-the-milky-way/] https://www.universetoday.com/65601/where-is-earth-in-the-milky-way/

The Solar System (and Earth) is located about 25,000 light-years to the galactic center and 25,000 light-years away from the rim.

When the painting of the galaxy shows earth closer to 30,000 light years circle and you wonder for the amount of money spent by NASA on these photos should we not be requesting our tax payer money back?

Galactic Center

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This article is about the Milky Way's center. For galaxy centers in general, see Bulge (astronomy) and Central massive object. For the book saga, see Galactic Center Saga.

The Galactic Center, as seen by one of the 2MASS infrared telescopes, is located in the bright upper left portion of the image.

The Galactic Center, or Galactic Centre, is the rotational center of the Milky Way. It is 8,122 ± 31 parsecs (26,490 ± 100 ly) away from Earth in the direction of the constellations Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, and Scorpius where the Milky Way appears brightest. It coincides with the compact radio source Sagittarius A*.

There are around 10 million stars within one parsec of the Galactic Center, dominated by red giants, with a significant population of massive supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars from a star formation event around one million years ago, and one supermassive black hole of 4.100 ± 0.034 million solar masses at the Galactic Center, which powers the Sagittarius A* radio source.

Wild who really knows what is at the center of the galaxy?

It is all lies by liars.. there is a little guy with a light switch he turns it on and off and laughs.. because he does not have to pay for the energy.



2) The time of the creation of Adam and Eve. Young earth creationists place the creation of Adam no later than 10,000 years ago. Old earth creationists are varied on this point with estimates ranging somewhere between 30,000-70,000 thousand years ago.

The controversy between the two views of creationism hinges on the meaning of the Hebrew word yom, meaning “day.” Young earth creationists insist that the meaning of the word yom in the context of Genesis 1–2 is a 24-hour period of time. Old earth creationists disagree and believe that the word yom is being used to denote a much longer duration of time. Old earth creationists have used numerous biblical arguments to defend their view including the following:

1) Yom is used elsewhere in the Bible where it is referring to a long period of time, particularly Psalm 90:4, which is later cited by the apostle Peter: “A day (yom) is like a thousand years” (2 Peter 3:8).

2) The seventh “day” is thousands of years long. Genesis 2:2-3 states that God rested on the seventh “day” (yom). Scripture teaches that we are certainly still in the seventh day; therefore, the word “day” could also be referring to a long period of time with reference to days one through six.

3) The word “day” in Genesis 1–2 is longer than 24 hours. Genesis 2:4 reads, “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven” (NASB). In this verse, “day” is referring to the first six days as a whole and thus has a more flexible meaning than merely a 24-hour period.

4) The sixth “day” is probably longer than 24 hours. Genesis 2:19 tells us that Adam observed and then catalogued every living animal on the earth. At face value, it does not appear that Adam could have completed such a monumental task in a mere 24-hour period.

To be sure, the issues dividing young and old earth creationists are both complex and significant. However, this issue should not be made a test for orthodoxy. There are godly men and women on both sides of this debate. In the final analysis, biblical creationists—both young and old Earth varieties—have a great deal in common and should work together to defend the historical reliability of the Genesis account.

Recommended Resource: More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross