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A possible Russian invasion is rumored for the 13 or 14th of April to seize a damn near Kherson that can supply water to Crimea. Less than a week away. “The split in America, rather than simply economic, is between those who embrace reason, who function in the real world of cause and effect, and those who, numbed by isolation and despair, now seek meaning in a mythical world of intuition, a world that is no longer reality-based, a world of magic.” ― Chris Hedges

With Ukraine's 35-45 thousand soldiers, and NATO's 37,000, the US has 20,000 totals out at close to 100,000 military sitting on the West of the CRIMEAN BRIDGE and Russia has a War Machine that will turn them into dust.

Why are NATO forces being used as protectors of 2- former Russian provinces? If Trump had sent Troops to Portland would NATO have put there nose in that?

A possible Russian invasion is rumored for the 13 or 14th of April to seize a damn near Kherson that can supply water to Crimea.
Less than a week away.

People like myself and others who have had the time to research and dig deeper into historical events only to understand how we've managed to get this far in today's gene pool do work together in trying to awaken others.

I'm driven by wanting to know the truth.

This "Post" by my friend

Cherry Hinkle

reads like a table of contents.

She authored the Dulce Papers that reveals the association of men working with Alien races. It all began when Phil Schneider entered their levels while the government above was looking for their own underground bunkers.

Take any one of these claims, research it yourself and you'll find how they are all connected.


Posted on Facebook by Cherry Hinkle 6 April 2021

(this specific information was supplied by unknown author, but it is

interesting enough to post here. It is mostly accurate.)

1) In 1776, a secret organization was started by a Jesuit priest named

Adam Weishaupt. This organization was known as the Order of the

Illuminati. Its purpose was to take over political control from the

Catholic Church and the Kings of Europe. In 1777, Adam Weishaupt was

initiated into the Masonic Order in Munich, Germany.

2) On January 25, 1878, farmer John Mertin of Dallas, Texas observed a

flying disc. On August 12, 1889, Jose Bonilla took several pictures of

over 300 objects which crossed the Sun. In 1896 and on into 1897, a

wave of sightings occurred in the United States of winged cigar shaped

craft and airships. In 1909, the first recorded wave of European

sightings occurred in England.

3) In 1932, Adolph Hitler directed German scientists to work on

aircraft designs using advanced technology provided by Gray entities

from inside the Earth. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt became President

of the United States. Roosevelt was a Mason at the time when interaction

with the Gray entities began with the U.S. Government. In the winter of

1933-34, there were 487 flying disk-sighting cases in Scandinavia (240

Norway, 96 Sweden, 157 Finland).

4) On July 11, 1934, aboard a naval ship in Balboa, the first deal was

made between the United States and the Grays. The agreement stated that

the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere

in their affairs. It allowed the aliens to establish underground bases

on U.S. soil in exchange for alien technology.

5) During the winter of 1936-37, there was another wave of increased

sightings of disks over Scandinavia. In 1938, the Germans began flying

experimental craft using unconventional power sources and Methods

obtained from a downed alien craft. Also in 1938, the U.S. Government

engaged Orson Wells to do the "War of the Worlds" broadcast in order to

gauge public reaction to the idea of alien contact.

6) In 1947, a powerful radar unit caused the crash of several alien

disks in the Four Corners area of the U.S. The most notable of which

were at Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico. The disks recovered had a

reptilian species on board as well as the bodies of U.S. Air Force

pilots that had been mutilated. The disk crash at Roswell netted one

live alien that was referred to as EBE for Extra-terrestrial Biological


7) President Truman knew nothing about aliens prior to this time. He

responded quickly to keep everything about the aliens secret and

established a group of 12 top military and scientific personnel to deal

with the aliens. They were known as the Majestic-12 and the group still

exists today with different representatives.

8) In September of 1947, President Truman caused the National Security

Act to be passed, creating the Central Intelligence Agency, in order to

hide the activities of the government and the alien problem. CIA mind

control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Project Sign was

created on December 30, 1947 at Wright Field to investigate disk

technology capabilities and performance. The Navy Auxiliary Field in the

Groom Mountains of Nevada was chosen as the place to do the testing.

