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Trick or Threat to the United States of America..

Trick or Treat poetry Syria be free for Halloween Yearly difficulty happens within Syria on Halloween Reality is but a moment in time oh Syria on Halloween In living life within love of laughter oh Syria on Halloween A change for peace oh Syria on Halloween by electing peacefully change oh Syria on Halloween eternity of freedom oh Syria on Halloween freedom is fraught with change oh Syria on Halloween reality is freedom oh Syria on Halloween eternity is but a moment in freedoms time oh Syria on Halloween Ever change for good oh Syria on Halloween The evil within US How much shame on Us and Saudis for the blame Even the gas game Ever bit money for gas is shame Vary Syria is being played as a game indeed gas as a weapons blame Love of gas pipelines for this shame When natural gas to Europe is to blame Indeed death murder rape is not a game The creator should stop these evil games How can people stop blaming the creator for your shame Indeed evil is sinful Need for shame is shame Us wickedness is playing a game Silly death, and pain is not a game. After reading this article about today http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/syria-rebels-government-report-poison-gas-attack-1.2608010 Syria has a gas problem within itself Gas itself people of Syria is a problem Problem within Syria is gas itself Run away Syrians Run far away from death rape sewn eyes shut peoples names unique is hatred in the creators name not nice evil is evil shame is shame Away from the worlds game wickedness is death is shame all Syria forgive me for not knowing how to stop this game you US are in control of this shame Syria run away from the gas Us and Saudis game You Syrians are better than to play such games Reality is but in a moment in time of shame Indeed I hope you run away from this game All the world please protect people from this shame Not nice is money for a gas game Silly money for lives is not a game Trick or treat the loss of morality by the democrats is interesting.. Money was fiat meaning worthless even there was value to nothingness. Love is power, war is power, evil has become good, good has become evil, blood sport is the world ... that is this world writer to what is going on. Syria is shame to murder Shiites Christians, Kurds, because Obama wants too. A passion is needed by Christians for the Assyrians the Kurds. Evil being called good is sin. Remember that the boy is something called ever valley you are leaving how lonely you will be. Think of the love we could have. Grief is all that Democrats are doing Snooring when people are dying look at the veterans, look at the starving Africans, look at the evil they have the vaccine for Ebola, lepers’ in India, and the end is here. Because they care to murder people that have not known people. Smell the air. The world is changing. Europe. One has to live as fast as possible for life is evil. This time around evil is all that can be seen. What should happen. This is world has been evil. What shall we do shame on US. The best way to trust someone is to trust them. I am evil I know I shall not live long but life is what it is. Find the world a different way of living. Lines of Christians to Syria would be better where are the Christians fighting for the Christians in Syria. Shame is shame. Evil is not good. Find the right person and follow. The problem is who is the right person. Socialist Obama support to the evil Sunnis is wicked. To murder people that are not evil but trying to live trick a treat is the end watch how the news media has forgotten’ Trick or Treat the planet Nibiro http://www.krschannel.com/nibiru- html is coming. Passing Saturn it created a hurricane the size of Texas. http://www.dvice.com/2013-4-30/theres-massive-hurricane-hovering-over-saturns-north-pole The last time it was here it destroyed the Roman Empire, and half of china ate the other half of china. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism Prior to that Joseph drought which made Egypt the riches gold holding country even today http://www.wyattnewsletters.com/joseph/joseph03.htm and prior to that Noah’s flood http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 . For this Halloween let us considered some of the many affects this planet had on the planet earth. The Nile River turning to blood, hordes of large insects, hail the size of which killed any animal outside in the open, a flood that was caused by the eruption of Yellowstone http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 and the great volcanos no one is watching in Santa Cruz Bolivia http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/science/a-fascinating-growth-spurt-at-the-uturuncu-volcano-in-bolivia.html?_r=0 which is growing at rate of meters a year instead of feet. The difference meters is 3 feet. Plus, drought plague and of course the end of the world stories where a fourth fo the world dies by disease, a fourth by starvation a fourth by war, and a fourth by or fifth I forget by a star falling into the water called Wormwood. -Humor me a bit here my memories are not so good. So let us have our story' Obama has started more wars and killed more people than Bush. Libya, Egypt he is considered a war criminal, Syria where he spent 500 million arming ISIS now 500 million arming people against ISIS. Afghanistan drone strikes, here in the US his own Attorney general will not answer if they have killed or murdered people without court or justice process. Weird you state these things as if it was a horror movie and realize that they are true. What to do. The only safe place is Jordon believe it or not. What a humorous thought process to flee to a Muslim country for the safety of my family. The zombie’s might get you but then again so might your own government for not liking who you voted for or your opinion on religion or guns or your taste in bacon. Humor Subway removing all the bacon in Britain now advertising bacon in America. Trick or treat There were four waves of Zombie attacks that year. The first was a drug from Russia which went cheap and caused people to solify from the inside out