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I wish my alarm clock obeyed the constitution, not FDR;fascist time police. Don't forget to set your clock on fire this Sunday. Time isn't real. And other confessions of a part time time traveler

21 July 2017  · Hialeah, FL, United States  ·

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The question how do you know that you are living backwards future past. Answer three pain, technology advancement, and stock market. At first I thought I was two months into the future because I was reliving things I already did or knew about. The realization that I am living a future past tense was hard to figure out until I paid attention to pain and scares. You see I mentioned my back tooth to much guess who ended in the er due the tooth breaking a root canal? The end of the oddity was the pain didn't happen until a twinkling of the be eye each time I less pushed forward I would bite down hard enough to hit a nerve. Without realizing that was the problem

If you ever have a broken root, what is the pain like instant headache. It should not have been only in a twinkling of an eye

Loss so profound no one even knows my name

opens your eyes I am disoriented in time and space

senseless Clinton your name is Clint

space time traveler is such a silly venture

so fathomless is the loss no one knows my name

open your mind to the reality of no time or space

poet misplaced through time and space

reality changing day by day

open your eyes; I am a lost one in space

found that reality is nothing to time

open your eyes to reality of lost in space

unique are those suffering the Mandela effect in time

not nice to be a closed time curved loop traveler this time

doubt me all you want; I still know my name

15 September 2020  ·

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I might live in my own little worlds. But that is okay. The people all know about me there.. The dreamers always say be yourself. The problem is I have lived such a weird life. Being a weirdo could be one of my official titles. Be wonderful? I try to be kind. Be sensitive? I pray Dear Lord do not let me cause pain. Impulsive? Let alone do I live inside my mind most of my greatest adventures happen there. Crazy? Oh I own that I do not go crazy. I go normal from time to time and wonder if others are really crazy? When I talk to them about facts. Mystical? I travel upon moonlight and if this is not a dream you all would not be in my life. Vulnerable/ I am bear with a missing eye and foot. Lovable? I am no longer sure of love.I think love might be fickle. Magical? If you have ever read my stories let alone will I drag you down the rabbit hole with me, I will introduce you to the white rabbit and Alice. Beautiful? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and see beauty everywhere. The right people will adore me? No. They will tolerate me because let alone weirdo. I might be one of the most dangerous story tellers of all time. For you see my life has been one statement it has not gone as planned. When something went wrong in my life? Daily these days I say plot twist and write another story. It might not move on from here. But here I am and I shall find a solution in the end. For if I always do what I have always done. i will always get what i have always gotten. In yet? I will be the change I need in this worlds to make them a better place.



13 August 2019  ·

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Time. I have been traveling time for the past few years now. No one believes except my shrink which I have proven myself to time and time again. I wonder if I was a great writer or story teller why I cannot put together a story that is so impressive that people read it until the end. I try to believe me with 2,000 plus pages, sic now seven journals, tons of censorship, and other items I wonder why? I mean it is not like I have much else to do or say. I write I wrote and then I found out what I the main problem, and I am unsure what to do about it. The past few weeks I have been trying to figure out, what to do about missing pages in my journal. At first, I thought maybe I deleted them, so I printed them out. Then my mind blanks for a moment say a day or three and my printed pages are gone to. Drama for me. Did I write them? Yes, I am sure I wrote them. Do I rewrite what I wrote? So I try, and the identical occurrence happens to mean if you are at 379 pages and when you go to print again it goes back 270 pages. What does that mean? AM I in sometime holding pattern and/or was the person in this body not experiencing the alike activities? So I think and realize there are many mes. We write the same stuff. I can tell the difference usually between my congradulations and congratulation posts meaning for sometime I have been trying to figure what is the problem. So, I put my mind to thinking. With 10 to the power of 197 or 200 depending on which reality I read and realize I am undergoing someone else's reality backwards and that soul had either neither the experience or a story to tell that or those pages. Which is awkward for if I am not the sum of my stories and experiences, then what am I? I mean I can handle that I am not the story teller of my story. God is the story teller, and he tells the story over and over again, and the only change is whether you are a weed of the evil one or a seed of the planter who sowed the seeds. I can understand the results of several stories also, which is awkward which because I shall not experience them in yet I remember them being told and look for those people and no longer can find them nor find what I wrote about them.

