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The History of The Dangers of Vaccination, Fluoride, Electromagentic Frequency Radiation & Behavioral Manipulation (35 Pages)

PhableOmsriMay 11, 2020, 4:51:27 AM

This document has been extracted from Michael Tsarion's Timeline found at http://illuminati-news.com/2007/1007.html

540 Bubonic plague engulfs the Roman Empire until 592.

567 Gregory of Tours reports that just before the Bubonic plague invaded the Auvergne region of France, three brilliant lights appeared around the sun “and the heavens appeared to be on fire.”

590 Another historian reports that bright lights in the sky precede the plague in another province in France.

1298 Between 1298 and 1314 seven large “comets” seen over Europe.

1333 A plague in China, preceded by a “terrible mist emitting a fearful stench and infecting the air.”

1347 Bubonic plague spreads in Europe through 1350. Over 100 million would die from the plague during the next 400 years.

1493 Columbus transports sugar cane to the New World on the advice of Queen Isabela. Members of his crew acquire syphilis in Haiti.

1495 Syphilis epidemic spreads to Europe from Naples, Italy, where the troops of Charles VIII were quartered.

1495 Syphilis reaches Germany and Switzerland.

1496 Treatment of syphilis using mercury compounds introduced, based on Arabic use of mercury compounds to treat skin diseases.

1496 Syphilis reaches England and Holland.

1497 Severe famine in Florence, Italy

1497 Vasco da Gama carries syphilis to India.

1498 Syphilis outbreak in India.

1500 Epidemic of syphilis.

1505 Syphilis outbreak reaches Canton, China.

1509 First attempts to restrict right to practice medicine to licensed doctors.

1526 From 1526 to 1546, there was a tendency for syphilis to become milder and more chronic in nature.

1528 Severe outbreaks of plague in England.

1557 Massive influenza epidemic in Europe.

1563 General outbreak of plague in Europe. Kills 20,000 in London.

1567 In South America, 2 million die from typhoid fever.

1568 Disease epidemic in Lisbon kills 40,000.

1578 First recognized description of whooping cough (Pertussis) by French physician Guillame Baillou during epidemic in Paris.

1592 Plague kills 15,000 people in London.

1599 Outbreak of plague in Spain.

1603 Heavy outbreak of plague in England.

1665 London swept by Bubonic plague. It was noticed that people who lived without sugar escaped harm. Over 68,000 die.

1667 The apparent danger of using animals serums foreign to human beings and animal serums foreign to other animals is reported in medical literature in

1667 when lambs blood was unsuccessfully used as a human blood transfusion.(Sir Graham Wilson, The Hazards of Immunization, London 1967, Athlone Press).

1667 Epidemics of smallpox, dysentery begin.

1668 Merck begins an apothecary shop in Darmstadt Germany.

1669 Outbreak of cholera in China.

1670 Measles and tertian fever epidemics displace cholera.

1672 Dysentery becomes mild and some smallpox occurs.

1673 Inoculation against smallpox appears in Denmark. (See 1778).

1674 First mention of diabetes mellitus in British Pharmaceutice Rationalis, by Thomas Willis, member of the Royal College of Physicians.

1675 Malaria epidemic in England and discovery of “Peruvian bark” (quinine).

1678 First medical treatise in America on smallpox and measles.

1695 Paris and Rome experience ferocious epidemics of Pertussis.

1699 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever.

1700 Deaths from tuberculosis increase dramatically in England and other sugar consuming countries as the body environment changes to accommodate it.

1702 First appearance of yellow fever in the United States. It would appear 35 times between 1702 and 1800 and would appear almost every year between 1800 and 1879.

1709 Plague in Turkey, Russia, Scandinavia and Germany through 1710.

1712 First record of vaccinations for smallpox in France.

1717 Inoculation against smallpox instituted in England by Lady Mary Montague after she returns from Turkey, where it was in a popular experimental stage at the time

1719 Outbreak of the plague in Marseilles, France through 1720.

1721 In the United States, a clergyman named Cotton Mather attempts to introduce a crude form of smallpox vaccination by smearing smallpox pus into scratches in healthy people. Over 220 people are treated during the first six months of experimentation. Only six had no apparent reaction. Mather was bitterly attacked for recommending this practice in Boston, Massachusetts.

1722 In Wales, a Dr. Wright refers to inoculation against smallpox in the British Isles as “an ancient practice.” A citizen of Wales, 99 years old, states that inoculation had been known and used during his entire lifetime, and that his mother stated it was common during her life, and that she got smallpox through her “inoculation.”

1723 First record of smallpox immunization in Ireland, when a doctor in Dublin inoculates 25 people.Three died, and the custom was briefly abandoned.

1724 First record of vaccination for smallpox in Germany. It soon fell into disfavor due to the number of deaths. Years later, doctors were able to reintroduce it.

1740 Smallpox epidemic in Berlin. University of Pennsylvania founded.

1741 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever.

1747 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever.

1750 Scandinavia experiences a 15 year epidemic of Pertussis (whooping cough) which takes 45,000 lives.

1754 Inoculation for smallpox introduced in Rome. The practice was soon stopped because of the number of deaths it caused. Later, the medical profession would successfully reintroduce it.

1762 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever.

1763 Epidemic of smallpox in France wipes out a large part of the population. It was immediately attributed to inoculation, and the practice was prohibited by the French government for five years.

1763 The first recorded episode of biological warfare in the United States occurs when white colonial settlers give smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans who sought friendly relations. Also a significant case of genocide.

1768 The medical profession in France is successful in re-instituting vaccination for smallpox.

1778 Danish physicians move to open two major vaccination houses in Denmark by order of the King.

1778 In Italy, infants were inoculated by Neapolitan nurses without the knowledge of parents.

1789 Epidemic of influenza in New England through 1790.

1790 Edward Jenner buys a medical degree from St.Andrews University for £15.

1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swine-pox. In 1798, he vaccinates his son with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21.

1793 Epidemic of influenza in New England.

1793 Major epidemic of yellow fever in the United States in Philadelphia, the social, political and financial center of the country. It would soon spread to other states through 1796.

1796 Edward Jenner in Gloucestershire, England, credited with concept of vaccination. Jenner vaccinates an 8 year old boy with smallpox pus. Jenner would vaccinate the boy 20 times. The boy would die from TB at the age of 20.

1798 General vaccine programs against cowpox instituted in the U.S.

1800 Benjamin Waterhouse at Harvard University introduces vaccination in Massachusetts.

1800 British sugar consumption reaches 160 million pounds per year.

1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.

1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with “smallpox vaccine.” The paradigm that vaccines provide “lifetime immunity” is abandoned, and the concept of “revaccination” is sanctioned.

1809 Massachusetts encourages its towns to make provision for the vaccination of inhabitants with cow pox vaccine.

1810 The London Medical Observer (Vol.VI, 1810) publishes particulars of “535 cases of smallpox after vaccination, 97 fatal cases of smallpox after vaccination, and 150 cases of serious injury from vaccination, ten of whom were medical men.”

1812 Death rate from TB in New York 700:100,000.

1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another £20,000 for “smallpox vaccine” experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate his concept his causing more death than saving lives.

1826 Cholera epidemic begins in India.

1831 Cholera epidemic spreads from Russia to Central Europe.

1831 Smallpox epidemic in Wurtemberg, Germany, where 995 vaccinated people succumb to the disease.

1831 In Marseilles, France, 2,000 vaccinated people are stricken with smallpox.

1832 British Medical Association chartered. Impetus for forming AMA in U.S.

1835 First availability of powerful compound microscopes after the perfection of the achromatic objective lens between 1815 and 1830.

1838 Smallpox epidemic in England.

1839 First time a disease is traced to a parasitic organism. (Schoenlein, fungal infection of scalp).

1846 Nucleus of physicians in New York form the American Medical Association.

1846 Over 117,000 Chinese laborers brought to Western United States, feeding an imported opium trade estimated at 285,000 pounds per year into the U.S.

1846 Independent U.S. Treasury established.

1846 Former slaves in Caribbean left to manage old sugar plantation—a situation that would last until sugar plantations would eventually be taken over by the United States.

1847 American Medical Association (AMA) organized in the U.S.

1853 Smallpox epidemic in England.

1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act. From 1853 to 1860, vaccination reached 75% of the live births and more than 90% of the population.

1853 First use of hypodermic needle for subcutaneous injection.

1855 Compulsory nature of Massachusetts vaccination statute firm, and a pre- condition for school admittance. Statutes created in the belief it would “protect children from smallpox.”

1855 Outbreak of cholera in England.

1857 Vaccination in England enforced by fines. Smallpox epidemic begins in England that lasts until 1859. Over 14,000 die.

