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the reality is earth has so much water.. noo more water is given earth.. when water freezes it expands and pushes water upward not downward.. thus the south pole has expanded so much that all water pushing up along the coast and with 3 fourths of the trees burnt up via the white mirror sun here there is not enough plants to consume the extra water making the water take up even more land.. and thus the coming ice age . because without plants to heat up and use the water the water gets more colder.. and the colder it gets the more ice is formed and the more ice formed the more water goes up on land and without trees the more land disappears..

the reality is earth has so much water.. noo more water is given earth.. when water freezes it expands and pushes water upward not downward.. thus the south pole has expanded so much that all water pushing up along the coast and with 3 fourths of the trees burnt up via the white mirror sun here there is not enough plants to consume the extra water making the water take up even more land.. and thus the coming ice age . because without plants to heat up and use the water the water gets more colder.. and the colder it gets the more ice is formed and the more ice formed the more water goes up on land and without trees the more land disappears..