Democrats are Communist
Democrats want a large central government with a lot of regulations, they also want to make everyone equal by taking money from the rich and give it to the poor. The United States would have probably been a communist dictatorship under Obama if there was no constitution. He wanted to ban guns and say the second amendment is irrelevant and they want a centralized health care system next to the NSA spying program. They also try to destroy the opposition with the IRS and now they shut down the government and refuse to compromise because they want the public to blame republicans and give democrats control of the house and essentially the whole government. So yes they are communists but thank god we have a constitution so we dont end up like the Soviet Union.
Big government Commies
They socialize everything. Hate competition. Hate business. Hate freedom. Hate everything traditional. Yup they are without a doubt at least socialists. I mean they hate the rich, they incite class warfare and want to destroy the economy. The Dems are a pretty rough bunch of commies. Im tired of them ruining our country.
If the Democratic party isn't communist, i feel bad for communist countries.
They tread a fine line. The current democratic party champions itself on being the defenders of the poor, and in doing so they create more destitution to justify their existence.
This current party also uses many marxist tactics such as leveling charges against political counterparts that they are guilty of committing, trying to control academia, the press, and the entertainment industry. The democratic party also minimizes and attempts to weaken the middle class which is a goal of communism. This political entity also commits one of the worst offenses which is class warfare.
Roosevelt Ruined USA
Franklin Roosevelt ruined this country when he took us off the gold standard. Our money is not back by anything but the word of our government. I work for the Federal Reserve Bank. If the government needs more money they just print it. Years ago you could take your money to the bank and exchange it for gold or silver. Just remember, the German mark wasn't backed by precious metal and inflation ruined their country.
Democrats will ruin America
Democrats are communists. There's just no denying it. If Democrats continue to be elected as our presidents we will end up like USSR. I cannot believe how stupid some Americans are that they would actually vote for Obama or God forbid Hilary Clinton or Bernie sanders as the president(dictator). Do u want to be run by a dictatorship in a communist nation? Thank God for the constitution or we'd already be there.
Stepping Stone To Communism
Most democrat voters today, and I live in California so I know to many, are low information voters that don't understand what the party is doing or the direction they are going. They don't see what is going on in Venezuela and how similar their beliefs are. This has been going on since the inception of America - 1/3 of the country believes in Americanism - 1/3 of the country opposes Americanism - 1/3 of the country doesn't care. It was the same ratio during the American revolution, the civil war and the end of segregation and usually the majority of republicans supporting greater moral values throughout history.
Yes they are
Under the pretense of "It's for your own good," and "You shouldn't have to pay for that," the Communists have taken over the Democratic Party. The "ends justify the means" with them. Educate yourself. Open your mind. Most Dems now are not "bad" people, they are just not well informed or critical thinkers. Part of the dumbing down process. "Useful idiots."
One Form of Communism
There are different forms and manifestations of communist/socialist ideology, and different levels of communism within various parties and political movements. As a former Democrat, I can attest that "my" party left me, and embraced enough communist/socialist, and even fascist views that I felt forced out, becoming a Republican because they are now what the Democrats used to be. Both parties have moved to the left in a variety of ways. So yes, while the Democratic Party here in the US is far different from the Communist Party of the old USSR, there are definitely certain undeniable elements of communism which have been adopted. National (government-controlled) healthcare, gun control (leading to registration, which in turn leads to confiscation and the subjugation of the people), redefining our reality through propaganda, control of our educational system by a politically motivated government, massive government welfare which basically enslaves the poor by trapping them in a cesspool of dependence and a subculture of crime and poverty, using civil unrest as a tool to foment the abandonment of traditional policies (Obama's fundamental change), government influence over the press and media, government control of the free market (which has grown considerably since the 1970's), etc. There is far too much to list here, but the reality is that the Democratic Party of the USA is clearly moving further toward the socialist/communist structure of Europe and the UK.
They sure are. Just ask people who used to live in communist countries.
They want to disarm everyone, they want a heavy-handed, centralized government, they want to change our Constitution, and they prefer everyone to live in cities where they can be controlled, monitored, and registered. Every communist leader around the world supports the American Democrat Party agenda. Democrats want to destroy this nation.
Democrats and Communists Both Tyrannical Statists
Democrats consistently favor big government bureaucracies that deprive people of liberties. They oppose private property rights at every turn, and are consistently found serving at positions with the United Nations prior to assuming public office in the United States with the Democratic Party as the political entity supporting their campaign. The only difference between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party is that the Democrats are willing to use a more diplomatic goal to accomplish Communist goals. Eventually, if those tactics do not work, they are still willing to use the tyrannical means whereby the Communists commonly use to arrive at achieving their objectives.
We should ask the Green party members to vote Libertarian not democrat. WARMONGERS VOTE DEMOCRAT
Who started the US civil war?
Democrats 1861 1865 how many died because of the democratic party? Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 1,031,881
Who got the US involved in WWI? Not Muslims. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) Democrat 1913-1921 - campaigned against the war one month later declared war due to ammunition transport with civilians being blown up after warnings. - Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 320,518
Who started WWII? Not Muslims Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) Democrat 1933-1945 - campaigned against the war - but opening caused the war with japan per policy of democrats 1940 Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 1,076,245
Who got us into Korean war? Democrats.. Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 128,650
Who got us into Vietnam over flat out lies particularly the Gulf of Tonkin which never happened? Not Muslims Lyndon Johnson Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973) Democrat 1963-1969 the incident never happened - Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 211,454
Libya bombed murdered leader Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Egypt imprisoned leader/murdered citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Syria bombed and attempt murder leader Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Somalia bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Pakistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Afghanistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Philippines bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Yemen bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
Iraqi bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)
SAY NO to WAR with IRAN.. SHAME is fake and false news is wrong.. FOR those that enjoy life..