1858 England experiences a 7 year epidemic of Pertussis (ending in 1865) in which 120,000 die.

1860 Introduction of antibiotics and immunization into the U.S. (Through 1896).

1860 Encyclopedia Britannica (8th Edition) states “nothing is more likely to prove hurtful to the cause of vaccination and render the public careless of securing to themselves its benefits, than the belief that they would require to submit to revaccination every 10 to 15 years.” Later, in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the policy would change: “it is desirable that vaccination should be repeated at the age of 7 to 10 years, and thereafter at intervals during life.”

1863 Second major epidemic of smallpox in England lasts until 1865. 20,000 die.

1867 Vaccination Act of 1867 in England begins to elicit protest from the population and increase in the number of anti-vaccination groups. It compelled the vaccination of a baby within the first 90 days of its life. Those who objected would be continually badgered by magistrates and fined until the child turned

14. The law was passed on the assurance of medical officials that smallpox vaccinations were safe.

1867 Joseph Lister introduces sanitation into surgery, over the objections of leading English surgeons.

1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsh penalties.

1868 The National Academy of Science is set up by an act of Congress.

1870 Third major smallpox epidemic in England begins and lasts until 1872. Over 44,800 dies.

1871 In Birmingham, England, from 1871 to 1874, there were 7,706 cases of smallpox. Out of these, 6,795 had been vaccinated.

1871 In Bavaria, Germany, vaccination is compulsory and revaccination is commonplace. Out of 30,472 cases of smallpox, 29,429 had been vaccinated.

1871 Worldwide epidemic of smallpox begins. Claims 8 million people worldwide.

1871 Select committee of the Privy Council convened to inquire into the Vaccination Act of 1867 (England), as 97.5% of the people who died from smallpox were vaccinated for it.

1872 Japan institutes compulsory smallpox vaccination. Within 20 years 165,000 smallpox cases manifest themselves.

1872 In England, 87% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. Over 19,000 die in England and Wales.

1875 Public Health Act of 1875 in England promotes sanitary conditions.

1876 Koch discovers anthrax bacillus.

1880 Smallpox vaccinations start in the United States.

1882 Koch isolates the TB Bacillus. TB death rate 370:100,000.

1884 In England, Dr. Charles Creighton is asked to write an article for the Encyclopedia Britannica on vaccination. After much research internationally, he concludes that vaccination constituted “a gross superstition.” Later, Creighton writes two books, “Cowpox and Vaccinal Syphilis” and “Jenner and Vaccination.”

1884 In England, more that 1700 children vaccinated for smallpox die of syphilis.

1884 Dr. Sobatta of the German Army reports on the results of vaccination to the German Vaccination Commission, which subsequently publishes data proving that re-vaccination does not work. Deaths from vaccination are routinely covered up by physicians.

1886 A seven year period begins in Japan where 25,474,370 vaccinations and re-vaccinations are performed in Japan, representing 66% of the entire population of Japan. During that period, there are 165,774 cases of smallpox with 28,979 deaths. (See 1955).

1885 General vaccination program against rabies begins in the United States.

1887 In England, Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, professor of pathology and bacteriology at Kings College, is asked by the British government to investigate the cowpox outbreak in Wiltshire. The result of the investigation was contained in two volumes of “The History and Pathology of Vaccination,” in which he states that “the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation.”

1888 Bacteriological Institute opens in Paris for experimentation with animals and production of vaccines and sera. Other institutes open around the world modeled after the Paris Institute.

1888 Bacteriological Institute in Odessa, Russia, tries its hand at a vaccine for anthrax. Over 4,500 sheep are vaccinated; 3,700 of them die from the vaccination.

1889 In England, a royal commission is appointed to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. The committee would be in session for 7 years and would issue 6 reports, with the final report in 1896. The result of the final report was the Vaccination Act of 1898.

1890 Emil vin Behring announces discovery of anti-toxins.

1892 Cholera epidemic in Hamburg, Germany. Threat of importation into the U.S. forced the establishment of the New York City Health Department division of Pathology, Bacteriology and Disinfection.

1895 Diphtheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until 1907, 63,249 cases of diphtheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900 died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate of 6%.

1896 Carlo Ruta, a professor at the University of Perugia in Italy, states that “vaccination is a worldwide delusion and an unscientific practice, with consequences measured today with tears and sorrow without end.”

1898 Vaccination Act of 1898 in England. Elections held for the “board of guardians,” the administrators of the vaccination laws, and by 1898 over 600 boards in England were pledged not to enforce the law. The Act of 1898 contained the first “conscience clause,” although no claims of conscience were ever approved by magistrates.

1900 Cancer causes 4% of deaths in the United States.

1900 Deaths from measles were 13 per 100,000 (13:100,000)

1902 The Chicago Health Department develops its “vaccination creed,” which states that “true vaccination repeated until it 'no longer takes' always prevents smallpox. Nothing else does.” The policy is immediately taken up by the U.S. military.

1904 Carnegie Institution of Washington establishes a biological experiment station at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Eugenicist Charles B. Davenport is assigned to be director.

1905 Eleven states in the U.S. have compulsory vaccination laws; 34 states do not. No states physically force injections on citizens. Vaccination was made compulsory without state legislation providing for analysis of its history.

1907 England passes the Vaccination Act of 1907, after the newly elected government comes to power. The act allowed a statutory objection from a parent relative to a child vaccination before the child was four months old.

1909 Massachusetts Senate introduces bill prohibiting compulsory vaccination.

1909 Rockefeller Sanitary Commission established. Beginning of Rockefeller Foundation.

1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909, publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, “cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” Scientific evidence begins to mount that where human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius).

1910 First TB Sanitarium opened. TB death rate 180:100,000.

1911 General vaccination programs against typhoid begin in the United States.

1912 Dr. Robert Boesler, New Jersey dentist, notes that “modern manufacturing of sugar has brought about entirely new diseases. Sugar has caused a vast degeneration of the people.”

1912 First whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine created by two French bacteriologists, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou, who wanted to use it in Tunisia. After they grew Pertussis bacteria in large pots, they killed it with heat, mixed it with formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies) and injected it into children.

1913 The American Cancer Society is formed. (See 1944).

1915 A doctor in Mississippi alters the diet of 12 prison inmates and is successful and producing pellegra, in a curious attempt at reverse contradictory logic in an “attempt to find a cure for the disease.”

1917 Wagner von Jauregg treats syphilitic paralysis by injecting malaria.

1917 Outbreaks of encephalitis in China and Europe.

1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines.

1918 The Surgeon General of the United States issues a report that states that tuberculosis is the leading cause for discharge of men from the Armed Forces.

1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.

1919 Death rate from encephalitis accelerates. Between 1919 and 1928, over 500,000 deaths and 1,000,000 cases of neurological impairment were attributed to this disease, which affects males more than females. Recent research indicates that this epidemic was a late manifestation of the post World War I influenza outbreaks, and that both were due to the appearance of a swine flu virus.

1920 Dr. Otto Walberg experiments with human cells. Removes 35% of the oxygen and cells become non-reversibly cancerous.

1921 BCG tuberculosis vaccine developed.

1923 Canadian physician Frederick Banting receives Nobel Prize for discovery of a way to extract the hormone insulin, which permitted control of blood sugar in those with diabetes. This opens a whole new medical market because of the growing sugar addiction in the U.S. public.

1924 Dr. Seale Harris of the University of Alabama discovers that sugar can cause hyperinsulinism and recommends people cut sugar consumption. The medical establishment comes down on Harris and his work is suppressed. Harris would be awarded a medal by the AMA 25 years later as pharmaceuticals to control low blood sugar are developed and put into production. The basic contribution of refined sugar to the problem remains suppressed.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 25 in Bridgewater, CT and 20 in Concord, NH.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 6 in Baden, Austria.

1925 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen tries a modified Pertussis vaccine during an epidemic in the Faroe Islands. It did not prevent Pertussis. (See 1933).

1925 Doctors at the Paris Academy of Medicine discuss deaths occurring shortly after vaccination in Holland and other European countries.

1925 In England, less than 50% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. 6 deaths occur. (See 1872).

1925 General vaccine programs against tuberculosis began in the United States.

1927 Conference at the Hague, under the auspices of the League of Nations, on the subject of vaccination-caused deaths in Europe.

1927 Diphtheria vaccinations injure 37 and kill 5 people in China.

1927 Austrian psychiatrist Menfred Sakel develops insulin shock (insulin coma treatment, ICT). Patients are overdosed with insulin, which induces a coma. By 1937, all neuropsychiatric hospitals in Germany would use ICT.

1927 British government appoints a committee to inquire into “vaccine lymph,” as it is noticed that the “glycerinated calf lymph” used in vaccinations causes deaths from “sleepy sickness.” Two London professors bring notice of the problem to the government in 1922. It takes 5 years before the government responds.

