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Conspiracies? No, I was thrown down the rabbit hole. I did not come willingly.

If I told you where or when or what projects I am allowed to show. Some people would ask the obvious question. I do not see what you are talking about. 

Reference: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clintonsiegle/

Personal life?  I lived a conspiracy from 1978 to 1990 as well.

I think if I must start I will start in 1978.  For some reason I ended up on the Minot North Dakota Air force base as a child.

I ended up up in what would be considered the mess hall which has a huge cement steps that are lifted by large pistons out of the ground and the underground area there is known for some rather unique experiments.

Why? Or how? I have no idea. I just remember as a little kid being scared out of my mind.  The whole thing could be chalked up to an over active imagination.

In 1980 I ended up in Popular Montana.  There my dog was murdered by the people that murdered the uncle and two other people of this girl when the 10,000 dollar reward was being pulled to hire a private investigator. https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/suspicion-asks-who-murdered-kim-nees-in-poplar-montana/

The people murdered all the dogs in a seven block area before the morning they went in and killed her uncle the other tow people.  

You say just because someone murdered your dog what part do you have in it?

The prosecutor of case ran for governor and was the RNC chair for a time. I did something in 1992 that helped in his election. Why? Ask Dorthy Bradley why she lost her hometown by 5000 votes? If she knows?

Moving on I ended up in Lame Deer Montana. Where the government does medical experiments with the Rez people. If you do not believe me ask them about how many years they were prescribed pain medicine and what types prior to the general public population ever hearing about Advil delivers relief that's fast with strength that lasts. Official website for Advil (Ibuprofen) and other items that I knew about happen and was told it happens when I asked why?

Or ask about the AIDS crisis that happened in area due to Catholic priest and the number of dead which does not even seem to rise to murder by the church.

Or .. If I was to tell you about Colstrip or UFOs or other stories you would laugh and say what a poor mans version of Halloween stories.

Needless to say I ended up working as a contractor on some rather unique programs that I no longer even see on my linkedin profile. Which begs a question since I am Mandela effected.



Why Boivia? Simple the communist tried to keep their dict orator in office September 2019. And?  If you read my stories or ever realize I write who I claim I knew or wrote before think about what letters I wrote then and even now. My latest hey Nigeria needs something do something.  Laughter conspiracies?

Here the horror stories told are many. From the baby room where the Catholics left babies to die from nuns impregnated by priest to .. Well I am dealing with a new story and I will figure it out. If you read my linkedin in you will notice I am missing lots of programs. Why? I tended to get involved with my stories and tried to fix things.  Why?

Why be good? Simply put it is what life wants out of everyone. BE good .Do good.

The conspiracy stories I am now tracking? 

https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/u-s-moving-self-propelled-artillery-to-border-with-quebec-reports-of-uniformed-chinese-troops-in-canada?fbclid=IwAR0BdowCaih8JwcVRFk0d-mIZ8XHw_EaavaqdSSvJ3VXC2WKHEuiQzL6D-A When people do not realize Deagel.com predicts how your reality will end. what is wilder is when the Chinese won. Yes I heard fourth hand about how Australia now speaks Cantonese. 

First part https://people.com/celebrity/australian-man-can-speak-fluent-mandarin-after-waking-from-coma/ fourth hand account that something happened to Australia and China. The 1000 years is a mix tale between Anderson Time Institute and Montauk Project with tales from a German timeline.

The war that allowed humanity to live a 1000 years is part of history. Do I believe it? I know a lot of interesting parts of history. That someone is going to be crying soon. https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-planned-destruction-of-system-of.html What is even wilder? Zombies... still hearing more on the vaccination an wifi5 now wifi25.. Space Force will not hold off heaven that much I can tell you. 

So conspiracies?  No. I am watching the end of humanity from my point of view. Will it be zombies, UFOs or oh my I know something else that is missing here that in my reality happens but here?  Who knows about time space and distance? Reality is just a question of ones mind.

If I told you that you are simulation and that as many scenarios as you in the mirror realities were programmed into a simulated universe and played out would you believe me? I doubt it? That I am according to some math billions of years old? Laugh with me. You would realize the following is a statement this reality is dead. And those souls that were flung around reality to hide from Gods day of judgment are being called back. To what? I am no longer sure. I can say believe in Jesus repent and pray.

A map of time for a time.. here  oh and happy Halloween for I am telling you the truth you are dead a long time ago and I? I am just passing through..