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Are we falling into a blackhole? sure why not. Formulas of Speed Time Distance The speed, time, and distance of a moving object can be calculated by using the following formulas of distance speed and time. Distance Speed Time Formula is given as: Speed = DistanceTime Distance = Speed x Time

Formulas of Speed Time Distance

The concept of a galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, defines the time taken for the Sun (and thus Earth) to complete one orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Current estimates suggest that the galactic year is approximately 225-250 million Earth years.

In the calculations provided earlier:

1. **Time Taken to Travel 1 Light Year:** The calculation shows that light travels approximately \(5.87 \times 10^{12}\) miles in one light year, aligning with the conventional definition of a light year.

2. **Determining Time for Earth's Orbit around the Galaxy:** The estimation of \(134,529,853\) years for Earth to complete an orbit around the Milky Way aligns with the notion of a galactic year. However, the accepted galactic year duration is significantly longer, around 225-250 million years, emphasizing the vast timescales involved in galactic orbital periods.

3. **Analysis of Earth's Movement:** The claim of Earth moving \(2,000\) light years closer to the center of the Milky Way in a few years (2018 to 2021) suggests a rate of \(666.\overline{6}\) light years per year. However, this rapid shift contradicts established scientific understanding and is inconsistent with the much longer galactic year duration.

4. **Speculative Calculations:** Speculative claims about human lifespans and theoretical Earth movement within the galaxy lack empirical evidence and do not align with established astronomical knowledge or the concept of a galactic year.

Comparing the estimated time for Earth's orbit around the Milky Way (134,529,853 years) with the widely accepted galactic year duration (approximately 225-250 million years) emphasizes the considerable discrepancy between the speculative calculations and the recognized timescale of a galactic year. These calculations highlight the immense timescales involved in galactic orbital motions and the need for caution when interpreting and aligning speculative claims with established astronomical models.





The calculations provided in the breakdown focus on understanding distances and time in space. To align with the concept of a galactic year, we can compare these calculations to the notion of Earth's orbit around the Milky Way.

1. **Calculating Time Taken to Travel 1 Light Year:**
  This calculation defines the distance light travels in a year, approximately \(5.87 \times 10^{12}\) miles. A galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the time it takes for the Sun (and consequently, Earth) to complete one orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

2. **Determining Time for Earth's Orbit around the Galaxy:**
  The estimate for a complete orbit around the Milky Way is \(134,529,853\) years, considering the average speed of Earth in orbit and the galaxy's estimated diameter of \(100,000\) light years. This time span aligns with the notion of a galactic year, representing the duration for Earth to complete one orbit around the Milky Way's center.

3. **Analysis of Earth's Movement:**
  The claim that Earth moved \(2,000\) light years closer to the center of the Milky Way from 2018 to 2021 suggests a substantial shift. If this movement were constant, it would imply an average annual movement of \(666.\overline{6}\) light years. However, such rapid movement contradicts established scientific understanding, and these calculations likely don't accurately represent Earth's actual motion in space.

4. **Speculative Calculations:**
  The speculative claims about human lifespans and theoretical Earth movement within the galaxy lack empirical evidence and scientific substantiation. Therefore, these claims cannot be incorporated into standard astronomical calculations or associated with the concept of a galactic year.

In summary, while calculations for Earth's orbit duration align with the concept of a galactic year, speculative claims and rapid Earth movement within a few years are not consistent with established astronomical understanding and likely do not relate to the concept of a galactic year.


Let's break down the math and calculations involved in the provided statements:

1. **Calculating Time Taken to Travel 1 Light Year:**
  Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second.
  In one year (365.25 days), light covers:
  186,000 \, \text{miles/second} \times 60 \, \text{seconds/minute} \times 60 \, \text{minutes/hour} \times 24 \, \text{hours/day} \times 365.25 \, \text{days/year}

  This equals approximately \(5,869,713,600,000\) miles in one light year.