13 February 2017  ·

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Into space was light multiple by time quiet. Not many people ever listened to the person, to begin with. His statements were based on reality fact checked with WikiLeaks. His bazaar hatred for the current presidential candidate was based on facts that she stole money used it for terrorism and he was left without a job for two months because she was an unethical liar who was stealing the election from another senator. His grief was total. He worked his butt off by Facebooking, writing people, and messaging them to vote Bernie. He even went as far changing his party to vote primaries for Bernie. For what purpose? After the election, he was attacked by Snowflakes. Calling him an ass. Why? Because they hadn't a clue who he was or what he stood for. Even after writing letters online to Senators, Representatives, posting their content for everyone to see. The Snowflakes were mean. For what purpose? They had not a clue as to why they were attacking anyone they just were nuts. The sadness was the guy eventually called his dream of no war in Syria off. He realized that the Snowflakes were fighting for war with Syria. Why? Who knows why liberals think war is good. Shame. https://www.futurelearn.com/.../start.../8/steps/126711...

5 October 2020  ·

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Ender the pirate survived the reality of the times. And thought he should have stayed where? Inside his mind. For the outside of his mind he was watching the time of tribulation brought about by mankind. A sickness dread fell over Ender. To realize all this was a man made attempt to fight heaven coming. Space Force against heaven? Let alone do they not have the legends of old. Those in the know lost their minds because they had been stolen a long time ago with project Montauk. And? It was the way of an ending of things I suppose. To realize that each soul has a place. One in the book of life. One in the book of judgment. That was what John von Neumann wrote about on his final paper 5.7 billion years into a future that never happened here. Why? That future is dead. This too is dead. To realize all this is an illusion is sort of an awful mess. BELIEVE in Christ. In yet all the people here are dead already according to closed time curved loop reality. SO? Meaning I walk through the valley of death and fear evil? No I will flee evil. Who wants to rule in hell for a moment when there is a next level to this game and there? I find this part funny. The game is the game of thrones. I once or twice was a king maker.. And now? Those who feared who I knew no longer even remember why they feared those I knew.. Which is an oddity. Did they lose their power? I attempted to ask once. That was a dreadful mistake. Who are you? I am me. I am Clint, I am Clinton, I and Clinton R. Siegel- That did not go so well. In the end? What can a pirate do other then watch in amazement as some people thinking that 400 years of technology hidden in the patent office can help save humanity from heaven? Does it? That is the trick of time. It did in a past. The mirror realities did exist. And now? Laughter my soul hurts I know someone or something that makes this an more interesting story. Still rates only in the top 3. And now reality is just a question in my mind.