9) In 1949, alien craft were often seen hovering over sensitive

nuclear installations, especially in New Mexico. Probes, known as

"green fireballs", were frequently seen over the state. In 1949,

another disk crashed, with one fatality and one living alien, that was

kept in a facility with an electromagnetic grid. In December of 1950, a

disk crashed in the El Indio-Guerro area of Mexico and was taken to the

AEC facility at Sandia in New Mexico. In 1951, flying wing type

aircraft were seen over Albuquerque.

10) Also in 1951, the alien, known as EBE, suddenly became ill and died

in 1952. In 1952, President Truman created the National Security Agency

to monitor and contain the secret of the alien presence, decipher alien

communications, and eventually establish an ongoing dialog with any

aliens it could communicate with.

11) In 1952, a group known as the Bilderbergers was created in order to

take the decision making about the alien problem and other international

issues out of the hands of governments. The Bilderbergers,

headquartered in Geneva, evolved into an elite secret body that still

controls international situations.

12) In July of 1952, disks flew over Washington D.C., creating a public

stir. One of the disks flew away at a speed estimated at over 7,300

mph. In 1953, there were 10 disk crashes, 26 dead and 4 living aliens.

Astronomers in 1953, discovered a large object that entered the solar

system and later proved to be intelligently guided and emitted

communication signals. The Air Force, in the same year, discovered huge

orbiting objects between 100 to 500 miles in altitude. They were alien


13) In 1953, members of the Pleiadian race met with President

Eisenhower to warn him about the Grays and offer their help. But, to

receive their help, the people of the planet would have to stop killing

each other, stop polluting and destroying the Earth, and request their

help as one people. Their help was refused because they would not

provide advanced technology.

14) It was decided by the government to communicate with the Grays and

possibly acquire advanced technology. They also wanted to find out more

about both the aliens and the role they were playing in mutilations and

abductions of humans and animals. Project Sigma, a joint NSA/CIA project

to communicate with the alien species, was successful. The aliens told

the government that their abductions of humans were for medical

examination purposes only.

15) Diplomatic relations were established and a meeting was held

between elements of the U.S. government and the Grays from the Marcab

Empire on April 25, 1954 at 6pm at Holloman AFB. Two disks hovered

above the runway while a third landed. Representatives of each species

were exchanged. The representative of the EBAN, as they call

themselves, was named Krlll (no vowels) and confined to an

Electro-magnetically secure facility near Los Alamos.

16) A secret treaty was negotiated with the EBAN by the United States

government. The agreement was made and contained some of the following

provisions: (1) The U.S. would not reveal the alien presence and would

not interfere with alien operations, (2) The U.S. would allow the aliens

to maintain underground bases on U.S. soil, (3) The U.S. would allow the

aliens to abduct it's citizens on a periodic and limited basis for

medical examination, provided that the people were returned unharmed and

without memory of the interaction, (4) The aliens would furnish a

periodic list of abductees to the NSC, and (5) The aliens would provide

the U.S. with advanced technology.

17) To finance these "Black" projects, without being accountable to the

U.S. Congress, the government allowed Lucky Luciano to return to Italy

in 1949. Heroin began flowing into the United States in the 1950's.

Today, the U.S. government is the largest purchaser and distributor of

heroin and cocaine in the world. Primarily, the CIA and the Delta

security forces (sponsored by the NRO) were involved.

18) By April of 1954, the U.S. began to suspect that the aliens were

abducting a larger number of people than were being reported to the NSC.

They realized that they had made an error in trusting the aliens. The

purposes for the abductions turned out to be: (1) Insertion of an

implant device for the biological monitoring, tracking, and control of

the abductee, (2) Implementation of a post hypnotic suggestion to carry

out a specific activity during a specific time period, (3) Termination

of some people for biological materials and substances, (4) Termination

of individuals who represented a threat to their activities, (5) Effect

genetic engineering experiments, and (6) Impregnation of human females

for the creation of crossbred infants.

19) So, the aliens had violated the agreement. The government realized

that there was little that they could do but try to keep the information

classified to prevent panic. It became increasingly obvious to MJ-12

that things were not going as planned. The extent and number of persons

reported missing every year is a closely guarded government secret. But

since 1980, there have been at least 20,000 children reported missing

each year. There have been over 14,000 cattle mutilations since 1973.

And, over 20 million Americans have reported seeing a UFO.