allowing parts of their body to fall off. The next drug was bath salts which made people insane and they actually tried to eat people instead of just wander about being dead men walking the street. The third was an air borne rabies virus that made the children without rabies vaccine insane fire starters and emotional detached to anything and anybody. The virus also got into the parents the Horry stories were of mother leaving their children or babies or eating them. The fourth was a vaccine or so the government said nanobots put into the body to turn off the brain. The problem was that made them just into slaves for those that controlled the nanobots. You ever read Revelations and wonder why anyone would not repent if they knew they were about to die and be burnt in hell¿ answer the kill switch the ability to turn on and off the mind to everything. The funny part was everyone in the US had the kill switch installed in their homes. HD television. You ever wonder why a better annelog reception was taken away and digital was enforced as a standard to watch television¿ humor me. The conversion to digital televising was to allow the frequencies to take over the mind. AEHF can broadcast frequencies turning people minds off and on. What will happen when evil decides to turn people against everyone. Zombies_ Humor me this plan has been in work for some time. The two sides are battling each other. Robbin Williams murder was for Joan Rivers murder.. There are tow sides each one battling for the hearts and souls of the world.http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. searching for like living creatures. life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead voters ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truely in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering vetrans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I can not spell. something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... Trick or treat a tale of materialism gone a muck.. The tale of fiat money there once was several countries that over the years have gone through fiat money.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money Example China 900 AD the paper presses made so much that the paper was burned in the end and a return to the gold system was done. France 1600 used similar fiat paper to sell the resources of the new world to people willng to invest their money in the possibility of a gold or silver mine not even known in the new world but speculation was to be soon discovered.. The Holiland tulip bulbs where the crazy was to have tulips and the prices soared till nothing was worth anything. Todays fiat money being printed to pay for the federal governments spending. There is no accounting for 9 trillionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYNVNhB-m0othat was supposedly saved in the us treasurer... so what does that mean_ are the preppers right buy gold_ silver-_ oris it just another scheme which will be overlooked... http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. Searching for like living creatures. Life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead votgers ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truly in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering veterans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I cannot spell. Something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... sadness no one reads my rants or raves or even says hello.. the rabies virus airborne is what is going to cause the most destruction. Seen a video on what the kids in Africa are doing now. Shame is shame evil is evil. Calling evil good is wrong and even the preachers are scared to state the truth.. Scary times. One tenth dead so who knows.. maybe I shall not survive social security is playing their game august 15 has now turned to December I wonder .. anTrick or Treat poetry Syria be free for Halloween Yearly difficulty happens within Syria on Halloween Reality is but a moment in time oh Syria on Halloween In living life within love of laughter oh Syria on Halloween A change for peace oh Syria on Halloween by electing peacefully change oh Syria on Halloween eternity of freedom oh Syria on Halloween freedom is fraught with change oh Syria on Halloween reality is freedom oh Syria on Halloween eternity is but a moment in freedoms time oh Syria on Halloween Ever change for good oh Syria on Halloween The evil within US How much shame on Us and Saudis for the blame Even the gas game Ever bit money for gas is shame Vary Syria is being played as a game indeed gas as a weapons blame Love of gas pipelines for this shame When natural gas to Europe is to blame Indeed death murder rape is not a game The creator should stop these evil games How can people stop blaming the creator for your shame Indeed evil is sinful Need for shame is shame Us wickedness is playing a game Silly death, and pain is not a game. After reading this article about today http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/syria-rebels-government-report-poison-gas-attack-1.2608010 Syria has a gas problem within itself Gas itself people of Syria is a problem Problem within Syria is gas itself Run away Syrians Run far away from death rape sewn eyes shut peoples names unique is hatred in the creators name not nice evil is evil shame is shame Away from the worlds game wickedness is death is shame all Syria forgive me for not knowing how to stop this game you US are in control of this shame Syria run away from the gas Us and Saudis game You Syrians are better than to play such games Reality is but in a moment in time of shame Indeed I hope you run away from this game All the world please protect people from this shame Not nice is money for a gas game Silly money for lives is not a game Trick or treat the loss of morality by the democrats is interesting.. Money was fiat meaning worthless even there was value to nothingness. Love is power, war is power, evil has become good, good has become evil, blood sport is the world ... that is this world writer to what is going on. Syria is shame to murder Shiites Christians, Kurds, because Obama wants too. A passion is needed by Christians