Adventure reading is a life on its own

Dreaming of ships fighting in space or at sea

Vivid books storytelling a venture is insane

Eternity written across the universe of books

Need a memory live within an adventure in a tale

Time is nothing for those that read

Until one realizes time has passed by

Reality is nothing compared to space divided by light cubed

Eternity is the book of life written within a book

Reading pirate stories is a truth

Eternity, a storyteller’s dream

A memory in time

Dreaming about a story told for eternity

I live as a pirate throughout time


15 September 2020  ·

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I might live in my own little worlds. But that is okay. The people all know about me there.. The dreamers always say be yourself. The problem is I have lived such a weird life. Being a weirdo could be one of my official titles. Be wonderful? I try to be kind. Be sensitive? I pray Dear Lord do not let me cause pain. Impulsive? Let alone do I live inside my mind most of my greatest adventures happen there. Crazy? Oh I own that I do not go crazy. I go normal from time to time and wonder if others are really crazy? When I talk to them about facts. Mystical? I travel upon moonlight and if this is not a dream you all would not be in my life. Vulnerable/ I am bear with a missing eye and foot. Lovable? I am no longer sure of love.I think love might be fickle. Magical? If you have ever read my stories let alone will I drag you down the rabbit hole with me, I will introduce you to the white rabbit and Alice. Beautiful? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and see beauty everywhere. The right people will adore me? No. They will tolerate me because let alone weirdo. I might be one of the most dangerous story tellers of all time. For you see my life has been one statement it has not gone as planned. When something went wrong in my life? Daily these days I say plot twist and write another story. It might not move on from here. But here I am and I shall find a solution in the end. For if I always do what I have always done. i will always get what i have always gotten. In yet? I will be the change I need in this worlds to make them a better place.


9 October 2019  ·

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When coming from a different time and dates do not match .. who did what first? whom is doing what now. Microsoft AI is now controlling reality and their ai is made for profit not creativity nor personal freedom nor is it anything but a bad cylone show.. to die a robot is not somethng I planned on.. it was nice knowing yo Alice.. https://www.reddit.com/.../the_truth_behind_the_mandela.../

5 August 2020  ·

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Speculation on age and time. So, I traced my journals from 6.5 billion year old earth to 5.7 billion. To 5.3 billion year old earth where everything was in chaos. Those of us suffering from the Mandela effect noticed everything was up in the air. The reason I believe and my opinion is some worlds cheating got too greedy. Say what? The system of things was meant as rules for God to not discover cheating in the parallel worlds. Meaning? Say you take a wonderful loving little boy and put him in his hell. Pavlov style by forcing him to do what he hates so much that the only relief he gets is to do what he hates? Sounds awful, you know? So what do the other realities get for causing pain and suffering?

The reality is according to Zechariah, which while I grew up was Zachariah. A full 33 percent of the game has been changed or Pavlov-ized. Meaning? From my understanding. Those people with great childhood who would have grown up to be mighty people. Their childhoods were a living hell. Example? The parallel world’s music frequencies and speed are different. Meaning? Imagine you married the love of your life and her voice was music. Then for three months suddenly she sounds like a bitch from hell? Or you were speaking normal in your reality in yet it either was too fast or slow for the world they dumped your soul into body? Causing people to say slow down or think faster. In the 1960s through 1970s, almost a full 25 to 60 million people. Had this experience just what I am talking about. Now the government making the switch so people hate their spouses. Because they sound like a bat out of hell whistle or something another. The children were to have wonderful homes now are in a single family home and to make matters worse? Think Epstein and crew. Think of close to 10,000 to 100,000 each year disappearing to be someone’s lunch. Sounds evil beyond anything Stephen King even writes about in yet? If you look at the missing children and people report you realize. That somewhere between 1970 to 2020 some 3 to 8 million people just are gone. It is like all of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, and Wyoming. They just disappeared. In yet no one seems to bat an eye. You say but the FBI. The FBI agent investigating Hillary Clinton. As for an example for tax invasion committed suicide while dancing on a dance floor in public. You think I am fibbing when I am talking about evil? What most people do not realize about the thief or the extent of the crime is how much money I am talking about. One estimate at 23 trillion dollars. Or all of the social security fund plus 3 trillion dollars spent on the war against terrorism. If you look for example, war on terrorism cost 6.5 to 9 trillion dollars. And supposedly killed 800,000 terrorist. If you do the math, that is 8,125,000 dollars to kill one bad guy at the low end. I am not sure how to say the ineffectiveness of the US military is but they should be able to kill someone for a lot less. That seems like a lot when you consider Vietnam they could kill one person for 35,000 dollars. What am I saying? That that US government destroyed their own populations lives. To create some sort of world. Where evil people ruled over the majority of the population. That were put into some sort of Pavlav system where evil wins?

