I am basically an autistic (I have autism BTW!) Left-Libertarian (Mutualist & Individualist Anarchist) Pantheist/Deist/New Age Eurasianist Scottish/White Nigger of  Celtic Scottish-Irish heritage with some Native American/Indian (despite my Anglo Saxon last name) Hetero-Binary-Male (Straight White Cis Guy) with Androgynous tastes + brain wires, as well as a Secular/Unorthodox Pro-Lifer as well. That's right, I am Left-Wing, Pro-Life, and not even religious, but not an atheist either. Not only am I Anti-Abortion, I am also very Anti-Religion, Anti-Government, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Central Banking, Anti-Bankster, Anti-Cop, Anti-Reactionary Conservatism + Anti-Stalinism/Maoism + Anti-Nazism (Aryan heritage is perfectly fine, just not the EVIL NAZI ideology perverting it), Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Zionism (Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism BTW), Anti-Wahabism, Anti-Mainstream Binary Politics, Anti-Patriotism (I HATE AMERICAN PATRIOTS), Anti-Sectarianism, Anti-Identity Politics, Anti-Hyper Political Correctness (it won't solve the discrimination issue BTW), Anti-Intellectual Property, Anti-Legal Tender, and especially Anti-Tariff, Anti-Traditionalism, Anti-generalization, + Anti-Centralization! (That's including despising Nationalism & the so-called 'globalism') Pro-Market, Pro-Alternative Currency, Pro-Copyleft/Open Source/Free Culture/DIY, Pro-Life (I also support ethical herbal contraceptive birth control alongside washable reusable Condoms + Chastity Cage hybrids and BDSM Chastity Belts/Cages + artificial wombs too), Pro-Free Form Procreation, Pro-Polygamy, Pro-Organic/All Natural Food Gardening, Pro-Pantheism, Pro-New Age, Pro-Cannabis all the way, Pro-Japanese Culture <especially anime (Japanese Cartoons), manga (Japanese Comic Books, Video Games, etc.>, Pro-Gun, Pro-magic Mushrooms, Pro-Kratom, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Peace, Pro-Anarchy, Pro-Mutualism, Pro-Individualism/Pro-Individuality, Pro-Eurasianism/Eurasia (Gotta stand up for Interacial Love between White Guys and Asian Girls), Pro-Freethought, + Pro-Decentralization! (Smash all Nation States & World Govetments down into abundant federations of infinite micro-nations & Autonomous Zones , + Bring on the Ancient Greek-style city state system, PEACEFUL ANARCHY FTW!) EURASIA UBER ALLES! FREE MARKET ANTI-CAPITALISM FTW, I can wait to livein a yurt with off-grid free energy + Internet + Organic Gardening + Free/Libre Open Source Computing! I'd love to share some LINKZ! to the various beliefs of mine & Sites that I STRONGLY RECOMMEND (ITS A BIG LIST): all-left.net (Alliance of the Libertarian Left) c4ss.org (Center for a Stateless Society) primonutmeg.com propeaceprolife.org (Rehumanize Intl) https://exileinhappyvalley.blogspot.com (Nicki Reid the Comrade Hermit) attackthesystem.com (Keith Preston) franklludwig.com (Frank L. Ludwig) secularprolife.org plagal.org (Pro-Life Alliance of Gays & Lesbians) https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/nvp/hentoff.html prolifehumanists.org evolutionofconsent.com www.bad-press.net (Joe Peacott) mutualist.org (Kevin Carson) thelastamericanvagabond.com corbettreport.com (James Corbett) theconsciousresistance.com (Derrick Broze) theantimedia.com themindunleashed.com mediamonarchy.com (James Evan Pilato) collective-evolution.com switching.social prism-break.org faow.referata.com (Free and Open Works) freeculture.org (Free Culture Foundation) fsf.org (Free Software Foundation) eff.org (Electronic Frontier Foundation) www.oshwa.org (Open Source Hardware Alliance?) postmortemstudios.wordpress... (James 'Grim Jim' Desborough) cbldf.org (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund) prostasia.org (Prostasia Foundation) davidicke.com enkiptahsatya.com/english pantheism.net deism.com (World Union of Deists) timebanks.org shiresilver.com cryptonote.org nonserviam.media enkiptahsatya.com/english triggerwarning.us http://www.gyw.com/hakimbey/ https://anarchodictator.blogspot.com/ techdirt.com radgeek.com nowhere.news anonymous-japan.org