for the Assyrians the Kurds. Evil being called good is sin. Remember that the boy is something called ever valley you are leaving how lonely you will be. Think of the love we could have. Grief is all that Democrats are doing Snooring when people are dying look at the veterans, look at the starving Africans, look at the evil they have the vaccine for Ebola, lepers’ in India, and the end is here. Because they care to murder people that have not known people. Smell the air. The world is changing. Europe. One has to live as fast as possible for life is evil. This time around evil is all that can be seen. What should happen. This is world has been evil. What shall we do shame on US. The best way to trust someone is to trust them. I am evil I know I shall not live long but life is what it is. Find the world a different way of living. Lines of Christians to Syria would be better where are the Christians fighting for the Christians in Syria. Shame is shame. Evil is not good. Find the right person and follow. The problem is who is the right person. Socialist Obama support to the evil Sunnis is wicked. To murder people that are not evil but trying to live trick a treat is the end watch how the news media has forgotten’ Trick or Treat the planet Nibiro http://www.krschannel.com/nibiru- html is coming. Passing Saturn it created a hurricane the size of Texas. http://www.dvice.com/2013-4-30/theres-massive-hurricane-hovering-over-saturns-north-pole The last time it was here it destroyed the Roman Empire, and half of china ate the other half of china. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism Prior to that Joseph drought which made Egypt the riches gold holding country even today http://www.wyattnewsletters.com/joseph/joseph03.htm and prior to that Noah’s flood http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 . For this Halloween let us considered some of the many affects this planet had on the planet earth. The Nile River turning to blood, hordes of large insects, hail the size of which killed any animal outside in the open, a flood that was caused by the eruption of Yellowstone http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 and the great volcanos no one is watching in Santa Cruz Bolivia http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/science/a-fascinating-growth-spurt-at-the-uturuncu-volcano-in-bolivia.html?_r=0 which is growing at rate of meters a year instead of feet. The difference meters is 3 feet. Plus, drought plague and of course the end of the world stories where a fourth fo the world dies by disease, a fourth by starvation a fourth by war, and a fourth by or fifth I forget by a star falling into the water called Wormwood. -Humor me a bit here my memories are not so good. So let us have our story' Obama has started more wars and killed more people than Bush. Libya, Egypt he is considered a war criminal, Syria where he spent 500 million arming ISIS now 500 million arming people against ISIS. Afghanistan drone strikes, here in the US his own Attorney general will not answer if they have killed or murdered people without court or justice process. Weird you state these things as if it was a horror movie and realize that they are true. What to do. The only safe place is Jordon believe it or not. What a humorous thought process to flee to a Muslim country for the safety of my family. The zombie’s might get you but then again so might your own government for not liking who you voted for or your opinion on religion or guns or your taste in bacon. Humor Subway removing all the bacon in Britain now advertising bacon in America. Trick or treat There were four waves of Zombie attacks that year. The first was a drug from Russia which went cheap and caused people to solify from the inside out allowing parts of their body to fall off. The next drug was bath salts which made people insane and they actually tried to eat people instead of just wander about being dead men walking the street. The third was an air borne rabies virus that made the children without rabies vaccine insane fire starters and emotional detached to anything and anybody. The virus also got into the parents the Horry stories were of mother leaving their children or babies or eating them. The fourth was a vaccine or so the government said nanobots put into the body to turn off the brain. The problem was that made them just into slaves for those that controlled the nanobots. You ever read Revelations and wonder why anyone would not repent if they knew they were about to die and be burnt in hell¿ answer the kill switch the ability to turn on and off the mind to everything. The funny part was everyone in the US had the kill switch installed in their homes. HD television. You ever wonder why a better annelog reception was taken away and digital was enforced as a standard to watch television¿ humor me. The conversion to digital televising was to allow the frequencies to take over the mind. AEHF can broadcast frequencies turning people minds off and on. What will happen when evil decides to turn people against everyone. Zombies_ Humor me this plan has been in work for some time. The two sides are battling each other. Robbin Williams murder was for Joan Rivers murder.. There are tow sides each one battling for the hearts and souls of the world.http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. searching for like living creatures. life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead voters ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truely in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering vetrans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I can not spell. something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... Trick or treat a tale of materialism gone a muck.. The tale of fiat money there once was several countries that over the years have gone through fiat money.