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the end of time. watching events one more time.. will this be an end of things for me? I have been here before.. i realize that is awkward. however I figured that part of closed time curved loop reality

Halloween is upon those of us traveling as Mandela effected members of an advance race of humanoids going back in time to tell our stories in hopes to find a way around the dramatic end of humanity. The sadness is some of us will not make it. Why? Zachariah now Zechariah tells the story of Resident Evil. Will India unloose a plague starting zombie plague where Islamic army eats itself and then goes on to eat India and China? One laughs at the absurdity of that idea. In yet, no news from CDC on Africa ebola plague which has it killed 15,000 or 150,000.. One has to realize one sees something and warns people in yet nothing happens nothing changes. When you are OCD and realize you are not from this planet who do you call. Well I can tell you CERN, DWAVE, and congress writing them to ask for a ticket to go home does not do anything. That I have written them and received no answer is uncool at times. That Cern did nothing but keeps flipping their switch trying to bring a fallen angel through is nuts. that the dwave computer asked me to come November 2015 and I said no is even more disturbing. That you can find my emails and letters both on facebook, cosmofunnel and elsewhere is nerve wrecking at times. That this world has sped up its dismiss by 119 years is wild. My recollection was I has 213 more years prior to Jesus Christ coming back. now that I am expecting to see the end of the world is wild. Not part of my author of the week or write a book while blind plan. Sort of puts a mood damper when a person asks what ya doing.. oh nothing much just watching the end of the world happening and no one believes me. No importance of course. I guess what I find even more humorous is people when I tell them this is the first time I am meeting them ie their personalities are so different I wonder if I am nuts or like I belive not form this world. God is looking for his cups, I believe that a multiverse provides him a choose of cups. What if I am not one of those cups for an afterlife. In this bible they actually have zombies. Zechariah which is Zachariah in my world talks about people walking with rotten tongues, etc. Just wild. Anyways if you have time write your congress person if they can stela my mind from my world they have done it to others. Who.. Hillary clinton she remembers Abe Lincoln like I do. Senator of the US. George Bush remembers Sadam killing Mandela. Obama remembers visiting 57 states. Trump emembers to ask people to vote November 28. I am warning people Please believe in Jesus Christ, repent, do good, be good, live life with merit. life is short.

Listen to this article.


Meanwhile as everyone was busy arguing over the bread and circus elections, the CIA was busy funding a computer so powerful that it is described as “tapping into the fundamental fabric of reality” and the man who owns the company says being near one is like “standing at the altar of an alien God”.

What exactly do you suppose they are doing with it?

You have to take a few minutes and watch this. It will change the way you look at “reality” forever.

This story begins May 19th, 2016 south of Florida. I awoke to a new reality. Some call it Mandela effect or circle of time changes. Others blame CERN, or D Wave computer, or an AI computer hooked up to MineCraft or another game.

All I can say is I am no longer with my family that I had May 18th. I am with a completely new family. Each day since then.

The reality even changes a bit more with my research or reseach depending on the universe. Montauk chairs, time travels, etc. are common talking to points to people that are missing their home and trying to get home. The point gets to a Navy base just north of Miami in a bit.

Up until May 23, I had not heard of Montauk nor its experiment. In my world the Philidelphia project was something talked about. Anyway, Montauk started a long evil tale.

The first time hearing about the Montauk chair, there were only to be one of these out of New Jersey with 27 frequency chairs spread throughout the US. This tale had it that if there was more than one, the time frequency would get all screwed up. And guess what it does if you follow the story line with me.

The second time I heard or read about the Montauk chair the story changed and of course I was not in the same reality as the day before. In that reality there were three chairs. One in England for whatever reason, two in the US. Guess the Navy base north of Miami has a chair. Anyway, that timeline was screwed up a bit. Meaning more Mandela effect people were talking about CERN, etc.

The third time I heard or listened to the tale, there were five time machines. Two in the US, one England, one or three in Japan, and China had recently attained one via something dealing with 2012 and an expected end of the world scenario. I wrote Peter Moon, Duncan Camero, and two others about this, and their reply was to stay in one place to be silent and stare at a candle to concentrate on staying in one place. I wish I would have listened that day.

