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There are no "climate refugees"

Swiss LibertarianMar 31, 2021, 3:25:41 PM

Here comes another round of lies and nonsense about how Pacific Islands are going to disappear because, supposedly, of man-made climate change and how we have to take in more fake "refugees" from the 3rd world - no longer fleeing from war, but from ... "climate change" - caused, allegeldly by evil white people with their industry:

German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million ‘Climate Refugees’ to Migrate to the West

Lies, 100% lies!

This is just a short response to this madness about "climate refugees". A much more in-depth article on the climate hoax is in preparation.

Pacific Islands are GROWING, not shrinking! And that's based on actual scientific studies:

Based on the alarmist hoax, the Maldives should already have disappeared into the ocean:

New York City was supposed to be under water, too, since 2015

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

Instead, they recently built a new airport, to be able to handle more tourists:

No, that never happened, that's just CGI.

The measured warming of the oceans is so weak as to be within the margin of error, i.e. only 0.1C over 50 years, with a precision of 0.2C. In other words, the oceans might just as well have cooled by 0.1C:

The only observable effect of the slight increase in CO2 over the last 100 years has been a greening of the planet, especially in arid regions:

Here is an animation of how Europe greened since 1900:

Wildfires decreased substantially over the last 100 years, worldwide:

Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus realities in a changing world  (study published by the Royal Society Publishing)

For the left, this didn't matter - they never let facts get in the way of their narrative. Remember how they reported for weeks about how the forest fires in Australia end of 2019 were "proof of global warming"? The fires were supposedly due to Australia getting gradually warmer and dryer.

The exact opposite is true!

Australia has been getting slightly cooler and more humid, based on the official BOM data:

2019 totally went against the trend. The cause was an event called the "Indian Ocean Dipole", which was followed by heavy rainfall over Australia, just as in other historical events of this nature:

Every single one of their claims was a lie:

Contrary to what the models predicted, there was no massive increase in precipitations:

A warmer world would not even be a problem - it's much better than a coler world!

Storms were less frequent and less violent:

Even the IPCC admitted that there was no evidence for any kind of harsher climate:

The death rate from natural disasters fell exponentialy:

Life expectancy increased worldwide, it almost doubled!

Humanity has been growing more and more food on less land:

Considering the facts, it's absolutely obvious that the enemies of a free world lied intentionally for decades and they even admit it, but think that it is justified:

Keep this in mind - never, ever give an inch when debating climate alarmists. Nothing they say has even the remotes connection with reality.