20) In 1955, a large donut shaped UFO was seen over New York. In 1956,

mind control experiments on prison inmates, was approved in the United

States. On August 13, 1956, radar operators at RAF Benwaters, England

detected objects flying over the North Sea at a speed of 4,000 mph.

21) In March of 1956, at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico,

Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette, was abducted by aliens. An Air

Force major witnessed him being hauled aboard a flying disk with

tentacle-like cables. His mutilated body was found three days later

about ten miles from where it was taken.

22) In 1957, a facility code named DREAMLAND, was constructed at Groom

Lake, Nevada in the proximity of an alien underground base known as S-4.

The bargained for technology was set in place but could only be

operated by the aliens themselves. It was found that the advanced

technology could not be used against the aliens, should the need arise.

23) In 1961, Cape Canaveral/Kennedy radar locked onto an object that

was following a Polaris missile over the ocean. Vice President

Johnson's private aircraft crashed. Radar showed UFOs in the area. At

Fort Ord, California, 221 military members were abducted and implanted

with devices. All were sedated through the efforts of 600 other

soldiers who were recruited for the purpose and debriefed. Many

suffered severe physical and psychological trauma. They and their

families were sequestered.

24) On September 21st of 1961, two Boeing 707s encountered a large

donut shaped UFO over the Pacific Ocean. Betty and Barney Hill were

abducted in New Hampshire. The Hills were taken onboard a disk,

examined, and released with memory loss until it was later revealed

under hypnosis. Also in 1961, President Kennedy, dissatisfied with some

areas in the covert government structure, threatened to go public about

the alien presence.

25) In 1962, the Bilderbergers met to discuss the ultimatum. 1962 was

also the year that a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the

presence of a viable atmosphere. Disk activity was observed by the

public around Dulce, New Mexico, which was the site of a joint

government-alien underground facility.

26) In 1963, mind control experiments began in Warminster, England. In

May of 1963, Gordon Cooper had visual contact with a UFO while in orbit

on a Mercury flight. Within a month after President Kennedy's

assassination, the Bilderbergers met again to formulate their plans.

27) In April of 1964, Cape Kennedy radar technicians tracked disks in

pursuit of a Gemini capsule. On April 15th, two intelligence personnel

met with aliens in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April

25th at Holloman AFB, New Mexico in order to solve the problems with the


28) In 1966, the Soviet Union had a massive wave of sightings. In

October of 1967, Britain was hit by a wave of disk sightings. In 1968,

disks that were known to be flown by the U.S. Navy, were frequently seen

around China Lake, California. In May of 1968, disks frequented the

demilitarized zone in Viet Nam.

29) On July 20-21 1969, the Apollo 11 crew witnessed a huge alien

spacecraft surround their landing site on the moon. In October of 1969,

Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO. A major flap of spacecraft

sightings occurred in Australia.

30) In late 1972 and early 1973, numerous sightings of disks occurred

in South Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Canada, and in

Australia. On October 25, 1973, a disk buzzed the National Security

Agency High-frequency transmitter facility at NW Cape in Western

Australia. In 1974, large numbers of animal mutilations began to occur

in Texas.

31) In 1975, captured German technology allowed development of a sonic

weapon against the EBEs. The project continued until 1978. In November

of 1975, Travis Walton was abducted and returned five days later. Also

in 1975, bases in the northern tier of the U.S., were flown over by

UFOs. Chase planes lost them near New Brunswick, Canada.

32) In 1977, President Carter was elected and said that he would make

every piece of information about UFOs available to the public. Carter

was shown a disk and changed his mind. In 1978, a wave of sightings in

England began that lasted until 1983 with some 3,000 sightings

documented. On March 18, 1978, William Herman was abducted and told by

the aliens of the existence of a "network" of civilizations.

33) In September 1978, scientist Paul Bennewitz discovered the

activities of alien craft at Manzano Weapons Storage area outside of

Albuquerque, New Mexico. In November 1978, a huge cylindrical object

was seen hovering over oil company equipment in Kuwait. The CIA had

secured control over most of the worldwide traffic in opium by the end

of 1978.

34) 1979 was the year that a disgruntled scientist at the Dulce

Bio-Genetics Facility fled with evidence, vowing to expose the

atrocities found there. In October 1979, 66 people were killed during

an altercation with aliens at the underground facility near Dulce, N.M.

