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I would like to vote just like everyone else!!

♻Rushofwaves♻Sep 18, 2018, 7:19:53 PM

This is a matter of creating great content that the community values. 

If you don't like the response to your content go find a different community. 

Minds can provide you with creating your own community, but when engaging with the greater pool of users, the town center, then there is a certain respect we all adhere to. Just like in life, Minds channels not ok with your behavior will encourage your departure. You can go take root in a new town center. If you are so sure that you deserve an awesome reputation, your new dwelling will out shine the old. Very unlikely! But at least you can be with your brethren. And that should be what matters most!!  Not bought followers, paid for likes, and political manipulation of the hard working Minds channels that have been around the block, staying humble in their pursuit.

 I can but will not point fingers, I will only with the power of my positive vote and support, uphold what I believe is of value! 

 I have been blocked by a number of channels. I may inquire from time to time, why the reason, so I can better myself!! 

 I am no self proclaimed virtuoso of any subject, but complaining about $h!# will never help my end game of being the best I can be. 

Stick to your what compels you to create or curate awesome content! 

Talk about gaming the system, these reputation blogs are getting a huge response and subsequent share of reward pool. This is my attempt  to curb such activity, get the community back on track creating value with hard work, and dedication to their craft.

That is where value comes from!!

Share this article if you like what you do, and want to do more of that. 

Thank you to so many Minds channels that may not be on this list!!

As a reward for reading this blog and sharing I will add your channel to a category of your choice!  Have a great day, and have a browse around these lovely, hard working, patient, Minds channels! 

I am for hire!! :)

Have A Great Day

Thank You For Supporting


and my followers!!

@ProfessorViking @Stardust0x @alitaslem

@arustamo @DmtSpirit @GemStar7 @Ophelia_Cox @Julieharrison90

@MysticalMaven @OkamiGalaxy01

@Overrun @Geometrist

#awesome #minds




@ottman @Milica42



























@BCTL "The Great Reminder"

#spiritual #philosophy #mystic

@RJWorrell @Antisocial_Network_Radio @CowboyPariah @SpiritualCrypto @Sound_Wave @janemaatismith

@Alphaxan @ReAllexandros @Kaiszen @Ioana24 @Darko77 @GemStar7

@BearSkull @FreeQuinnSees @WhisperingSerenity @nonstoperator

@JustAddLogic @TwistedMental



@Lionheart777 @MamaDini @MarekHoffmannGroup

@mikehopkins @kibls

#art & #artists

@JamesN @Spacemind @kibls

@snoop1 @Anibas @Stringer @FloriaMagnifico @aesthetics_and_art

@MuseOfMusic @WernerRosas @random4444 @soresker @HER @Dengesores @kaleebsimagination

@Timmortal @ReesDaFlo @ScienceFictionArt

@Offgridlife @JamesFecteau @Amberflamezzz

@JWBaker @VisualMatters @fractalizer

@LBrandtCobianArt @WaterWave

#tattoo #artist








@DorothyDayPhotography @samreeves707

@duongquangdong @Summer_17

#film #animation







@RiverRose @pinkie

#420 #Friendly

@TropicP @CaptTrips @HumbleHashMaker @Shannon222 @Excalibur69 @SatoriD @Splooshtastic6969

#meme #heroes

@imogenasmodeuscookiebailey @SirAlbertHolmes @Libtarded @Arkos @Andlevy @bazra60 @AisheitMubhed @gangstermailsexy @Feltern @andrewcummings @TheGarbageMan @myincal


@GentleGodOfThunder @manport @SeanPoluk @BearSkull @jeffandhisguitar @JaphyRyder @Marman @FretzCapo @LadySarahRose @domass @betahax @giorgio1 @KiddinLA @Rick48 @MusicRePostER @themusicalintrovert


@francais @TepbianKord


@Inquisitor_Firebrand @gtpooh @TheGarbageMan

#curators #reminders

@allthatisgoodtoday @eloiseswinbrook @Tanawatee @ladyhug

@JonW116 @FretzCapo @Sizzlinsista3 @Fiofly @djacjay @Hunnieleev @KunstCentraal @Macrohard @vanhoile

@Beardedone2017 @BillyBigBang


#news #political #satire

@Censorshipsucks @JohnE9999 @BrittPettibone @Uncensored007









@Ophelia_Cox @TheStrike @Knowledge_Is_Power


@Draintix @ImpalerBear



#food #travel










#health #living #fitness




@HealthyFoodMaster @tim_ttteufel @dcwickweilee @chemicalfreebodyguy

#skaters #surfers

@Cretinous @benadapt



@Girameister @Aragmar


#story telling

@JackGunter @BadassRho

#funny #parody #videos


@scientificmemo @yourtop5s



@sofuego @MaxAlva


@phandinhphuc @nhanthai

@DaiKyNguyenVanHoa @AnnieNg

#travel #gypsy #life #camping

#rv #wonderlust



@LifeisaJoy @Amotley0265 @unclebillscamping

#gif #art #fractal

@DividedBeing @JamesN










#highly #active



@kibls @francais @jack @Antisocial_Network_Radio

@Uncensored007 @Pnut68 @lilycreek 

@CowboyPariah @eloiseswinbrook

@delastman @CommonxWriterxQuill

@ExcessHeadspace @Happyprimrose

@Tanawatee @Spacemind @ladyhug

@DoubleAgentKC @jeffandhisguitar

@Stringer @fishefry @Sound_Wave
































outside your box




If you able to donate please do!!

I will continue creating positive lists like this for the betterment of Minds!!


You can Donate With


[email protected]

Donations receive the

highest level of honor!

Minds Tokens To The Moon

#minds #news #art #myphoto #politics #photography #trump #maga #nature #music #usa #truth #walkaway #censorship #qanon #vietnam #beautiful   #beauty #metoo #freespeech #beautiful #love #mindsdj #truth #cryptocurrency #blockchain #remind #art #trust #community #value