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arrr.. there be pirates.. and then there was Ender the Claw or Talon.. the stories the adventures he could tell

singers and dancers within pirate crew wanted

i like to sing and songs about pirates-

join in if you can or care-

Pirate Birthday Song

Rita "Calico Bess" Sherwood

(sung to the tune of "Blow the Man Down"

Ye know it be yer fault we’re singin’ this way,

Yo! Ho! It be yer fault! 1st mate:

For had we not known it be Pirate Talk Day, All:

We’d be a singin’ Happy Birthday!

And so we be gather’d, yer chums and ye kin, All: “

Thank ye, Mates fer lettin’ us in.” 1st mate: .

.to celebrate with ye for a-nother year All:

Lift up yer mugs and give ‘em a cheer!

The candles be meltin’ all over the cake, All:

Give ‘em some time to blow them all out! 1st mate:

Ye better start puffin’ befur it’s too late! All:

Now be th’ time to blow them all out! Now be the time to blow them all out.

I’m a crusty old pirate, I live by the sea

I say ARR! To me mates and they say ARR! To me

We’ll sing a sea chantey and play the guitar

The swashbucklers favorite song ARR ARR ARR ARR

We sail the high seas and the small ones to boot

Just a bunch of old scallywags lookin’ for loot

Where X marks the spot on the treasure map thar

With a heave! and a ho! and an ARR ARR ARR ARR


And it’s yo ho ho And it’s hoist the sail high

"Swab the deck";, says the captain The crew says, "AYE.


A happy swashbuckler will tell you point blank

He’d rather be swabbin’ than walkin’ the plank

The lookout first mate At the captains behest

Has climbed up the mast and he’s in the crows nest

He’s lookin’ for ships with his binocular

And when he sees them he’ll shout ARR ARR ARR ARR

You had best close your eyes when we sit down to eat

For manners are lost on a pirating fleet

We gobble our grub, slurp our grog from a jar

And when we are finished we’ll ARR ARR ARR ARR

CH: And it’s yo ho ho

There’s a patch on me eye and there’s stripes on me shirt

We’re surrounded by water and still we find dirt

Our hats have three corners they’re triangular

We wear them while singing our ARR ARR ARR ARR

When pirates sing, they sing boldly and proud

When pirates are sleeping they snore very loud

And when pirates laugh they say HAR DE HAR HAR!

The rest of the time they say ARR ARR ARR ARR


A Buccaneers’ life is exciting and bold

ŒTis a charming story that ought to be told

As I sit on the deck, to write me memoir

I open me log and write AR AR AR AR


And it’s yo ho ho And it’s hoist the sail high

"Swab the deck";, says the captain The crew says "AYE. AYE!";

Avast me hearties, you’re the finst by far

We sail the high seas with our Arr Arr Arr Arr

We’ll shiver me timbers , it’s Arr Arr Arr Arr

i c u b a pirate 2


pirate poetry

i know itis silly 2 say

really i just enjoy silly ways

as of today

trading 2 facebook ways

enough with poetry on myspace ways


kidnap doll from little girl

ravaged refrigator for soda and chips

sailed a shopping cart once upon a time


certify able been there done that

ben 2 the second grade twice


waking up to smell the flowers

long walks with myself and my thoughts

references depends on the day and whom i am talking too

ooking for crew

how many doesnt mater

how is the pay for the crew

as long as u add me i pay

do as i say

oh oooking for crew to day

like missing to day

l was missing this way

a dollar you say

real coin to day


do I say thoughts of a dollar to day

ah a poem in any way

you say only a dollar a day