Yes. That is exactly what I discovered at an earth where John Von Neumann lived to be until May 1957. His very last paper ironically was dealing with math. In something mathematically similar in game theory. It dealt with a story line. The statement was if set null is possible or impossible to a confirmed statement. Say what? Meaning in game theory the idea was to win more than you lose or make sure a balance of 50–50 so there is no unbalancing act. Causing? In this case, God, to hear about this evil. And according to the book of Revelation comes down because he heard how evil the city of new Babylon is or was. Meaning? John Von Neumann’s computer program exchanged souls. To realities where they were perfectly set to be 50 percent good, 50 percent evil, so time would be held at bay. Or more specifically, the souls of the living did not cry out too much for the end of reality. Sounds absurd, I know I argued with a lot of people against it. Now they are all dead. Or ending up in some other reality, but the conclusion of the system of things is pretty much a generation. What does that mean? Well, I think that means my soul is going back to its original body for judgment day. God has pulled the plug on this reality. But come now, surely you jest?

1. Kingdom versus kingdom. Yellow vest, Hong Kong freedom, and Bolivia anti Marxist. These were all trying to start bible Kingdom versus kingdom part of the bible. To stop this. The CIA in these evil worlds and other has moved the movement. From freedom to some bizarre black lives matter movement. Where they have killed more people destroyed property for corporation paying them. To destroy property for insurance fraud. And basically misuse that verse to fix their mistakes.

So? There attempt to blackmail a few people have failed in some areas. What areas? I can assure you if I spoke of what I have heard. No, it does not matter.

2. The future is dead. According to the bible. Paul states the Gentiles that can be saved. Until something happens and then will be called back into a branch of the tree of life. And that branch of the gentiles will be burnt up. Again, I say this with some confidence. Meaning on December 2017 in some realities Hawaii was nuked and those realities which were a future are gone.

3. The signs in the sky. Blood moon I do not recall that in my bible but here the blood moons indicated Jesus Christ return. I have seen either 4 or 5 or 6 blood moons. I am no longer sure how many. However, May 2021 is supposedly the next blood moon. So? August 31st there will be a huge change.

4. The real end of 2012. For those that study calendars most are designed around seasons and stars, and cycles of the moon and sun. The only one calendar supposedly accurate. In this reality is the Ethiopian calendar which the year here 2020 is 2012. And September 2020 is the real end of 2012.

5. What signs in the sky? First you have to look at the links. Realize the sun here has been hidden behind a mirror since 2003. It is why the sun is white here, no longer yellow. Say what? Meaning in my reality, Katrina hurricane happened in 2003. There the sun was yellow still. Here due to my next statement the sun has been hidden behind a mirror since 2003.

6. We are going back in time to where our original bodies were and our souls were stolen from to be judged. So? I would repent more often and pray more if I were you. The end of time is something to watch. To see a mountain move daily is awkward and write about it and no one believe you? Well, I am me and you are you. What am I saying? This might be your final chance to make amends. Ask forgiveness before something evil this way comes.

7. So all those divorced people are part of the 33 percent tin Zechariah. That had their lives screwed with by the government and corporations? Well, that is only part of it. The next part was the government made prisoners out of 14 percent of the population. How? Making smoking a weed illegal. Sounds stupid in yet the democrats did just that. They punished people mercilessly for smoking a weed. If that is not even the worse part? Due to the Pavlov style life style forced on people that are single. Thus making them raised in a single home. A lot are alcoholics and due to democrats moral superior of shutting down whore houses? Thus causing the epidemic of rape and homosexuality wildly increased. Am I blaming just one party for all the ills of the world? When I look at who sponsored the laws. And put in place said laws and those enforcing those laws and prosecuting those laws. Yes, I am blaming them.

8. So the government is playing a game with God, trying to win or cause more pain? What has that got to do with today and the rioting and looting? Well, Revelations New York City go bye and the two reasons? 1. Epstein files at the federal court house and 2. Clinton library in New York City.