1927 Smallpox in England dwindles almost to the vanishing point. Fatality of the unvaccinated cases is less than half of the vaccinated cases.

1928 Cases of post-vaccination encephalitis force creation of two Committees of Investigation in Britain.

1930 Max Theiler develops a yellow fever vaccine.

1930 Diptheria vaccinations injure 32 and kill 16 in Columbia.

1931 Cornelius Rhoads, a North American pathologist at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations in Puerto Rico, carries out an experiment on Puerto Ricans deliberately infecting them with cancer. Thirteen die. In a letter leaked to the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, Rhoads wrote, “the Puerto Ricans (sic) are lazy and degenerate. What the island needs is something to exterminate the entire population. I have done my best to further the extermination.” The president of the PRNP brings the case to the press, and a legal investigation is initiated. The prosecutor exonerates Rhoads, calling him “a mentally ill person or a man with few scruples.” Rhoads goes on in later years to direct the establishment of U.S. Army chemical warfare labs in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, for which he was awarded the Legion of Merit in 1945. (See 1945, Rhoads).

1931 Roosevelt endorses polio “immune serum,” precursor to vaccines in 1950's.

1932 The U.S. Public Health Service initiates a study in Tuskegee, Alabama, where black men are given syphilis. Four hundred men were unwittingly given the disease. No medical care was offered. The study ended when it was discovered in 1972, after 40 years. The office supervising this study was the predecessor of the Center for Disease Control unit now in charge of the AIDS program.

1932 Diphtheria vaccines injure 171 and kill 1 in Charolles, France.

1932 Research (Young) indicates that neuritis is commonly precipitated following vaccination with anti-tetanus, anti-pneumococcal, and anti-meningitis serums.

1933 Japan creates an Army Chemical Warfare School at Narashino near Tokyo.

1933 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen discovers the Pertussis vaccines ability to kill infants without warning (SID). He reports that two babies vaccinated immediately after birth died in a few minutes.

1933 Outbreak of encephalitis in St. Louis, Missouri.

1933 American researchers report that children react to Pertussis vaccine with fever, convulsions, and collapse.

1933 Vaccination programs against Yellow Fever begin in the United States.

1933 Diphtheria cases decline in Britain over the period of a year.

1933 Arthur Kallet publishes study. Food Dyes Violet 1 and Citrus Red 2 cancer.

1933 World Fair in Chicago has amoebic dysentery outbreak. AMA conceals it.

1934 British embark on a biological warfare project.

1934 Denmark sugar consumption is 113 pounds per person annually.

1934 Death rate for diabetes in Denmark is 19 per 100,000.

1934 Drs. Chaffee and Light publish manuscript entitled “A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System.”

1935 Russians arrested in China found carrying vials of dysentery, cholera, and anthrax for sabotage missions against the Japanese. Some missions were successful.

1936 Pertussis vaccine introduced in the United States. Autism begins to appear in children shortly thereafter.

1936 British government deems everyone in Britain must have a gas mask.

1936 German scientist Dr.Gerhard Schrader, researching new insecticides, makes the formulation later deemed “Tabun,” the original nerve gas. Schrader is summoned to Berlin to demonstrate Tabun to the Wehrmacht. Tabun is an orthophosphate, as is Sarin.

1937 German manufacturing trials for nerve gas Tabun begin using fluorides.

1937 Another outbreak of encephalitis in St. Louis, Missouri.

1937 AMA “approves” drug sulfanilamide with diethylene glycol. Kills people.

1937 Japanese build biological warfare facility called Pingfan in Manchuria. It is complete by 1939. Destroyed in 1945 as Russians approach. The Japanese wage biological war against China until 1945.

1937 Japan makes extensive use of chemical weapons against the Chinese. China makes a formal protest to the League of Nations.

1938 The idea of “booster shots” arose as a “solution” to poor antibody response in infants and newborns. These become customary in the 1940's.

1938 Compulsory immunization instituted in Hungary. Diphtheria cases rise 35% by 1940.

1939 Compulsory vaccination in Germany raises diphtheria cases to 150,000.

1940 Germany orders compulsory mass immunization for children. As a result, by 1945, Germany's Diphtheria cases increase from 40,000 to 250,000.

1940 Construction begins for German chemical warfare plant in the forests of Silesia in western poland, near the Oder river, at Dyhernfurth. By 1943 the facility had cost RM 120 million. Complete in 1942.

1940 American intake of petroleum-based food colorings/additives increases ten-fold (to 1977). Most of the additives prove later to be carcinogenic.

1941 British plan Operation Anthropoid to try and assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, a Nazi SS chief. Operation uses biotoxins and explosives. Successful in 1942.

1941 Louis Sauer of Evanston, Illinois, an avid supporter of mass vaccination, reports that only 27% of a group of 89 babies developed “protective antibodies” when vaccinated at three months of age or less.” Sauer urges that Pertussis vaccination “begin no earlier than seven months” because “most of these infants did not yet possess the power to develop adequate immunity when they were injected so early in life.”

1942 United States begins investing in plant and equipment for a biological weapons program. Over 4,000 people would become employed in this field. From 1942 to 1945, the U.S. opened 13 new chemical warfare plants.

1942 Epidemic of typhus in Egypt and North Africa into 1943.

1943 American vaccine researcher Pearl Kendrick reports that adding a metallic salt seemed to heighten the capacity of the Pertussis vaccine to produce anti-bodies. (Metal salt is an “adjuvant” in this way). Some metallic salts used are those of aluminum (alum). Pearl Kendrick is the researcher that urged that Pertussis vaccine be combined with Diphtheria vaccine. Later the Tetanus vaccine was added, producing the nefarious DPT Vaccine.

1943 Dr. Schaltenbrand in Germany reports successful transmission of monkey encephalitis to “mental patients.”

1943 Dr. John Tinterta rediscovers the vital importance of the endocrine system, and connects sugar use to production of hyperadrenocortic episodes in humans intolerant to sugar, where adrenal hormones are suppressed, producing inability to think clearly, allergies, inability to handle alcohol, depression, apprehension, craving for sweets, and low blood pressure.

1943 General vaccine program against influenza begins in the U.S.

1943 Infantile paralysis epidemic kills 1200 and cripples more in U.S.

1943 Penicillin “successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases.”

1943 The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, states, “fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluoro-silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually. Other sources of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in the smelting of many metals, such as steel and aluminum, and in the production of glass, enamel, and brick.”

1943 Child psychologist Leo Kanner observes a new illness appearing in U.S. children, “inborn autistic disturbance of affective contact.” The problem became known as “infantile autism” or simply “autism.”

Outstanding features of this new problem: self-absorbed alienation, inability to relate in the ordinary way to people and situations from the very beginning of life, detachment, nervous hostility with strangers, emotional bluntness and isolation, impaired relationships, and reading with little or no comprehension and inability to process experience. As a result of this process, gaining wisdom and learning from experience becomes impossible.

1943 Diphtheria cases in Nazi occupied France rise to 47,000 after Germans force compulsory vaccination. In nearby Norway, which refused vaccinations, there were 50 cases of Diphtheria.

1943 Allies begin manufacture of anthrax bomb, using British design.

1944 Asperger in Vienna describes the first cases of adult “autism” to appear.

1944 An initial batch of 5,000 anthrax bombs comes off the production line at Camp Detrick, Maine. American plant at Vigo, Indiana, built at a cost of $8 million and employed 500 people. The plant was capable of producing 50,000 anthrax bombs per month. Plant ready for production by 1945 but never used, and eventually was leased for production of antibiotics.

1944 Health Practitioners Journal, June 1944, reports Dr. S. S. Goldwater, the New York Commissioner of Hospitals states “as a result of the drugs, vaccines, and other suppressive treatments used to check diseases, chronic diseases are growing at such a rate that America may become a nation of invalids.”

1944 Germans destroy thousands of files on chemical warfare.

1944 The American Cancer Society (ACS) is reorganized, chiefly under the wing of Albert Lasker (an advertising tycoon), Elmer Bobst (president of two drug companies, Hoffman LaRoche and Warner Lambert). Mary Lasker in New York was the driving force of the ACS for decades. The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, which is based on the Lasker advertising fortune, provides the impetus to dominate cancer research.

1944 Lancet, official journal of the British Medical Association, comments that neuritis is commonly precipitated by tetanus anti-toxin. (Oct. 7, 1944).

1945 A survey of 10,000 boys in the U.S. having had the smallpox vaccination also notes that 6% were associated with crime.

1945 Japan surrenders twice, followed by U.S. bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and a third and final surrender. The Allies mandate compulsory vaccination in Japan. The first cases of autism follow pertussis vaccine introduction.

1946 U.S. Government Pertussis vaccine expert Margaret Pittman and FDA's Charles Kendrick decide to test Pertussis vaccine by injecting it into the brains of mice and see how many survive.

