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Aye I was a pirate looking through the looking glass..

One thing was certain, that the WHITE kitten had had nothing to do with it:—it was the black kitten’s fault entirely. Yes, as a wino I assigned blame for the law of gravity at times. The reason? Obviously the White kitten did nothing to move my glasses from my reading stand. One might say that is an odd assertion or memory. Why would you be mad at a kitten moving your glasses? Well? It was not just my glasses. It was a lot of things of late. I was missing books. That I thought my wife was trying to kill me. How? I was guessing she got in the night and rearranging my whole room made me think I was going mad. Thus, I attempt to drink some sense into myself. That I had locked the door and only had two kittens in the room with me. Well, the White kitten was my friend and was on my lap. And I certainly did not drop my glasses on the floor behind a stack of books long overdue to be read. That left the black kitten.

However, even as I say this I wander about and realize the room had changed. What if the black kitten had not knocked my glasses off the reading stand? And why on earth is the top book open? Whose title was Enders time journals now open to a passage on something that I knew by heart. I looked at the journal. A madman’s find in a Bolivian second-hand book story in 1997. The words were. Egads the words changed. Laughing at both kittens, I hugged them and sat down to re-read a book that kept on changing daily for the past. Well, exactly how long have I been caught in a trap of time?

I remember waking up and observing that I was no longer in my room a long time ago. All I can say is do not tell the doppelganger wife or wives that you are seeing things, and that history has changed. Why? After spending 1,000s of dollars on 15 or 17 doctors, they all said the same thing. Which was? I was fine for a disabled man. In yet? How could I be fine? What was at stake was reality? What could be changed in the time of tribulation if Ender's journal was correct? Was he correct? I doubted that much at the beginning of this story, and you too can see why? Come now. My first attempt to communicate the dilemma which in my reality was spelled dilemna. Sent to roughly 538 members. Of various political groups, and associates met with silence. A glass of wine to think. Here kitten play with this.

One might say what did the shrink one of the 17 doctors tell you? Well? He said I was living a past life. I pointed out if the internet was right along with my journals; he was the one that was dead. He kind of got anxious at that statement. I said would he like me to prove it? Prove it? Yes. You see there is physical proof. And well I did. He prescribed me some rather unique blue pills sent me away. I sent him an email with a journal and never heard back from him again. Makes me love my kittens even more. Now, a funny meme. I wonder what people would think of a kitten drinking wine?

So what have I been doing these past few years? Trying to fix things via email is interesting. No one responds to a crazy person, evidently. What gets me is my resume here as well as where I was? My resume shows a rather high level of expertise in maters that I write about. When nothing seemed to happen I begin to consider other possibilities. If there was more wine. I think yes if people were drinking more win there would be more peace. Where did all the winos go?

Like what had brought me back to La Paz, Bolivia. Meaning? How many pink expatriate from the United States wander the streets? That are looking like a one legged, one-eyed pirate? Think a mostly Spanish native America country, how many aliens do you see? Laugh with me. My journals tell of me seeing some rather strange people. Maybe the café I ate at is a crossroads for parallel time traveling with strangers. That often I would bump into and say hello. Spooky? No, not at all. Kind of fun to freak out a 8 foot giant white man. Why? Bolivia is populated with people roughly 5 7 feet tall or below. To see giants here is an experience. Make me want to drink. Great the kitten has taken all my wine.

Enough of details because that would not explain the new worlds I was seeing daily. I wrote about them for a while on paper and then one day they were all gone. So I posted a lot of them on Cosmofunnel and that too disappeared. So I wrote a rather long journal, one night, copying from here to there and posed. If you would like a laugh. Read “A wondering mind of the multiverse" by Clinton Siegle. Realize I have been attempting to communicate with people for a rather long time to say hey,on stop being evil. I think when the winos left this world became evil.

I think the test is to find out what would make people rethink their actions. I mean, having traveled through worlds. Seeing different realities endings I should be more concerned. After all, it is not every day occurrence. Let alone a few years that a person can see a new world each day. Quiet, an expensive experience. Maybe that is the question. What began this journey? I wrote about it to a few friends. I remember the day rather well. Hey, kitten stop that.

I was writing on Facebook Pirates of the Caribbean when my computer started doing things. Hacked? Sure my computer is not hack proof. However, what it was doing was amazing. What was it doing? It was reading journals and stories and poems and ideas that I had placed in hiding that no one should be able to see. Why? I had already submitted them to publishers and awaited their reply. So? Well, like this story. I expect no one will read it. Or if they do, they did not understand the concept. Or thought the ideas were maddening, let alone not worth of anything. What got me was how whatever or whoever was reading my stuff was letting me know it or they or she was there. How? I date my journals. I time stamp a lot of things because of issues in my life. And well? They changed. That was in September 2015 plus or minus a 4.5 billion years. I lived on an earth according to the internet which was on Sagittarius. On the outer edge of the galaxy 377,000 light years across, where in 365,000 years that earth was to hit the next galaxy? Memories. The question is if I dreamed this too or is this some sort of wine induced dilemna now spelled dilemma? Why are the kittens playing with my shoes? Oh? Great Sketchers now spelled Skechers in yet the spellcheck shows Skechers is wrong? Look kitten see the screen?

