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RebeccaStewartMay 4, 2022, 6:32:09 PM



When the enemy brings the war

to the battleground of your mind

You must fight


Do not retreat and flee

Do not crouch naked or afraid

Do not cower or cringe

Take the warrior’s stance and fight


Do not let past failures weaken you

yesterday’s wounds sap your strength

today’s challenge buckle your knees

Fight the fear, the nausea, 

the pain of powerlessness


Obliterate the darts of doubt 

Fend off the fog of discouragement

Renew your spiritual arsenal

Be prepared to parry all blows

And fight


Do not give in to self-loathing 

Or stumble into the pit of self-pity

Do not be trapped or ensnared

letting cords of weakness overwhelm

Fight, resist, be ready for action


Remember who you are, 

and you are not alone

Remember you are loved

Remember you are worth the fight

Remember your choices matter

Remember who fights at your side

So fight with all your might

Not just for you,

but for all that is worthy of your love

Stand tall against your wiley enemy. 

for in the mind there’s no place to flee

no foxhole to hide you

So be vigilant and rise up 

Use your righteous anger to resist

to regroup, and reinforce your resolve


Recognize those bitter intrusions

monotonous mind worms

dangerous deceits

Invasive images and siren songs

Do not let them take a footlhold

Just fight 


Repel the lies, counter the deceptions

Beat back the fears

Brandish the Word’s sword

Banish the wayward thought

Take your stand for the truth

And fight


Do not lose heart

Do not succumb to weariness

Fight the fatigue, the exhaustion

Endure, overcome, prevail
Not on your own, not for yourself,

But for the one who loves you most.


So fight.