1946 Werne and Garrow describe the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of their second Pertussis shot.

1946 Dr. Gerson demonstrates medical proof of complete remissions of cancer in over 33% of his patients before the Pepper-Neeley Congressional Sub-Committee for Hearings on S1875, a bill to authorize the president to wage war on cancer. Lobbying forces for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy defeat the bill by four votes. The bill supported research into dietary means for preventing and reversing cancer. Gerson's publications were black-listed and he lost his license to practice medicine in New York.

1947 Matthew Brody at the Brooklyn Hospital gives detailed descriptions of two cases of brain damage leading to death in children receiving Pertussis shots.

1947 National Security Act established in the United States in order to permit the extension and continuation of Nazi efforts in the United States under cover of “national security,” setting the stage for chemical, biological, and electronic sensitization of the population for the remainder of the 20th century. Efforts begin to convince the American public that their “enemy” is Communism, not fascism, setting the stage for the upcoming McCarthy period and the sham known as “the cold war” which would extend and continue the military industrial/pharmaceutical complex.

1947 Charles Posner of the Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology writes, “almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vascularity that is often associated with demyelination.” (demyelination is the stripping of the insulation away from the nerves).

1947 The British Medical Research Council begins testing 50,000 children in Britain with the Pertussis vaccine. All children tested are more than 14 months old (not newborns). Eight infants had convulsions within 72 hours of the shot, 34 had convulsions within 28 days of the shot. British doctors denied a connection between the vaccine and the convulsions, declaring the tests a success and began administering it to all British children. Despite the Fact that none of the tests were conducted on children under 14 months old (newborns and babies), the United States holds the tests in evidence that the vaccine is safe for newborns as young as 6 weeks of age. The testing would continue until 1957.

1948 Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School publish an article describing children who had suffered brain damage after receiving Pertussis vaccine. The findings provided the first clear evidence that the vaccine caused the serious neurological complications in children.

1948 Randolph Byes and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School validate that severe neurological disorders follow the administration of DPT vaccine. The research was performed at Children’s Hospital in Boston and published in Pediatrics magazine. Nothing was done by physicians to halt the use of DPT vaccine.

1948 Project Phoenix I allegedly comes on line, using microwave energy to cause brain damage.

1948 A study on Pertussis vaccine reaction is done by Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School. They examine 15 children who had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Pertussis vaccination. All the children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic, and helpless after being given the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, two died and nine suffered from damage to their nervous system. Physicians were displeased by these results.

1948 Dr. Sander, Veterans Administration, discovers sugar intake related to polio development.

1948 National “Campaign Against Cancer” conducted by medical monopoly to gain financial support.

1948 Oscar Ewing convenes National Health Convention to enroll U.S. in WHO.

1948 England bans smallpox vaccine.

1948 North Carolina polio cases number 2,498. See 1949.

1948 In North Carolina, Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia, and that soda pop (recently introduced) contains phosphoric acid that absorbs phosphorus and sulfates in food before natural metabolism can get it to the nervous system, causing the nerve trunks to fail to function properly. Sandler says that dairy products and sugared soft drinks are aggravating the incidence of polio.

1948 Polio cases in North Carolina number 2,498.

1948 Louis Sauer makes an interesting observation at an AMA meeting where Pertussis vaccination was discussed. Louis Sauer points out that “the neurological damage caused by Pertussis vaccine is the same as the damage caused by Pertussis (whooping cough).” (Which is logical, because they use the bacteria in the vaccine). According to Sauer, “a customary prophylactic dose of Pertussis vaccine seems to illicit a chain of nervous system reactions and in some cases irreversible pathological changes in the brain. These findings resemble those encountered in cases of severe whooping cough (Pertussis).” In other words, the vaccine is causing the disease condition.

1949 U.S. Public Health Service Division of Biologics Standards establish a national potency test for Pertussis vaccine, and modify it in 1953 to establish potency limits. Despite this, the Pertussis vaccine that is pronounced “safe” still causes minimal brain damage (MBD) in humans.

1949 U.S. Army begins 20 year period of simulated germ warfare attacks on American cities, conducting 239 open air tests with biological agents.

1949 Noticing that polio strikes most in the summer, when children increase their intake of sugar, Dr. Sandler warns residents to cut down on sugar and dairy products in North Carolina. Polio cases dramatically decrease to 249. (See 1948).

1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denigrated in the public media, which claims that Sandler’s findings are a “myth.”

1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level.

1950 The U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco in a biological warfare experiment conducted on the American public. Many residents came down with a pneumonia-like disease and one person died because of it.

1950 U.S. Army “simulated” germ warfare in San Francisco and in the Pentagon.

1950 Professor Pierre LePine, noted scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is reported in the March 30, 1950 edition of the New York Times, as saying “no more than one injection in 2000 really prevents polio.”

1950 TB death rate down to 50:100,000

1951 CIA Project Artichoke develops behavior control techniques employing drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and extrasensory perception.

1952 Cornelius Rhoads, who had been chief medical officer of the U.S. Army's Chemical Warfare Division, is head of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

1952 Germ warfare project in Key West Florida and Ft. McClellan, Alabama.

1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 (Simian Virus #40). Scientists perform experiments in laboratories to determine the correct doses of antigen and supplementary chemicals to use in the polio vaccine. (Ironically, since the scientific premise of vaccination is faulty, a “correct dose of antigen and chemicals” does not exist).

1952 Canadian government and U.S.A.F. cooperate in biological experiments in Canada.

1952 U.S. Army Chemical Corps fund experiments at New York State Psychiatric Institute lasting until 1957 on the effects of mind control drugs on humans. The chief investigator, Dr. Paul Hoch, later heads up New York State's Dept. of Mental Hygiene.

1952 A two-year program ending in 1953 begins where the U.S. government conducts biological warfare experiments over Canada (Winnepeg, Manitoba) and the U.S. (St.Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, Leesburg, and the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland. A military report noted respiratory problems.

1953 In the United States, Senator Charles Tobey begins a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. U.S. Justice Department attorney Ben Fitzgerald is hired as special counsel. Fitzgerald's report concluded that “the AME, in direct collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Drug Administration, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments.” Said Fitzgerald, “if radiation, surgery and drugs are the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research.” Senator Tobey is dispatched with a convenient “heart attack,” as has happened to others who threaten the cancer industry. Tobey's replacement, Senator John Bricker, orders Fitzgerald to stop the investigation. Fitzgerald refuses and is fired. The investigation is halted and buried.

1953 At the University of Zurich, Dr. S.Kong of the Pediatric Clinic compiles a list of 82 cases of Pertussis vaccine damage from world literature.

1953 Army germ warfare projects in Panama City, Florida.

1953 Senator Charles Tobey, Jr. enters an investigative report into the Congressional Record (Fitzgerald Report) which indicated that evidence existed of a conspiracy to suppress medical advances in the treatment of cancer in the 1950's.

1953 Soviets begin research on biological effects of microwaves. A special lab is set up at the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences. Other labs are set to study the effect of microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation.

1953 Pertussis vaccinations in France, Chile, Austria, Holland and the Scandinavian countries are positively correlated with cases of autism. U.S. ignores data.

1953 The Swedish conduct a study on the Pertussis vaccine. Anna L. Annell, a Swedish researcher, writes a major work on Pertussis which indicates that “pertussis vaccine may be associated with the most varying kinds of cerebral complications which may be cortical, subcortical, or peripheral.” Encephalitis after vaccination is known to produce the same range of disabilities and impairment. Annell also wrote, “during the past few decades certain of the epidemic children’s disease, measles in particular, have shown an increased tendency to attack the central nervous system. After the 1920's a large number of cases involving CNS damage were reported.

1954 Salk vaccine begins to be given to school children in Philadelphia.

1954 Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot with Polio vaccine. The new combination of four vaccines is called Quadrigen. (See 1959).

1954 Nobel prize to Enders & Robbins for work on polio virus.

1954 Army germ warfare project in Point Magu and Fort Hueneme, California.

1954 A study is published which links fluorides and the development of cancer in animals. Ref: A Taylor, “Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking Water of Mice,” Dental Digest, Vol. 60, pp170-172.

1954 Mass introduction of sugared soft drinks in the United States.

1954 General vaccination programs against Polio begin in the United States.

1958 World literature now contains 107 cases of severe reaction to Pertussis vaccine (93 of those cases were in the U.S.). At the Fountain Hospital in London, Dr. J.M. Berg analyzed the 107 cases and found that 31 of them showed signs of permanent brain damage. Berg calls attention to the danger of mental retardation as an effect of the Pertussis vaccine and emphasizes that “any suggestion of a neurological reaction to a Pertussis vaccination should be an absolute contraindication to further inoculation.” The United States medical establishment ignores and suppresses the data. American physicians maintain that the damage caused is small compared to “lack of 'serious' reactions in children vaccinated.” No data has ever been found to justify a basis for this conclusion.