2. **Determining Time for Earth's Orbit around the Galaxy:**

  Earth's speed in orbit around the center of the Milky Way varies but averages about \(514,000\) miles per hour. The diameter of the Milky Way is approximately \(100,000\) light years.
  Time taken to complete one orbit (assuming constant speed):
  \frac{\text{Distance around the Milky Way}}{\text{Speed of Earth}} = \frac{100,000 \, \text{light years} \times 5,878,625,000,000 \, \text{miles/light year}}{514,000 \, \text{miles/hour}} = \text{approximately 1.18 trillion hours}

  Converted to years (365.25 days/year), it would take approximately \(134,529,853\) years to complete one orbit around the Milky Way.

3. **Analysis of Earth's Movement:**

  The claim states that Earth traveled \(2,000\) light years closer to the center of the Milky Way from 2018 to 2021.
  Considering the distance to be traveled in one year (assuming a constant rate):
  \frac{2,000 \, \text{light years}}{3 \, \text{years}} = 666.\overline{6} \, \text{light years per year}

  Earth's average distance traveled per year over this period is \(666.\overline{6}\) light years.

4. **Speculative Calculations:**

  There are speculative claims about human lifespans and theoretical Earth movement within the galaxy that lack empirical evidence and scientific substantiation. These claims do not align with established astronomical understanding and therefore cannot be calculated using standard scientific methods.

These calculations and statements emphasize the vastness of space and the complexities involved in measuring astronomical distances and movements. Some of the statements provided are speculative and may not align with established scientific data and models, hence should be considered cautiously.



The speed, time, and distance of a moving object can be calculated by using the following formulas of distance speed and time.

Distance Speed Time Formula is given as:

Speed =

Distance = Speed x Time

VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry, by the way “VLBI” stands for Very Long Baseline Interferometry) started in 2000 to map three-dimensional velocity and spatial structures in the Milky Way. VERA uses a technique known as interferometry to combine data from radio telescopes scattered across the Japanese archipelago in order to achieve the same resolution as a 2300 km diameter telescope would have. Measurement accuracy achieved with this resolution, 10 micro-arcseconds, is sharp enough in theory to resolve a United States penny placed on the surface of the Moon.

Earth new position since 2018 2,000 light-years closer to the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.


Normal speed suggests we would travel the following  2 years / 66 years =  0.03 years since 27000 light years considered distance from A EARTH to B Blackhole at center of galaxy.

Distance 0.2 of 1 light year = 0.2 DISTANCE WE SHOULD HAVE TRAVELED IN ONE YEAR

1,000 light years traveled from 2019 update TO 2020 update

Total distance we should have traveled in light years = 0.006 light years

Scientists Now Believe Black Holes Could Be ... - Era of Light



Humans are still trying to visit the nearest planet in our solar system and the nearest black hole, Sagittarius A*—which lurks 27,000 light years away at the center of the Milky Way—is not even remotely reachable without propulsion technologies that are decades, if not centuries, from implementation.

Imagine the Universe!f



The Voyager spacecraft is traveling away from the Sun at a rate of 17.3 km/s. If Voyager were to travel to the center of our Galaxy, it would take more than 450,000,000 years to travel the 8 kpc. If it could travel at the speed of light, an impossibility due to Special Relativity, it would still take over 26,000 years to arrive!



Earth now 2,000 light-years closer to Milky Way's ...



Earth now 2,000 light-years closer to Milky Way's supermassive black hole ... at the center of our galaxy, is actually 25,800 light-years from Earth -- almost 2,000 light-years closer than what we ...


Distance Speed Time Formula is given as:


Speed = DistanceTime


Distance = Speed x Time



2.000 light  years /  11,739,427,200,000 Miles in 2 years =


in one year thus went went 


27000 to 26000 meaning we went 5,869,713,600,000,000 Miles Miles in one year


26000 to 25000 light years we went 5,869,713,600,000,000 Miles Miles in one year

                               GRAND TOTAL 11,739,427,200,000,000 Miles in TWO YEARS  

WHEN we should have only gone

0.030303030303 * .2


0.0060606060606 × 5869713600000


 5,869,713,600,000,000 = 2,000 light years

  • 3557,4021,818.1 = 0.2 times 66 years times 5,,869,713,600,000 mile

-35574021818.1 plus 5869713600000000

5.869,678,0259,800,000 miles in TWO years

OR  in 2 years you traveled 5000 life times or

66 years ÷ .2 lightears = 1 light  years takes 330 years


330  years * 2000 light year

660,000 years of life  from 2019 to 2021.