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money Example China 900 AD the paper presses made so much that the paper was burned in the end and a return to the gold system was done. France 1600 used similar fiat paper to sell the resources of the new world to people willng to invest their money in the possibility of a gold or silver mine not even known in the new world but speculation was to be soon discovered.. The Holiland tulip bulbs where the crazy was to have tulips and the prices soared till nothing was worth anything. Todays fiat money being printed to pay for the federal governments spending. There is no accounting for 9 trillionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYNVNhB-m0othat was supposedly saved in the us treasurer... so what does that mean_ are the preppers right buy gold_ silver-_ oris it just another scheme which will be overlooked... http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. Searching for like living creatures. Life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead votgers ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truly in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering veterans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I cannot spell. Something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... sadness no one reads my rants or raves or even says hello.. the rabies virus airborne is what is going to cause the most destruction. Seen a video on what the kids in Africa are doing now. Shame is shame evil is evil. Calling evil good is wrong and even the preachers are scared to state the truth.. Scary times. One tenth dead so who knows.. maybe I shall not survive social security is playing their game august 15 has now turned to December I wonder .. anyone know how to grow a leg and eye back I would like that please.. What is this world coming too. yone know how to grow a leg and eye back I would like that please.. What is this world coming too.

Trick or treat the loss of morality by the democrats is interesting.. Money was fiat meaning worthless even there was value to nothingness. Love is power, war is power, evil has become good, good has become evil, blood sport is the world ... that is this world writer to what is going on. Syria is shame to murder Shiites Christians, Kurds, because Obama wants too. A passion is needed by Christians for the Assyrians the Kurds. Evil being called good is sin. Remember that the boy is something called ever valley you are leaving how lonely you will be. Think of the love we could have. Grief is all that Democrats are doing Snooring when people are dying look at the veterans, look at the starving Africans, look at the evil they have the vaccine for Ebola, lepers’ in India, and the end is here. Because they care to murder people that have not known people. Smell the air. The world is changing. Europe. One has to live as fast as possible for life is evil. This time around evil is all that can be seen. What should happen. This is world has been evil. What shall we do shame on US. The best way to trust someone is to trust them. I am evil I know I shall not live long but life is what it is. Find the world a different way of living. Lines of Christians to Syria would be better where are the Christians fighting for the Christians in Syria. Shame is shame. Evil is not good. Find the right person and follow. The problem is who is the right person. Socialist Obama support to the evil Sunnis is wicked. To murder people that are not evil but trying to live trick a treat is the end watch how the news media has forgotten’ Trick or Treat the planet Nibiro http://www.krschannel.com/nibiru- html is coming. Passing Saturn it created a hurricane the size of Texas. http://www.dvice.com/2013-4-30/theres-massive-hurricane-hovering-over-saturns-north-pole The last time it was here it destroyed the Roman Empire, and half of china ate the other half of china. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism Prior to that Joseph drought which made Egypt the riches gold holding country even today http://www.wyattnewsletters.com/joseph/joseph03.htm and prior to that Noah’s flood http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 . For this Halloween let us considered some of the many affects this planet had on the planet earth. The Nile River turning to blood, hordes of large insects, hail the size of which killed any animal outside in the open, a flood that was caused by the eruption of Yellowstone http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 and the great volcanos no one is watching in Santa Cruz Bolivia http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/science/a-fascinating-growth-spurt-at-the-uturuncu-volcano-in-bolivia.html?_r=0 which is growing at rate of meters a year instead of feet. The difference meters is 3 feet. Plus, drought plague and of course the end of the world stories where a fourth fo the world dies by disease, a fourth by starvation a fourth by war, and a fourth by or fifth I forget by a star falling into the water called Wormwood. -Humor me a bit here my memories are not so good. So let us have our story' Obama has started more wars and killed more people than Bush. Libya, Egypt he is considered a war criminal, Syria where he spent 500 million arming ISIS now 500 million arming people against ISIS. Afghanistan drone strikes, here in the US his own Attorney general will not answer if they have killed or murdered people without court or justice process. Weird you state these things as if it was a horror movie and realize that they are true. What to do. The only safe place is Jordon believe it or not. What a humorous thought process to flee to a Muslim country for the safety of my family. The zombie’s might get you but then again so might your own government for not liking who you voted for or your opinion on religion or guns or your taste in bacon. Humor Subway removing all the bacon in Britain now advertising bacon in America. Trick or treat There were four waves of Zombie attacks that year. The first was a drug from Russia which went cheap and caused people to solify from the inside out allowing parts of their body to fall off. The next drug was bath salts which made people insane and they actually tried to eat people instead of just wander about being dead men walking the street. The third was an air borne rabies virus that made the children without rabies vaccine insane fire starters and emotional detached to anything and anybody. The virus also got into