1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in California for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust.

1958 Survey of 13,000 adolescent boys in Philadelphia who had been vaccinated, 7.5% were associated with crime.

1959 The United States never conducts its own clinical trials on Pertussis vaccine, but instead relies (as it still does today) on data collected by Britain's Medical Research Council in clinical trials in England in the 1950's for “proof of vaccine safety and effectiveness in newborns and children.” Interestingly, Britain’s trials on 50,000 British children were performed on children more than 14 months old. None of the children were newborns.

1959 National Institutes of Health (NIH) approves licensing of Quadrigen vaccine for children, containing Pertussis, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Polio vaccines. The new combination vaccine was found to be highly reactive and was withdrawn from the market in 1968 after parents started filing lawsuits against Parke-Davis for vaccine damaged children.

1959 As early as 1959, the knowledge existed that the presence of fluoride in human bodies hastens the absorption of radioactive substances present in the environment. In a report to the Atomic Energy Commission's Division of Biology and Medicine entitled “The Metabolism of Alkaline Earth Metals by Bone” by F.W. Lengemann, professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee on March 23, 1959, it was scientifically shown that the presence of fluorine and other environmental substances such as lead and cyanide in the human body increased the ratio of strontium 90 to calcium in bone.

1959 Dr. Albert Sabin develops oral live virus polio vaccination.

1959 Pertussis vaccine found to have allergenic effect on animals.

1960 British Medical Journal publishes an article by Swedish vaccine researcher Justus Strom, who stated that the neurological complications from the disease Pertussis are less than that in the Pertussis vaccine. Strom also pointed out that “whooping cough (Pertussis) had changed and had become a milder disease, making it questionable whether universal vaccination against it is justified.”

1960 General vaccination program for measles begins in the United States.

1960 Dr. Stanley Gottleib visits the Congo in Africa. Following his visit, a chemical and biological warfare lab is installed there.

1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet & Medawar for discovery of acquired immunity against foreign tissue.

1960 It is estimated in 1960 that over 1,000,000 children have vaccine-caused disabilities, including learning difficulties and school behavioral problems, behavioral disturbances, allergies, speech difficulties, visual problems, and problems in adjustment and coping.

1961 Bilderberger meeting in Quebec, Canada.

1961 A senior school medical officer in northern England, J. M. Hooper, finds that parents are beginning to refuse to bring children for a Pertussis booster shot, based on earlier violent reaction to the “vaccination.” Children were suffering from collapse, vomiting, and uncontrollable screaming. No one paid attention to these warnings.

1961 John McCone becomes Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, resulting in a close connection between Bechtel and the CIA.

1961 In Great Britain, Dr. R.A.Holman of the Royal Institute of Pathology discussed fluoride poisoning in an article in the April 15, 1961 issue of the British Medical Journal. He noted that the long-term effects of sodium fluoride ingestion needed much more investigation, and continued, “Fluoride is a well-known inhibitor of several enzyme systems, and can form spectroscopically recognizable compounds with the enzyme catalase, resulting in its inhibition.” Catalase poisoning has been linked with the development of viruses and the causation of a number of diseases, including cancer. Many observers have suggested that the agents (fluorides and other toxic environmental substances) which decrease the catalase the cells may predispose those cells to tumor formation. Voisin has said, “the method most likely to solve the problem of cancer is to ask why the cancer cell is lacking in catalase and try to prevent its impoverishment from taking place.”

1961 United States budget for chemical and biological warfare triples between 1961 and 1963.

1961 U.S. Army begins a 7-year series of tests on incapacitating agents. (From a report, “Incapacitating Agents Tested at Medical Research Laboratory, FY 1961-1967,” compiled by the Biomedical Laboratories at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. Ref: Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Vol. 40, pp1139/42).

1961 Sabin polio vaccine immunization campaign.

1967 Synthetic DNA produced at Stanford University.

1967 The FDA stops the use of an experimental cancer vaccine which was producing significant results. Developed by James Rand and Ernest Ayre, a recognized cancer specialist. The Rand vaccine produced significant improvement in terminal patients in over 30% of patients. It cured tumors and breast cancer in four to six months, without radiation, surgery, or chemotherapy. The FDA Commissioner was James L. Goddard, the same man who persecuted the use of DMSO. Goddard used the DMSO issue in 1966 in an attempt to foster a medical dictatorship in the U.S. in collusion with the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and remove viable treatments from public access.

1967 At the Bland-Sutton Institute of Middlesex Hospital in London, George Dick writes, “it has been long known that increasing the number of Pertussis bacteria per dose of vaccine increases the frequency of reactions. It would be surprising if decreasing the size of the infants receiving a particular vaccine did not also increase the reactions.” A violation of a standard axiom in medicine, which matches the size and weight to an amount of substance. (Why are newborns getting the same dosage as an adult?).

1967 Russia and American forge a Space Treaty, prohibiting orbital weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. would break the treaty in 1981.

1967 CIA experiments begin in auditory-frequency control and transmission.

1967 Justus Strom writes that his earlier article about Pertussis reaction in a 1960 issue of the British Medical Journal (See 1960) had aroused considerable attention and criticism, noting, “the vaccination reactions may be regarded chiefly as manifestations of a toxic effect - an individual predisposition of some significance.” Strom reports on 167 cases of severe reactions to the DPT shot in Sweden.

1967 Robert Naeslund is implanted while undergoing surgery in Stockholm, where a physician tells him, “young children were also used for these experiments in order to evaluate thought activity and reactions.”

1967 Dr. Vincent Fulginiti, M.D, former chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases, asserts that inactivated measles vaccine should no longer be administered.

1967 Killed measles vaccine is discontinued in the United States.

1967 General vaccination program for Mumps begins in the United States.

1967 Panel of Privacy and Behavioral Research concludes “legislation to assure appropriate recognition of the rights of human subjects is neither necessary not desirable.” (See 1969, Delgado, p211)

1967 Science magazine (10/20/67) features article on Joshua Lederberg of the Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. Lederberg notifies the scientific world that “live viruses (as in vaccines) are genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells” and “we already practice biological engineering on a rather large scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns.”

1968 Rockefeller monopoly moves to back food irradiation process on national level

1968 Vietnamese are given U.S. supplied processed rice (with B-complex removed) and tons of sugar. Induces mass disease in Vietnamese. Processed rice was given to replace healthy whole rice diet with unhealthy western diet.

1968 Thousands of sheep die in Dugway Proving Ground test, bringing the U.S. nerve gas program under public scrutiny.

1968 For one year, the CIA begins chemical warfare experiments relative to the poisoning of water systems by injecting a chemical substance into the water supply of the FDA building in Washington.

1969 Mary Lasker initiates “the War on Cancer,” eventually resulting in Nixon signing it into law in

1971. It would provide vast taxpayer dollars to the NCI and derivative benefits to the ACS.

1969 Dr. Harlan Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, states that according to carefully researched statistics, cancer patients who did not receive surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation had a greater life expectancy that the ones who receive treatment by about four times. Ref: Harlan Jones, “A Report on Cancer,” available at University of California Berkeley library. (See 1975)

1969 Diphtheria outbreak in Chicago. The Chicago Board of Heath reports that 37.5% of the Diphtheria cases had been fully vaccinated or showed immunity.

1969 University of Virginia Symposium on the Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation. At the conference Czech scientist Dr. Karel Marha reveals that microwave effects on humans include fear, irritability, depression, inhibition of intellectual functions and decreased memory.

1969 Dr. Allan Frey determines that humans can hear pulsed microwaves from 300 to 3,000 MHz.

1969 the fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 225 per 100,000 people, while non-fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 195 per 100,000. The data indicates a fluoride-linked increase of cancer of 10% in only 13-17 years. These figures were checked and confirmed in 1979 by the United States National Cancer Institute. The increase in cancer death observed in fluoridated cities occurred primarily in people ages 45 and over; this fact is explainable because both the immune system and the normal DNA repair process (the two major defense systems against cancer) decline with age.

1969 Melchior describes 22 children in which there was a close temporal connection between various vaccinations, especially Pertussis, and infantile spasms. (Melchior, J.H. 1980, Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Workshop on neurological complications of Pertussis and Pertussis vaccination.)

1969 Part of the grounds at Fort Dietrich Biological Warfare Laboratory renamed the Frederick Cancer Research Facility and given to the National Cancer Institute for “civilian medical research.” By 1971, funding had tripled.

1969 U.S. Department of Defense sought funds from Congress to create a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Funds granted in 1970 Appropriations.