A light year is a measurement of distance. This distance is measured by how far light can travel in a year.

Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second.

In one year (365.25 days) that is equivalent to 5,869,713,600,000 mile

How far do we travel through the universe in our lifetimes? 0.2 light years in 66 years

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/lastword/mg24332392-100-how-far-do-we-travel-through-the-universe-in-our-lifetimes/#ixzz71vuGxRxb






When you find out you are 660,000 years old and you wonder a bit.

Awkward moment when earth falls 2000 light years into a black hole and no one seems to care. How far do we travel through the universe in our lifetimes . How far do we travel through the universe in our lifetimes ... [Search domain newscientist.com] https://www.newscientist.com/lastword/mg24332392-100-how-far-do-we-travel-through-the-universe-in-our-lifetimes/ Though you will have travelled about 62.5 billion kilometres around the sun in 66 years, it is a tiny distance in stellar terms: less than 1 per cent of a light year, or around 0.2 per cent of the ... That awful moment. Black hole found at center of galaxy - CNN.com https://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/12/10/supermassive.black.hole/index.html Earth’s distance from center of galaxy calculated at 27,000 light-years Black hole’s mass the equivalent of four million solar masses, study says Next Article in Technology » [Search domain newscientist.com] https://www.newscientist.com/lastword/mg24332392-100-how-far-do-we-travel-through-the-universe-in-our-lifetimes/ Black hole 26000 light years from us proves Albert ... https://theprint.in/science/black-hole-light-years-us-proves-albert-einsteins-theory/90789/ Black hole 26,000 light years from us proves Albert Einstein’s theory right. Stars close to the supermassive black hole were found to be losing energy, a phenomenon predicted by Einstein almost 100 years ago. Bengaluru: Bang in the middle of our galaxy, on a patch of sky known as Sagittarius A* sits a supermassive black hole (SMBH) with 4 Astronomers discover the closest black hole to Earth — and ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/astronomers-discover-closest-black-hole-to-earth/ In comparison, Sagittarius A*, the infamous supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, is more than 25,000 light-years away, and the first black hole to ever be captured on camera is... MEANING we are all crossing over into a quantum state. Thus the mark of the beast in quantum dots. The problem? Do you want to be a slave to a fascist government microsoft when you die and be a zombie? Or believe in Jesus. We already according to the numbers lived 1000 66 years from 2017 27,000 light years to living again 1000 lives 66 years from 2019 to living again 100 lives 66 years to 2020. Meaning we are falling into a black hole and scientists are not concerned. Should you be? Mark of the beast owning your personality? AS a server robot? Or believe in Jesus. We already according to the numbers lived 1000 66 years from 2017 27,000 light years to living again 1000 lives 66 years from 2019 to living again 100 lives 66 years to 2020. Meaning we are falling into a black hole and scientists are not concerned. Should you be? Mark of the beast owning your personality? AS a server robot? curious does this make sense? If in one life time of 66 years we traveled .2 percent of a light year. And since 2008 now have traveled 2000 light years. That would make us in theory 66 years times 2000 times 5 tp make one percent, then 99 times again to make a 100 percent of one rotation of the galaxy. Just wondering if the math makes sense. Going from 27000 light years to 26000 then multiplied by 2 to get 25000 light years since 2008. Going light year normal .2 percent in one life time? However I think it is billions of years not millions curious on your opinion? Numbers how old are you since 2008 when nasa said 27000 to 2021 when they say 25000? 1000 ÷ 0.2 = 5000 how many 66 years in 1000 light years. 5000 × 66 × 2 660000 years old.. AND how old are you?