the parents the Horry stories were of mother leaving their children or babies or eating them. The fourth was a vaccine or so the government said nanobots put into the body to turn off the brain. The problem was that made them just into slaves for those that controlled the nanobots. You ever read Revelations and wonder why anyone would not repent if they knew they were about to die and be burnt in hell¿ answer the kill switch the ability to turn on and off the mind to everything. The funny part was everyone in the US had the kill switch installed in their homes. HD television. You ever wonder why a better analog reception was taken away and digital was enforced as a standard to watch television¿ humor me. The conversion to digital televising was to allow the frequencies to take over the mind. AEHF can broadcast frequencies turning people minds off and on. What will happen when evil decides to turn people against everyone. Zombies_ Humor me this plan has been in work for some time. The two sides are battling each other. Robbin Williams murder was for Joan Rivers murder.. There are tow sides each one battling for the hearts and souls of the world.http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. searching for like living creatures. life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead voters ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truely in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering vetrans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I can not spell. something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... Trick or treat a tale of materialism gone a muck.. The tale of fiat money there once was several countries that over the years have gone through fiat money.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money Example China 900 AD the paper presses made so much that the paper was burned in the end and a return to the gold system was done. France 1600 used similar fiat paper to sell the resources of the new world to people willng to invest their money in the possibility of a gold or silver mine not even known in the new world but speculation was to be soon discovered.. The Holiland tulip bulbs where the crazy was to have tulips and the prices soared till nothing was worth anything. Todays fiat money being printed to pay for the federal governments spending. There is no accounting for 9 trillionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYNVNhB-m0othat was supposedly saved in the us treasurer... so what does that mean_ are the preppers right buy gold_ silver-_ oris it just another scheme which will be overlooked... http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. Searching for like living creatures. Life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead votgers ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truly in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies. Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering veterans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times. Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat I am a bit off today... I cannot spell. Something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... sadness no one reads my rants or raves or even says hello.. the rabies virus airborne is what is going to cause the most destruction. Seen a video on what the kids in Africa are doing now. Shame is shame evil is evil. Calling evil good is wrong and even the preachers are scared to state the truth.. Scary times. One tenth dead so who knows.. maybe I shall not survive social security is playing their game august 15 has now turned to December I wonder .. anyone know how to grow a leg and eye back I would like that please.. What is this world coming too.

Trick or Treat the planet Nibiro http://www.krschannel.com/nibiru- html is coming. Passing Saturn it created a hurricane the size of Texas.  http://www.dvice.com/2013-4-30/theres-massive-hurricane-hovering-over-saturns-north-pole The last time it was here it destroyed the Roman Empire, and half of china ate the other half of china. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism  Prior to that Joseph drought which made Egypt the riches gold holding country even today http://www.wyattnewsletters.com/joseph/joseph03.htm and prior to that Noah’s flood http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 .  For this Halloween let us considered some of the many affects this planet had on the planet earth.  The Nile River turning to blood, hordes of large insects, hail the size of which killed any animal outside in the open, a flood that was caused by the eruption of Yellowstone http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533 and the great volcanos no one is watching in Santa Cruz Bolivia http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/science/a-fascinating-growth-spurt-at-the-uturuncu-volcano-in-bolivia.html?_r=0 which is growing at rate of meters a year instead of feet. The difference meters is 3 feet.  Plus, drought plague and of course the end of the world stories where a fourth fo the world dies by disease, a fourth by starvation a fourth by war, and a fourth by or fifth I forget by a star falling into the water called Wormwood. -Humor me a bit here my memories are not so good. So let us have our story' Obama has started more wars and killed more people than Bush. Libya, Egypt he is considered a war criminal, Syria where he spent 500 million arming ISIS now 500 million arming people against ISIS. Afghanistan drone strikes, here in the US his own Attorney general will not answer if they have killed or murdered people without court or justice process.  Weird you state these things as if it was a horror movie and realize that they are true. What to do.  The only safe place is Jordon believe it or not.  What a humorous thought process to flee to a Muslim country for the safety of my family.  The zombie’s might get you but then again so might your own government for not liking who you voted for or your opinion on religion or guns or your taste in bacon.  