So what has this to do with two kittens, Enders journals, and a madman locked in a room? Let me be honest. In my reality I did not expect to see the Mark of the Beast. Nor that Microsoft would turn evil. Like some movie director Microsoft becomes Umbrella corporation and tries to sterilize humanity? Kind of eye opening evil discovery. I wonder what to do? Pray? Dear Lord, change the hearts and minds of Bill Gates, and George Soros to believe in Jesus Christ. Sounds good. Kind of a plan of peace. Kitten stop that.

That is my message from a future that can no longer exist if I am telling you the truth. Why is that? I have met many travelers. So have you? Meaning? People tell their tales and you realize they think their memories are real. Example? George Bush Jr Saddam killed Mandela. Obama visited 57 states out of 58. Hillary Clinton and I came a very similar reality. Where Abe Lincoln was a senator for a few years prior to being the president. Joe Biden fighting Corn Pop.

Has my message be good, turn to peace, stop evil worked? Laugh with me, folks. I see humanity fighting each other, not for the same reason you do. Why?

I have had to rewrite and review almost all of my history. To my recollection I never heard of Montauk project in my world. I was a conspiracy reader there too. Why? I knew things and knew they were true. If they were considered conspiracy stories most likely, they were true elsewhere too. Meaning? Through time I discovered that Montauk Project. The story changes through realities. It went back in time stole souls. From those that were to be good or saved and placed them in realities in which they would be corrupted.

Laugh all you want. I thought I was going mad the first few times i listened to the story. They would say the project took 2,500 people. I re-listened to the story following that. The story changed. From 25,000, then to 250,000 next jumped to 2.5 million. I gave up listening for a time. I finally I went back the number was 25 million people they used in the project.

So what? The story was pretty easy for me as a planner, it was not too hard to realize that they stole souls. Spreading throughout the galaxies until they could not find those souls anymore. Being allowed into or going into heaven. Meaning? I am either heaven bound which I doubt. Or I am dimensional traveler possessing this body for one day at a time. Until I reach back into time or more specific I might be what is called a demon? I doubt that too, however it is one or the other.

Meaning? You have heard of the Mandela effect? The story goes, those souls most likely are returning to their bodies for the day of judgment.

To realize one night’s sleep is opening a doorway to. I am not really sure nowadays. I believe in Jesus Christ. Still, I remember what I did and what I am doing. That antifas according to Montauk project is trying to move all the good people out of harm’s way. Of the future wars, earth quakes, and volcanoes which will soon hit these realities. It is awkward to say the least. Do I stand for right? Which side is right? The tale is told in yet no one seems to believe me one way or another. Stop that White kitten.

The sense of danger increasing is wild. In the reality I was in October 2019 plus or minus billions of years ago, the last super-moon happened until 2035. Now, I see that there are two super-moons and 12 full moons in 2020. Kind of different reality? No? Black kittn please, stop.

Meaning? Well. I studied calendars when I was a child. Specifically, I wrote about them. I remember the current calendar being off by thirteen years in my reality. Here according to the only calendar that matters, the Ethiopian calendar that is now only 8 years. Meaning? The end of the real 2012. It is happening on September 8 through the 19th, depending on the reality should be something to see. And that the super-moon on August 31st should be interesting. Why? Mandela effect souls travel via moonlight for those passing through these worlds.

What is the sad moment? The sadness is realizing people will laugh at this story and not change their ways. Stop being evil. Do good. Be Good.

The final battle has already been won by God. What? If you have not figured life out by now let me clue you in. Energy equates to light times light times light. Meaning? Light is matter too. This reality is nothing more than a reanimated reality. The sun projector rewinding the souls to a point in time when the Great Story teller God will have his way. What about all the other realities? I have heard of them nuked. I have heard of them being frozen to death. Via a CO2 cloud coming out of the Atlantic ocean covering Europe and much of east coast and Africa. I have heard of their endings. I have seen the zombie story in a very vivid dream in 2003.

In the end, the battle is God’s. He will have his way. That he explains that the bad branches of the vine are pruned and burnt is a reality that I am seeing these days. That I read a little more of the journal of Ender and wonder. What could I have done differently? Should I do more? Life, what is it but a dream?