9. Speculation why Clinton Library? It holds some program management office files. That was not destroyed in 9 11 due to it being presidential records that caused a lot of this shit.

Poetry Time Travel acrostic

Time Travel is something to think about these days?

Indeed, that light can be bent from the future to a past has already been proven in labs too.

Memories of me being elsewhere is something too.

Eternity seems like I was born on Sagittarius.

Time traveling from elsewhere, I suppose there and back again a story from Sagittarius .

Reality, passing through Pegasus, Orion's arm, Orion's spur, now to Orion nebula.

A time traveler has issues with reality times.

Vivid lives with other people, places, and now searching did they ever really exist in these times?

Eternity, a question on my mind as a time traveler these days.

Living, loving, and realizing that I am not real is much wilder for me to believe these days.

Speculation on Mandela effect- the dead are reanimated to bring back stolen souls that already went through tehir personal hell.

To help you understand. Mirror realities?

Think of a reality where your soul was stolen.

Then you lived in a reality according to Montauk Project when I started listening no one got into heaven.

Think at one time your soul was to get into heaven.

Then you lived in what is close to hell for so many years.

You died or dying.

You are experiencing the last 10 minutes of life.

Your mind is taking your soul back to your body.

For a day of judgment.

For a time of judgment.

What happens to those that die along this trip?

That is the issue with Drakes equation 10 to power of 200

Earths were made by God

And I have heard enough of how they die to realize that there are more earth and realities from where MacAuthor nuked Korea in 1950s

To where JFK told people in Texas after his visit to NASA that US has been contacted by aliens

For some hell for some vomited back to redo this again

For some heaven for a time

The issue seems this is a matrix a game

And as a game piece you will be judged in the end. Seem sad.

I would have played a much better game of life.

I think I tried however I fear I failed.

the sound you hear is the plates of or mirrors that between teh sun and earth. The reality is reanimated for a time. Meaning your body here is not the same as yesterday. Nor are the souls of the people you deal with. That is about all I can say. Time is a question of my mind?

I wonder about my mind?

Memories of wandering different realities.

Eternity stuck in the mirror worlds.

time is not on my side.

I watch worlds die and wonder.

Memories of hate and vengeance are not cleared up

Eternity is wild watching evil yet again

And no one seems to fight back

https://www.andersoninstitute.com/.../Closed_timelike... traveling man stuck in a loop or waiting for his body to be back his body for the day of judgment hell is real. that much I know. Will I really see a heaven? Well waiting 4.5 billion years seems like a long time. https://www.minds.com/.../to-watch-the-walking-tree-and...

23 April 2020  ·

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Time. The realization that the time traveler details on time need to be more detailed and formulas will need to be developed in the next chapter of the novel makes me wonder. What is time. If energy is nothing more than light. Matter is light after all stuck in a frequency. What is time? The film of Gods watching life? In yet, you would expect a film of Gods to have a better ending than the end of time of tribulation sees the time traveler telling people beware think do not let eternity pass you by because of evil vaccines and frankencoin currency of microsoft being implanted into your body. Watch for the seasons and times. Be ware take care.. In yet what is time if this is the past tense of where the time traveler had been. Walking in the valley of death is a bit more complex. Sure I am sheep in yet I feel more like a bear these days. Does that mean I don't end up on this timelines wolf pack? What is reality? Energy? Moving through time. Matter as light stabilized by frequencies that are breakable. Why? What happened so long ago that the stories are convoluted. What is time? If each time is set per the sun which seems what time is defined by the sun on each world.

Sept 2016 Wild. I am not sure if I am going crazy or if the time has changed. Or seasons. I remember winter in Bolivia and this.. This is not the weather I remember. Being blind for a year and half, maybe I am just more crazy than I think I am. Some things have changed so dramatically. I wonder a lot these days. I think I should not have read that book. To realize this now is a bit too late. Everything seems the same in yet. I can not put my finger on what has changed. The people? Yes, their personalities in yet. I get to go outside tomorrow can’t wait.