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I am basically an autistic (I have autism BTW!) Left-Libertarian (Mutualist & Individualist Anarchist) Pantheist/Deist/New Age Eurasianist Scottish/White Nigger of  Celtic Scottish-Irish heritage with some Native American/Indian (despite my Anglo Saxon last name) Hetero-Binary-Male (Straight White Cis Guy) with Androgynous tastes + brain wires, as well as a Secular/Unorthodox Pro-Lifer as well. That's right, I am Left-Wing, Pro-Life, and not even religious, but not an atheist either. Not only am I Anti-Abortion, I am also very Anti-Religion, Anti-Government, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Central Banking, Anti-Bankster, Anti-Cop, Anti-Reactionary Conservatism + Anti-Stalinism/Maoism + Anti-Nazism (Aryan heritage is perfectly fine, just not the EVIL NAZI ideology perverting it), Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Zionism (Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism BTW), Anti-Wahabism, Anti-Mainstream Binary Politics, Anti-Patriotism (I HATE AMERICAN PATRIOTS), Anti-Sectarianism, Anti-Identity Politics, Anti-Hyper Political Correctness (it won't solve the discrimination issue BTW), Anti-Intellectual Property, Anti-Legal Tender, and especially Anti-Tariff, Anti-Traditionalism, Anti-generalization, + Anti-Centralization! (That's including despising Nationalism & the so-called 'globalism') Pro-Market, Pro-Alternative Currency, Pro-Copyleft/Open Source/Free Culture/DIY, Pro-Life (I also support ethical herbal contraceptive birth control alongside washable reusable Condoms + Chastity Cage hybrids and BDSM Chastity Belts/Cages + artificial wombs too), Pro-Free Form Procreation, Pro-Polygamy, Pro-Organic/All Natural Food Gardening, Pro-Pantheism, Pro-New Age, Pro-Cannabis all the way, Pro-Japanese Culture <especially anime (Japanese Cartoons), manga (Japanese Comic Books, Video Games, etc.>, Pro-Gun, Pro-magic Mushrooms, Pro-Kratom, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Peace, Pro-Anarchy, Pro-Mutualism, Pro-Individualism/Pro-Individuality, Pro-Eurasianism/Eurasia (Gotta stand up for Interacial Love between White Guys and Asian Girls), Pro-Freethought, + Pro-Decentralization! (Smash all Nation States & World Govetments down into abundant federations of infinite micro-nations & Autonomous Zones , + Bring on the Ancient Greek-style city state system, PEACEFUL ANARCHY FTW!) EURASIA UBER ALLES! FREE MARKET ANTI-CAPITALISM FTW, I can wait to livein a yurt with off-grid free energy + Internet + Organic Gardening + Free/Libre Open Source Computing! I'd love to share some LINKZ! to the various beliefs of mine & Sites that I STRONGLY RECOMMEND (ITS A BIG LIST): all-left.net (Alliance of the Libertarian Left) c4ss.org (Center for a Stateless Society) primonutmeg.com propeaceprolife.org (Rehumanize Intl) https://exileinhappyvalley.blogspot.com (Nicki Reid the Comrade Hermit) attackthesystem.com (Keith Preston) franklludwig.com (Frank L. Ludwig) secularprolife.org plagal.org (Pro-Life Alliance of Gays & Lesbians) https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/nvp/hentoff.html prolifehumanists.org evolutionofconsent.com www.bad-press.net (Joe Peacott) mutualist.org (Kevin Carson) thelastamericanvagabond.com corbettreport.com (James Corbett) theconsciousresistance.com (Derrick Broze) theantimedia.com themindunleashed.com mediamonarchy.com (James Evan Pilato) collective-evolution.com switching.social prism-break.org faow.referata.com (Free and Open Works) freeculture.org (Free Culture Foundation) fsf.org (Free Software Foundation) eff.org (Electronic Frontier Foundation) www.oshwa.org (Open Source Hardware Alliance?) postmortemstudios.wordpress... (James 'Grim Jim' Desborough) cbldf.org (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund) prostasia.org (Prostasia Foundation) davidicke.com enkiptahsatya.com/english pantheism.net deism.com (World Union of Deists) timebanks.org shiresilver.com cryptonote.org nonserviam.media enkiptahsatya.com/english triggerwarning.us http://www.gyw.com/hakimbey/ https://anarchodictator.blogspot.com/ techdirt.com radgeek.com nowhere.news anonymous-japan.org