1969 Richard Nixon orders a “ban” on chemical and biological weapons. After the “ban,” the Army Biological Warfare Laboratory at Fort Detrick is renamed “The Frederick Cancer Research Institute” and turned over to the National Cancer Institute for civilian use. The military section is later renamed the “U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease” (U.S.AMRIID), which is “restricted to defensive research.” By 1971, the budget of the FCRI would triple. (See 1983, FCRI).

1969 Nobel for Delbruck, Hershey, and Luria on genetic structure of viruses.

1970 G.A. Rosenberg writes, “an autoimmune allergic mechanism has been postulated as the cause of the occurrence of post-vaccination encephalitis, possibly with an initial invasion of the nervous system by a virus, with subsequent antigen-antibody reaction.” If this line of research is followed up, the interrelation will doubtless be substantiated. (Ref: immunizations).

1970 Project Pandora activities are curbed, but research takes a turn where classified RF Mind Control testing becomes a military priority, since pulsed microwave beams outperform drugs, ECT, torture, brain surgery and other forms of behavior modification.

1970 RAND Corporation publishes a report entitled “A Brief Survey of Literature Relating to Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous Function.” The author notes that the U.S. microwave guideline in effect for the public, 10,000 mw/cm2, provide for non-thermal levels of microwaves which produce behavioral disturbances in humans. These disturbances include irritability, loss of memory, fatigue, headache, tremors, hallucination, autonomic nervous system disorders and disturbed sensory functioning. The report continues in discussion of several possible mechanisms which allow these effects.

1970 A companion paper, “A Direct Mechanism for the Direct Influence of Microwave Radiation on Neuroelectric Function,” is also produced by R.J. MacGregor for the RAND Corporation. In the report, he notes that power densities of close to 100,000 mw/cm2 can produce auditory hallucinations in a field that would be averaged as low intensity and non-thermal. According to MacGregor’s model, this would produce a depolarization of brain tissue of 2.0-3.0 mV, where he concludes that neuroelectric effects should exhibit a maximum effect in the microwave range.

1970 Due to the increasingly mild nature of whooping cough (Pertussis), infant deaths cease from naturally acquired Pertussis in Sweden. Deaths associated with vaccine continue. Sweden stops Pertussis vaccination in 1970.

1970 U.S. Army buries drums of DDT and other chemicals in British Columbia's far north. (AP 9/11/94).

1970 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) reports “as much as 26% of children receiving ruebella (german measles) vaccination in national testing programs developed arthralgia and arthritis. Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized.”

1970 U.S. Army records show that amyl nitrate (“poppers”) was one of many drugs tested by a chemical warfare laboratory in the 1960's and 1970's. (See 1972).

1970 A study by Pittman reveals Pertussis vaccine can induce hypoglycemia due to increased production of insulin. (Ref: DPT shots). Study is corroborated in 1978 by Hannick and Cohen and by Hennessen and Quast in West Germany. Result: Pertussis and DPT vaccines can cause diabetes.

1970 Second International Conference on Psychosurgery draws 100 participants and 41 papers from around the world. Honorary president of the Conference was Dr. Walter Freeman, Ewen Cameron’s left hand man, who performed no less than 4,000 frontal lobotomies, often on people suffering only mild depression. Freeman went on to become a respected San Francisco “brain specialist.”

1970 Nixon announces United States will destroy all its biological weapons.

1970 Carl A. Larson publishes an article, “Ethnic Weapons,” in Military Review, November 1970.

1970 U.S. Army buries drums of DDT in British Columbia (9/94)

1970 Psychologist James V. McConnel writes in Psychology Today that, “the day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drugs, hypnosis, and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost complete control over individual behavior...we should reshape society so that we all would be trained from birth... no one owns his own personality.”

1971 Dr.Choh Hao Li synthesizes human growth hormone.

1971 The incidence of asthma in children begins a significant increase.

1971 A study by Stella and Chess reveals that children with congenital ruebella (german measles) frequently display classic autistic features, including impaired ability to relate new stimuli to remembered experience. See 1966.

1971 The CIA infects pigs in Cuba with African Swine Fever, a deadly disease. The entire swine population of Cuba is slaughtered to protect humans. A second such epidemic in 1980 in Cuba, with equally devastating consequences, was of unknown but suspicious origins.

1971 Germany bans water fluoridation.

1971 The American Cancer Society decides that screening women for breast cancer was a good idea. (See 1974). (Note: “Screening” = Radiation that causes cancer) 1971 Pentagon Papers published.

1971 Electroshock treatments given to inmates at Vacaville, California.

1971 The Philadelphia Inquirer conducts a telephone poll relative to sterilization of low IQ groups. Almost 70% vote in favor of forced sterilization.

1972 Sweden bans water fluoridation.

1972 A mysterious epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever hits Cuba and affects 300,000 Cubans. More than 150 die, including over 100 children. Evidence exists that the CIA released dengue-infected mosquitoes on the island. Court testimony in 1984 by Cuban counter-revolutionary terrorists supports this conclusion.

1972 Central Security Service (CSS) created at Fort Meade.

1972 Arthur Jensen's “Genetics and Education” published. In it he writes that “the rate of occurrence of mental retardation is eight times higher in the black population.”

1972 U.S. Army study on the effect of amyl nitrates entitled “Effect of Amyl Nitrate on Man” conducted. (Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Vol. 40, “Research Plan #12,002,” approved March 15,1972)

1972 United States Agency for International Development makes contact with the old Sterilization League of America, now called the “Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception,” which is paid by the U.S. government to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.

1972 Dr. Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute declares in a letter to a member of Congress that high officials of the FDA, AMA, ACS and U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now HHS) were deliberately falsifying data and information, lying, committing unconstitutional acts and in other ways thwarting potential cures to which they were opposed. (Letter to Congressman Louis Frey Jr. Also dealt with the issue of laetrile, a non-patentable (natural) product opposed by the California Medical Association, who only sanctions the use of dangerous or toxic treatment for cancer. Burk openly refers to FDA corruption.

1972 U.S. Army study titled “Controlled Offensive Behavior: U.S.S.R.” concerns itself with targeting individuals with “mind altering techniques” and “the total submission of one's will to some outside force.” The study involved the use of pulsed microwaves. (Ref: Cellular telephone & satellite technology).

1972 Biological Weapons Convention to restrict development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons.

1972 Soft drink consumption 30 gallons per year per person. (Ref: sugar as an addictive physical degenerant.)

1972 Drs. Barton Ingraham and Gerald Smith advocate “implantation of brain transmitters to monitor and manipulate the minds of probationers and “the technique of telemetric control of human beings regulating behavior on a subconscious level.” Reported in Issues in Criminology, 1972.

1972 U.S. signs international treaty banning use of biowarfare agents, but does not ratify it until 1975. Treaty allows “defensive” biowarfare research.

1972 WHO Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus (see 1969) and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be “to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results.” It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns. Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas. The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).

1972 New York State Department of Agriculture determines that 30% of organic food is contaminated with pesticides, as compared with 25% in regular foods. Journal of the American Medical Association v230, Oct. 14,1974, “The Organic Food Myth.”

1972 Nobel winner professor William Shockley proposes a voluntary sterilization program in an address before the American Psychological Association. The program would be directed toward welfare recipients.

1972 British Journal of Psychiatry #120 reveals that “psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections.” (Ref: viruses induced by vaccines).

1973 Olaf Palme authorizes expanded use of implants in prisoners.

1975 Animal encephalitis outbreak rages in 16 states in the U.S.

1975 Education of the Handicapped Act creates a $1 billion fund.

1975 A 1975 military manual predicts the development of “ethnic chemical weapons which would be designed to exploit naturally occurring differences in vulnerability among specific population groups.” Ref: “Biological Weapons and Third World Targets,” Science for the People, July-Aug. 1981, pp 16-20.

1975 Rockefeller Foundation gives $100,000 to the Institute for World Order.

1975 The British medical journal Lancet reports on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of chemotherapy or no treatment at all. No treatment proved significantly better policy for patient survival and quality of life.

1975 Federal Drug Administration Bureau of Biologics concludes that Diptheria toxoid (vaccine) is “not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated.” They admit that Diptheria may occur in vaccinated people, and note that “the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid is open to question.”

1975 Japan stops using Pertussis vaccine following publicity about vaccine-related deaths.

1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis publishes a preliminary survey which shows that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempts to refute the studies. Later in 1975, Yiamouyiannis joins with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing other studies which are then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney, who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. Both reports confirmed the existence of a link between fluoridation and cancer. (Note: Obviously Dr. Burk felt free to agree with scientific truth only after his tenure at NCI ended, since his job depended on towing the party line).

1975 Searle company drugs Adactone and Flagyl found to cause cancer in mice.

1976 FDA Pertussis vaccine specialist Charles Manclark comments, “Pertussis vaccine is one of the most troublesome products to produce and assay. It has one of the highest failure rates of all products submitted to the Bureau of Biologics for testing and release. Approximately 15-20% of all lots which pass manufacturer tests fail to pass the tests of the Bureau.”