Also in 1979, Electronic Identification Research began at Los Alamos

National Labs for identification implants. (Cherry's comment: Tom Castello was not a scientist, he was the head of security at Dulce Base. The amount of living beings, including humans exceeds the 66 people killed on that date. (27 Oct 1979) They killed more than humans, they also killed Reptons and three tall Greys, and severely damaged seven black eyed Greys.)

35) In 1980, the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducted REX-80,

readiness exercises in which they relocated Cuban refugees as part of a

population relocation test. In May of 1980, Myrna Hanson related

information, under hypnosis, of being abducted and taken to an

underground base with vats. Also in May, Judy Doraty and her son

witnessed a cattle mutilation and were abducted and implanted

themselves. In December of 1980, the Cash-Landrum incident occurred

where both women received severe radiation poisoning during an encounter

with a U.S. disk.

36) In 1982, the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducted the

REX-82 exercise, which tested the nation's ability to mobilize quickly

for wartime military production. Industry failed miserably. In 1983,

FEMA obtains standby legislation with the passing of the "Defense

Resources Act". This bill suspends the Bill of Rights, abolishes free

enterprise, eliminates privately owned property, and censors all means

of communication in the event that a National Emergency is declared

under any pretext.

37) On April 26, 1984, General Bond is killed while flying in Area 51

during a classified aerial test. In September of that year, a high

delta-winged craft soundlessly buzzed golfers in Australia, which set

Royal Australian Air Force into motion. The event caused the subject of

UFOs to be raised in Parliament.

38) In September of 1987, 16-cycle waves are broadcast for a period of

four months before the election of George Bush. The ELF waves caused

entrainment of millions of Americans to occur. On September 21, 1987,

President Reagan voiced his thoughts about aliens threatening the Earth

in an address to the United Nations. On the 27th of November, groups of

U.S. Army Rangers attempted, but apparently bungled, to enter a joint

U.S.-alien facility in New Mexico.

39) On December 17, 1987, a UFO in Gulf Breeze, Florida dropped a fluid

on the local athletic field. Analysis showed that the fluid was of

unknown origin. In 1988, George Bush became President. A joint

U.S.-alien base off the Florida coast was reactivated, giving rise to

the sightings at Gulf Breeze.

40) In May of 1988, Ronald Reagan again made a speech in which he

referred to an "alien threat from outside this world". In New Mexico,

an antimatter weapon was developed at Los Alamos as a weapon of last

resort if "the Grays cannot be pried away from the planet". The number

of Grays on Earth was estimated at 20 million.

41) In February of 1989, the government began communications with a

Reptilian species (who were advancing on this system), because they were

one of the few enemies of the Grays who could get rid of them.

42) In 1989, data on Project Excaliber was released. The project was

involved in developing a warhead that would penetrate 1,000 meters of

earth and then detonate. This was useful for destroying underground

bases. On May 7th, the South Africans shot down a flying disk. U.S.

pilots exited the craft and South Africa complained about invasion of

their airspace. On June 30th, after a spree of what were possibly

government induced violent episodes with guns on school yards, gun

legislation was presented to Congress to disarm the American public.

43) On October 11, 1989, a large disk was seen by hundreds of witnesses

in eastern Oklahoma. Sightings began to be reported in Iowa and around

the U.S. in large numbers. On October 16, 1989, information was

disclosed about a disagreement between the U.S. and Soviet Union in a

base on the far side of the Moon in which several U.S. scientists were

machine-gunned in 1986 or 1987.

44) In January of 1990, witnesses in Lancaster, California viewed a

delta shaped craft, 900 feet long, fly slowly over a ten minute period.

The craft was accompanied by another disk. On February 17th, a

Ukranian astronomer detected radio emissions near Altair, which has been

associated with reptilian creatures.

45) In 1994, the motion picture film of an alien autopsy in 1947 was

released. In 1997, the failed attempt to shoot down an alien spacecraft

in space, was video taped from the Space Shuttle, and released to the

public. In 1998, the video taped evidence of UFO activity, from several

people all over the world, were released. Also in 1998, many of the

original MJ-12 documents were released. In 1999, the first national

televised presentation about UFOs occurred during prime time, with

"Confirmation, The Hard Evidence".