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Evo Ayma is evil folks. Boycott Mexico until all Bolivian funds are returned. That Mexico is evil to allow a person that stole public funds into their country shows who has been fueling the cocaine in the US.

2018  Police playing with Evo soccer. Sadness when they did not clap for his goal he threw the Police band in jail for five days.  This is why the police do not support Evo Ayma.

Don't forget Rafael Chambi!!! He is the potosino (Humble Mason) who is in jail unjustly since 2018, all he did was scream in the face of evo "Bolivia said no"

No se olviden de Rafael Chambi!!! Él es el potosino (humilde albañil) que está en la carcel injustamente desde el 2018, lo único que hizo fue gritarte en la cara a Evo “BOLIVIA DIJO NO”

Kid murdered by MAS..

Que maldito eres insitaste a la violencia para ver tantos muertos mil veces maldito

How cursed are you to violence to see so many dead a thousand times cursed

FROM MEXICO SAYS LET BOLIVIA BURN so they destroy the gas plant.