Because things just got worse, and worse. Then there were seven time machines. Threee Japan, two US, one England, and one China and a war broke out. Crime, people being evil, an attempt upon my life, head aches until I gave up Facebook and searching for a way home. By that time, there were seven confirmed time machines running and Mandela effect was skipping things around. Meaning Jiffy or Jiff, etc. Then it happened the story line changed dramatically.

The Germans in some timeline won World War II. They had a time machine also. The Chinese attacked the three Japanese time machines and then Japan cars, and economic interests in Bolivia started to disappear being replaced by China. Meaning instead of Japan Toyato, there is a company called China Motor which to my knowledge in my world could not make a engine design to function at this altitude.

The Montauk project according to some history lines ended 83, or 84. Which was then picked up by the Navy in 90. The Chinese attacked the Japanese time machines locked in three underground bases per conspiracy radio. And that is when China started to replace all the past history with their own.

Example Mount Illimani in Bolivia has been searched for years for gold. Guess what happened 9 months prior to me ending up on this timeline. The Chinese found gold or some type of material they are digging it out of the mountain and Bolivia is not making a profit from it. The Japanese car market has slumped or disappeared here and now all is China new cars.

The evilness of Montauk the Germans evidently are influencing sometime portals. Per the story line they fought Christ murdering him on their timeline. Their future believe it or not makes the Greys which come back in time because they can no longer clone themselves.

How does the murder of Christ occur one asks. First attempt is little kids being sent in the past to try to murder Christ. The one or two bible lines about Christ saying to let the little ones come to me is the reference in the bible supposedly on this attempt. The second attempt is to switch minds of adults who are happening nowadays. ie If you think you are saved you might not be. ie. You saved your body, your spirit but having to be switched mentally, the new body you are in might not be saved. ie they are using your body and mind to attempt an assanation on Christ. Thus the line they will knock saying they prophesied in your name. And Christ response I know you not.

That is evil one. Evil two in 83 the reason Bigfoot showed up was because those timelines were going to steal someone else chair. In fact, they did or at least, some of the timelines succeed and blanked out the minds of the people supposedly responsible for the project. ie this is why Al, Duncan, etc. remember parts of their lives is their memory swipe was not done in their world, but in another universe and their frequencies are different allowing them to remember certain fact's details, etc.

Evil three nanobots are being used to quantum level. Change your body. I know this odd but evidently the tgoal is a superhuman. Which they accomplish to an extent but not to immortality. Meaning this timeline if the story is correct also ends up with people not being able to breed only to clone and dies out after a long time.

Evil four Al story and the Windfinders which represent an AI computer or D Wave computer attempting to change history so that humanity does not die out again due to murdering Christ, which is spirituality and or sexuality if you listen to enough of these videos. Evidently, there is a third plan one super humans to fight two attempts on Christ's life, and a third which must succeed because the Windfinders are there but their story line does not tell how they succeed or why. And thus is my story of a Florida Navy base north of Miami.

Dear Respectable people

Requesting help in understanding my journey.

I am from a world with a yellow sun.

I knew that Japan was off the coast of China.

I knew my shoes were Sketchers not skechers.

I am traveling to another world each day since May 19.

I am a bit not sure what to do any more.

I would like to go home.

If not I would like to know what I should be doing.

I am unsure if this is the illusion in the Bible or if I am part of some grand joke.

Can I please get a reply

WEll, I am vomiting water. I do not think I am in the same earth as yesterday. motion sickness. or if this is purgatory I have either fallen into hell more or out of it. Depends on what hell is now. That purgatory in jewish religion exists is kind of like. well not what I recall. That there are 7 levels, the 7th there is no coming back from is like wild. That 1 thru 6 you have to work your way out of is like I must have missed this in my world. That people are meaner here then in my world is evident. That sinning here is easier is wild. Not what I expected. Shame on me for experiencing what I can. Shame. They call it discipline, I wonder if you wanted some thing different why teach a person one way to be condemned under something else. Evil is evil. Yes, I repent, yes Jesus Christ forgive me please, have mercy on me. Failing to do good, be kind, and do good, I try nevertheless I fail greatly. I wonder. Anyone else finding new religious ideology that is like not on my world bub. Zombies, tale of 500 coins to 50 coins a debtor is forgiven, Mary had seven evil ones in her, I am just wondering if I failed at bible class all this time because I read something then get tested on different rule or test answers. I think this is nuts. Pray for me.