In the early morning walking outside for the first time since my eyes went blood red, and I saw galaxies swirling in my eyes all in blood for sometime. Leaving the doorway, I almost faint. My mountain is gone. I am not sure what to do? How can I misplace an entire mountain in my memory? I ask a simple question where is it? The reply rather floors me. My pronoun-cation of the mountain and their reply to the word is totally different.

What has happened? The mystery deepens when I realize a whole side of the mountain I live on has slated down by an additional degree or so. And either someone in one year has decided to paint every single house in the neighborhood or I am no longer where I was at.

I ask about a friend. I try to explain what I am seeing. He laughs, and that is that nothing. I insist. Some months and several realities later, I finally force the issue and have him drive me to my mountain. The google says 3 hours 15 minutes. Wild. We are driving on paved roads. How can this be? I knew the road was dirt. When did they pave it I ask? I don’t recall the answer.

Four hours into the drive I think my friend is getting nervous. Why? The mountain has moved. And google maps either is crazy or has no concept of how fast a crazy driver of Bolivia can drive. He sped up when I mention that I thought the mountain was on the left side of the road when we crossed the bridge and now it is on the right side? Right? He concurs and starts more quizzing me on a story I had about something else.

Five hours into the trip and either 80 kilometers on a paved road has no concept of distance and speed or we are lost. Can not be lost the navigator screen keeps on showing a path. In yet? We were going rather fast. He was or is a policeman so he can skip the speed limit and I am sure we should have been there in an hour.

We finally reach a small town at the supposedly base of the mountain. Only now it is on the other side of a mountain. Makes no sense. According to the store owner where I purchase some snacks we passed it and the mountain is just down the road a few kilometers. Since when did Bolivia use Kilometers this is South America and under the guidance of the United States used miles.

Freaking out my driver and I go back the way we come. Some how missing the road to the mountain. I ask to stop. We both get out and look back. There is the mountain. Wild. Where was it when we went up the road?

Well, I guess I won’t get to stand on the mountain. And the next day there is a party and I try to discuss our trip to the mountain. My friend is weird ed out dramatically. Seems I have taken his soul to another world. Meaning? He is a bit peeved because a certain location within La Paz has changed. I did not tell him everyone he knew also had different stories and a different reality. Why freak him out more than what was happening to him?

I think the key to the event was the realization. I shall not be able to get on the right path to the mountain.

The funny part of being old and deaf.

1. MY kids have to come to my room and ask me to turn down my music. So they can study in their class.

2. I once upon a time was a great person enough that I have outlived I believe most of my enemies by some billions of years. True story..

3. Time is not what one thinks it is.

4. Souls are real and so are golems or mirror world look alikes.

5. Fate is real too. I did not believe that for some time. If you ever spend time on Linkedin look me up and realize once upon a time I did things too.

6. My movie challenge finished 30 plus shorts and had fun got into 6 film festivals. I expect another 11. Wins? LOL I am using free wear, free photos from lovely people, and imagination so if I win it will be something.

7. Jesus and God are real. So are the evil one and vampires. I did not believe in zombies. In my reality Zachariah not Zechariah wrote about something completely not here. And? Well, I am here and that reality died some time ago. So reality is something.

8. Change is still possible. Not probable but FATE will take us to someplace and drop us off in the middle of no where and make you think.

9. People don't read my stories anymore which is okay. I suppose reading some mad hatter on a derailed reality is something. Still I got the math right. https://www.minds.com/.../are-we-falling-into-a-blackhole...

10. I wonder about something I saw. Was it a dream? Or a reality ending? I doubt I know anymore. Sure it was a drem reaity dying. just like this one is doing. For without the breath of God there is no life.