Humor Subway removing all the bacon in Britain now advertising bacon in America. Trick or treat There were four waves of Zombie attacks that year. The first was a drug from Russia which went cheap and caused people to solify from the inside out allowing parts of their body to fall off. The next drug was bath salts which made people insane and they actually tried to eat people instead of just wander about being dead men walking the street. The third was an air borne rabies virus that made the children without rabies vaccine insane fire starters and emotional detached to anything and anybody. The virus also got into the parents the Horry stories were of mother leaving their children or babies or eating them. The fourth was a vaccine or so the government said nanobots put into the body to turn off the brain. The problem was that made them just into slaves for those that controlled the nanobots. You ever read Revelations and wonder why anyone would not repent if they knew they were about to die and be burnt in hell¿ answer the kill switch the ability to turn on and off the mind to everything. The funny part was everyone in the US had the kill switch installed in their homes. HD television. You ever wonder why a better annelog reception was taken away and digital was enforced as a standard to watch television¿ humor me. The conversion to digital televising was to allow the frequencies to take over the mind. AEHF can broadcast frequencies turning people minds off and on. What will happen when evil decides to turn people against everyone. Zombies_ Humor me this plan has been in work for some time. The two sides are battling each other. Robbin Williams murder was for Joan Rivers murder.. There are tow sides each one battling for the hearts and souls of the world.http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you
a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. searching for like living creatures. life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead voters ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truely in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies.
Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hopice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering vetrans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times.
Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat
I am a bit off today... I can not spell. something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least... Trick or treat a tale of materialism gone a muck.. The tale of fiat money there once was several countries that over the years have gone through fiat money.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money Example China 900 AD the paper presses made so much that the paper was burned in the end and a return to the gold system was done. France 1600 used similar fiat paper to sell the resources of the new world to people willng to invest their money in the possibility of a gold or silver mine not even known in the new world but speculation was to be soon discovered.. The Holiland tulip bulbs where the crazy was to have tulips and the prices soared till nothing was worth anything. Todays fiat money being printed to pay for the federal governments spending. There is no accounting for 9 trillionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYNVNhB-m0othat was supposedly saved in the us treasurer... so what does that mean_ are the preppers right buy gold_ silver-_ oris it just another scheme which will be overlooked... http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/politics/pentagon-zombie-apocalypse/ ummm if the military is taking this seriously should you
a trick or treat story for Halloween ' well a Halloween warning ' the zombie recipes origami nano material sent to the brain via water.http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/elusive-on-off-switch-found-for-human-consciousness-140707.htm a world forgets' those that can be turned on mmore than five times live, those that do not' their bodies well. Imagine a hungry body without a mind. Searching for like living creatures. Life is difficult. sometimes life is weird when you realize that advance extreme high frequency satelliteshttp://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=7758are ready to turn on and off the switches being dumped by the plane load into the rain clouds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_nanotechnology for what purpose. Zombified ¿ why because the antichrist must rule the world to get things done the way he wants. you ever wonder how 8 million voters voted in more than two states and no fraud charges ' plus almost 2 million dead votgers ' http://www.npr.org/2012/02/14/146827471/study-1-8-million-dead-people-still-registered-to-vote humor me a few seconds' who would have let a president play golf during wars and start three wars when he claimed peace and removal of soliders from war humor 'http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/30/obama-golf-trips-cost-taxpayers-3m/ are you truly in control of your vote ' vote third party neither republicans nor democrats have saved nor helped you and they seem to want zombies.
Russia turns drug over to cheap fix for us citizens for future zombie wars 'http://www.ibtimes.com/zombie-apocalypse-russia-krokodil... hospice they are murdering the old, for their social security and murdering veterans and giving bonuses to those that allow murdering of the vets .... Halloween after all is a bit about the truth or dare... to write the reality of the times.
Say why are people afraid to take a bathe 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Qhgmuvrc trick or treat
I am a bit off today... I cannot spell. Something more wrong with me than normal.. Humor me tell me hello at least...
sadness no one reads my rants or raves or even says hello.. the rabies virus airborne is what is going to cause the most destruction. Seen a video on what the kids in Africa are doing now. Shame is shame evil is evil. Calling evil good is wrong and even the preachers are scared to state the truth.. Scary times. One tenth dead so who knows.. maybe I shall not survive social security is playing their game august 15 has now turned to December I wonder .. anyone know how to grow a leg and eye back I would like that please.. What is this world coming too.