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The common cold prank of Wuhan for April Fools day worked so well that the communist party just went with it. Who can say now. That a communist does not have a sense of humor?


Okay funny

So this friend who blocked me which was useless but funny because on my wall I can still screenshot them all but I will not for her privacy.

She states she's a nurse and I am wrong this is not a cold virus. Now get this first she accused me of getting my photo from an Internet meme (in which I did) 😜🙄

Then I said I will go get an old encyclopedia that will tell me what a corona virus is.

Video below:

She states her new medical books and under microscopes the corona virus is a flu virus. A flu virus is an orthomyxovirus.

Im sorry but viruses have classes which causes different issues. Last I read there are like 50 types of coronaviruses but only 4 can cause a cold in humans (unless bio lab manipulated).

Basically she is trying to tell me in her new medical books the cat turned into a dog.

Both are animals. Both separate classes for a reason. A cat will never turn i to a dog and a coronovirus will never turn into a orthomyxovirus. They are two separate viruses always was always will be just like cats and dogs...