1976 Scientists at MIT announce construction of a functional synthetic gene, complete with regulatory mechanisms.

1976 Tennessee journalist James Moore reveals he was given Top Secret documents by former CIA officials describing military mind control methods involving Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory.

1976 It was discovered that enkephelins operated within the nerve tracks that signal chronic pain to the brain, and that some enkephelin receptors were found positioned to direct nerve impulse traffic from one nerve to the next, along primary paths of perception, emotion and pain. Later in 1976, in Britain’s National Institute for Medical Research, the peptide beta-endorphin was isolated from the pituitary of a monkey. It had an analgesic potency 100 times that of morphine and 40 times greater than enkephelins. Beta endorphins were split into Alpha and Gamma, the difference being only one amino acid. While Gamma produced a sensitivity to pain, Alpha produced analgesia. It was then postulated that Beta endorphins could act like a switch to balance reaction to pain. Lower blood sugar regulates certain neurotransmitters and controls certain hormones, all leading to certain behavioral effects from speed-learning to flight-or-fight and pain suppression. So, schizophrenia at this time was diagnosed as typifying a de-activation of the beta endorphins. Beta endorphins have emerged as the most important element in the biochemistry of behavior. He who controls beta endorphins controls the mind.

1976 Scientists “discover viral cause” of multiple sclerosis.

1976 National Enquirer, June 22, 1976, describes the ARPA Mind Control Program.

1976 Research begins on the behavioral effect of microwaves as weapons.

1976 The Humane Society of Utah questions the mysterious death of 50 wild horses who had consumed water from a spring near the U. S. Army Dugway Proving Grounds, a chemical/biological warfare center.

1976 Teleguard TG2 DE monitoring device begins to be installed in all TV sets. The device is capable of transmission of all activities and sounds in front of the set to satellite and CIA headquarters. Confirmed in 1993 investigation.

1976 Malathion used in Pakistan poisons 2,500 people.

1976 National Institute for Drug Abuse estimates 5,800 deaths in hospitals between 1976-1977 from use of psychiatric drugs on patients.

1976 NSC directive 4A authorizes covert psych ops against U. S. citizens

1976 HIV virus discovered in African blood banks.

1976 Congress passes PL 94-266 to pay for national swine flu inoculation in U.S.

1976 According to a letter from the British Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, published in the British Medical Journal of February 1976, “two years ago we started to collect details from parents of serious reactions suffered by their children to immunizations of all kinds. In 65% of the cases referred to us, reactions followed “triple” vaccinations. The children in this group total 182 to date. All are severely brain damaged, some are paralyzed, and 5 have died during the past 18 months. Approximately 60% of reactions (major convulsions, collapse, screaming) happened within 3 days and all within 12 days.”

1976 The “swine flu” scare and Legionnaires disease.

1976 Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University addresses science writers at a seminar of the American Cancer Society, pointing out, “..immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc. May actually be seeding humans with RNA to form latent proviruses in cells throughout the body. These latent proviruses could be molecules in search of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosis, Parkinson’s disease, and perhaps cancer.” According to Dr. Wendell Winters, a UCLA virologist who also attended the seminar, “immunizations may cause changes in the slow viruses and changes in the mechanism of DNA. This is being studied by Dr. Robert Hutchinson at the University of Tennessee.”

1976 Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960's is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961.

1976 More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

1976 Dr. D. W. Allman and co-workers from Indiana University School of Medicine feed animals 1 part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and notice the urinary levels and tissue levels of a substance called cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) increased by more than 100%. They also found that in the presence of aluminum in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic organisms. Ref: Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 55, Sup B, p523, 1976, “Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo.” (Note: It is no small accident that toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum, nor is it an accident that aluminum cookware and fluoride use were injected into the population virtually simultaneously.)

1976 After declining steadily since 1922, cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) suddenly begin to rise significantly between 1976 and 1980, during the same time vaccination for Pertussis was increased. The number of reported cases has risen each year since 1977. Reasons are said to be “unclear” why school age children make up the bulk of the cases.

1976 West Germany ends its mass Pertussis immunization program.

1976 Los Angeles Times quotes U. S. Ambassador Walt Stoessel as telling his Moscow staff that the Soviet microwaves can cause emotional and behavioral problems, as well as leukemia, cancer, and cataracts.

1976 American Cancer Society decides to remove its ban on 3 of over 66 known methods of cancer management (Coley's toxins, Staphage Lysate and hyperthermia) with no explanation.

1977 Cancer Blackout 1977. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate in Medicine: “Cancer ... there is no disease whose prime cause is better known...in the meantime millions of men must die unnecessarily.”

1977 The Congressional Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations convenes two full Congressional Hearings on the subject of fluorides. During the hearing, it was proven that (1) The “scientific efforts” of those promoting fluoridation were fraudulent, and (2) That other existing studies proved beyond a doubt that approximately 10,000 excess cancer deaths per year could be attributed to fluoridation in the United States.

1977 Congressional representative L. H. Fountain, chairman of the 1977 Sub-Committee Hearings on Fluoride, states that “the carcinogenic nature of fluoride remains unanswered” and orders the U. S. Public Health Service (U.S.PHS - who is in on the fluoride conspiracy anyway) “to conduct animal studies to see if fluoride causes cancer.” Dr. Herman Kraybill, from the National Cancer Institute (who in 1972 had been chosen by NCI to write a memo saying that fluorides do not cause cancer) was placed in charge of these studies. Kraybill boldly states, “this will be the final study to confirm negativity of fluoride ions in carcinogenesis.” He cites 13 studies having nothing to do with the subject of fluorides and cancer in order to support his claim that “no link between fluorides and cancer existed.” (NCI Director Dr. Arthur Upton later admitted the 13 studies had nothing to do with the subject of the study). (See 1982, 1985,1988)

1977 A Blue Ribbon Panel is convened to investigate the reason for the drop in the general IQ of the United States. Seventy-nine theories were advanced, but none of them satisfactorily explained the drop in mental capacity of the U. S. population. The idea that vaccines could be part of the problem was not brought up. Y. L. Warten, 1977. (The Prussian education system is also part of the problem, for those volkschuelen).

1977 The British government is pressured by the publicity following the new data about Pertussis and DPT vaccinations.

1977 The University of Glasgow in Scotland, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Gordon Stuart, publishes a study analyzing 160 cases of adverse reaction and neurotoxicity following DPT vaccination. In 65 of those cases, reactions to DPT shots included convulsions, hyperactivity, and severe mental defect. In a stern statement, Stuart says, “it seems likely that most adverse reactions are unreported and/or overlooked.”

1977 The British government conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) which tests the connection between vaccinations and neurological disease.

1977 In 1977, Congressional Hearings were held in which Dr. Yiamouyiannis and Dr. Burk were able to show that the increase in deaths were due to water fluoridation. At the conclusion of the hearings, Representative Fountain and his committee instructed the United States Public Health Service (well known by now for questionable and dangerous medical advisory practices which benefit the medical and pharmaceutical industries) to conduct animal studies to “determine whether or not fluoride causes cancer.” As a result, the U.S.PHS retained Battelle Memorial Institute (also well known for NWO technical activities and is considered by many to be part of the cancer cover-up) to perform a study on mice and rats - unfortunately rodent physiology differs considerably from humans, making the transfer of data between species relatively meaningless. (See 1989, Battelle Study).

1977 Project Dreamscan comes on line with the ability to enter a persons dream state and cause death. Managed by the NSA, the project had assassination as its eventual aim. Project allegedly halted by Carter.

1977 (Mar) Jonas and Darrell Salk warn live virus vaccines produce same disease.

1977 United States Hospice, Incorporated is established, funded by the Kaiser Foundation and the Kennedy Institution for Bioethics.

1977 British announce they have determined complete genetic structure of a living organism.

1980 WHO announces worldwide eradication of smallpox.

1980 In Texas, 15 patients die in mental hospitals from heavy doses of psychotropic drugs. Federal suit in U. S. District Court in Dallas.

1980 Covert Action Information Bulletin, No.9, June 1980, sports an article by A. J. Weberman, “Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc.”(MRU), a Washington, D. C., CIA research front. The MRU brochure on 'Cybernetic Technique,” summarized CIA directives and the development of “a means by which information can be fed to humans using other senses than sight and hearing, based on East European research. The process involves beaming information directly to nerve cells for “enhancement of mental and physical performance.” MRU is a spin-off from Systems Consultants, Inc. (See 1966).

1980 John B. Alexander and colleagues at Los Alamos National Labs write an article for U. S. Military Review in which it is claimed that “weapons exist that can operate on the power of the human mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.” (Note: Refer to Non-Lethal weapons research).

