
Unabashedly Forming Opinions. The experiences and occasional rantings of a middle-aged man from the UK, taking pictures and making the occasional video about life in China. I'm also a huge fan of Richard Dolan / Graham Hancock and usually most things conspiratorial. The Four Horseman have also been a pivotal influence in my life. I've been teaching English in China for some years, and I'm currently employed at one of the top universities in the North of the country. If you want to know more about China, who I am and why I'm here, please head on over to my YouTube channel. Give me a thumbs up and help me to support others with the information they need to come to this wonderful country and leave the enslavement of the West behind........ Cheers. Check out my YouTube channel below ;o)
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Unabashedly Forming Opinions. The experiences and occasional rantings of a middle-aged man from the UK, taking pictures and making the occasional video about life in China. I'm also a huge fan of Richard Dolan / Graham Hancock and usually most things conspiratorial. The Four Horseman have also been a pivotal influence in my life. I've been teaching English in China for some years, and I'm currently employed at one of the top universities in the North of the country. If you want to know more about China, who I am and why I'm here, please head on over to my YouTube channel. Give me a thumbs up and help me to support others with the information they need to come to this wonderful country and leave the enslavement of the West behind........ Cheers. Check out my YouTube channel below ;o)