1980 U. S. Supreme Court rules that microbes can be patented.

1980 British ICI chemical creates animal food from micro-organisms.

1980 Conference of the National Society for Autistic Children. A speaker at the conference noted, “Autism is not a specific disorder. We are really talking about a spectrum.” Individuals can have totally different patterns of symptoms, yet both can be diagnosed as autistic.

1980 Estimated 2 million American children with vaccine-caused disabilities.

1980 Issue of Mutation Research shows that children re-vaccinated against smallpox had “chromosomal aberrations in their white blood cells,” leading to the conclusion that smallpox vaccination is mutagenic.

1981 Drs. Susheela and Sharma and coworkers from the India Institute of Medical Sciences find that fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen in the body and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin cartilage, lung, kidney, and trachea. It appears that fluoride disruption of collagen synthesis in cells responsible for laying down collagen leads these cells to try and compensate for their inability to put out intact collagen by producing larger quantities of imperfect collagen and/or non-collagenous protein. Ref: “Fluoride poisoning and the Effects of Collagen Biosynthesis of Osseous and Non-osseous Tissue,” Toxicological European Research, Vol. 3, No.2, pp99-104, 1981.

1981 Dr.John Emsley and co-workers at King's College in London find that fluoride reacts strongly with the bonds which maintain the normal shapes of proteins in the body. The work is subsequently confirmed by Dr. Steven Edwards and co-workers from the University of California in San Diego, and by Drs. Froede and Wilson from the University of Colorado at Boulder. By distorting the configuration of the body's own protein, the immune system attacks its own protein, resulting in an autoimmune or allergic response. Fluroides contribute to the development of an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is covered up by the media and medical community, which maintains a public focus on a viral cause for the problem, promoting the harmless HIV virus as the “cause” for “AIDS,” covering up the pharmo-chemical sensitization of the population which has complex legal ramifications.

1981 Larez does a study that shows that fluorides are teratogenic (cancer-causing) in rats.

1981 At the headquarters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the director of the OSHA office of carcinogenic identification, Dr. Peter Infante, pointed out that a Current Intelligence Bulletin (CIB) on formaldehyde was “an important document assessing formaldehyde's cancer causing potential.” The top bureaucracy at OSHA were embarrassed at the release of the truth, and tried to dismiss Infante. On July 27th, Infante writes Dr. John Higginson, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), disagreeing with the IARC decision to conceal the carcinogenic nature of the substance. Formaldehyde is a common component of vaccines.

1981 Britain conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study and finds that there exists a significant correlation between serious neurological illness and Pertussis vaccination occurring within 7 days of the shot. In the U. S., the FDA limits statistical data to 48 hours in order to conceal damaging data and eliminate data on deaths and damage occurring after that period of time.

1981 Japan begins use of a new childhood Pertussis vaccine, recommended to be given as 4th and 5th dose. U. S. vaccine used for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses.

1981 Dr. Robert Clark from the Boston University Medical Center shows that fluorides (as in fluoridated water supplies, toothpaste, etc.) stimulate granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood cells when they were not challenged with a foreign agent, but inhibited these processes when the white blood cell needed them to fight off foreign agents. Ref: “Neutrophil Iodination Reaction Induced by Fluoride: Implications for Degranulation and Metabolic Activation” Blood, Vol. 57, pp 913-921,1981.

1981 In Britain, Dr. D. L. Miller reports to the NCES on an analysis of the first 1000 cases of neurological illness. He reported “a significant association was shown between serious neurological illness and Pertussis (also DPT) vaccine.”

1981 Studies by Hetzler, Griffin and Fejn on Central Nervous System Function are published. According to the study, “the extremely heterogeneous autistic population may represent a variety of central nervous system dysfunctions resulting in overlapping behavioral manifestations.”

1981 Scientists “identify” “AIDS.”

1981 On July 18, 1981, NBC Magazine with David Brinkley revealed that the northwestern United States has been continuously bombarded by the U.S.S.R with low frequency waves set at the approximate level of biological frequencies; Brinkley: “the Russian government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences.”

1981 Eldon Byrd, who works for the Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory, is commissioned to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes to include “riot control,” clandestine operations and hostage removal.

1981 New England Journal of Medicine (11/26/81) publishes a study showing that tetanus vaccines because T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after two weeks. The altered ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims.

1982 A reporter at WRC-TV in Washington, D.C. breaks a story on Pertussis vaccine reactions in the documentary “DPT: Vaccine Roulette,” which generally informs the American public that their children are at risk from Pertussis vaccinations. (See 1988)

1982 Israeli researchers find that autistic children have a “cell-mediated immune response to brain tissue,” suggesting that an “undetectable brain lesion associated with autoimmunity may play a role in the pathogenesis of autism.”

1982 34th Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology releases a study which is published in Neurology magazine indicating that out of 103 infants who die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 66% had been vaccinated with DPT prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, 26% within 3 days, 37% died within 1 week, 61% died within 2 weeks, and 70% had died within 3 weeks. It was also found that SIDS frequencies have a bimodal peak occurrence at 2 and 4 months of age - the same ages when initial doses of DPT are administered to infants. Study done at the University School of Medicine at Reno, Nevada. Dr. William Torch.

1982 Homosexuals in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco get Hepatitis B vaccine.

1982 “Metabolic Ecology: A Way to Win the War on Cancer” by Fred Rohe, is published, detailing cases where breast cancer has been cured through the nutritional approach over a 6 month period.

1982 First cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Epstein Barr reported.

1982 E. M. Taylor and J. L. Emery write “in our experience, most unexpectant infant deaths have a multifactorial nature. We cannot exclude the possibility of recent vaccination/immunization being one of several contributory factors in an 'occasional' unexpected infant death (SIDS).”

1982 Government doctors in the tiny country of Djibouti are involved in numerous instances of torturing prisoners: injecting coma-inducing drugs, electroshock, amputations, and immersing victims in brine until their skin peels off. Per 1982 CIA report by William Buckley.

1982 Study by Geschwind and Behan on Autism reveals the finding of an association between autism, celiac disease, dyslexia, stuttering, migraine headaches, developmental disabilities and left-handedness (all features of post encephalitic syndrome). The study caused a sensation because of scientific inability to imagine the connecting thread among the disparate conditions. The connecting thread is the childhood vaccination program.

1982 The U. S. Public Health Service conducts its first group of studies on animal cancer and fluorides, mandated by the 1977 Congressional Hearings. The study lasts until 1984, and then is scrapped because of flaws in design and progress. (See 1985, Batelle Memorial Institute).

1982 The Pakistani government expels a U. S. physician working at the Lahore U.S. chemical biological warfare lab after Soviets charge that experiments are being done there to infect mosquitoes with yellow fever and dengue for use in neighboring Afghanistan or Cuba. The doctor was a professor at the University of Maryland, an institutional co-sponsor of the lab and frequent collaborator with Fort Detrick on CBW projects. Ref: New York Times, Feb. 10, 1982, “Pakistanis Expel a Malaria Expert.”

1982 U.N. Law of the Sea denotes sea as common heritage of man. U.S./UK don't sign.

1982 Peter Wilkinson at the University of Glasgow testifies before the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh in a legal case entitled “Inhibition of the Immune System with Low levels of Fluoride” which revealed that fluoride decreases the migration rate of human white blood cells. At a concentration of .2 ppm (which is .8 ppm below the “approved” level of 1 ppm), relative white cell migration rate is reduced 8%. A concentration of 1 ppm would produce a physiological decline of around 10%. Fluoride added to water supplies, tooth paste, school dental washes, supplement pills, and dentists visits are increased and promoted, contributing to a further co-factor in the decline of the immune capability of the population.

1982 In Science magazine, Vol. 217 p.26-32, Dr. Dennis Leverett of the University of Rochester states, “if there are increasing concentrations of fluoride in the food chain, particularly food for infants, then we should expect fluorosis to be increasing in the population as well. The widespread use of fluorides might have created a situation in which we are approaching a critical mass of fluoride in the environment. There needs to extensive research done.” Later in 1983 he would contradict himself at the University of Michigan symposium.

1987 The General Accounting Office (GAO) completes a two-year study of cancer statistics. The results validate Bailar and Smith (See 1986). According to the GAO, $2 billion per year was spent on cancer research (more than 50% of it government funds). Despite this enormous expense, “only slight improvement in cancer patient survival was indicated for the 30-year period 1950-1982. The GAO study was shelved to protect the cancer industry.

1987 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases a study indicating that the Hib vaccine shows an efficacy (effectiveness) rate of 41%. Children were found to be five times more likely to contract the disease than those not vaccinated.

1987 Atlantic Monthly magazine elaborates on how EM weaponry has been developed with the ability to both affect the nervous system and to induce death.

1987 CDC now refuses to give out figures relative to hepatitis vaccinations and HIV+ to justify their claims.

1987 The Philadelphia Daily News carries a story that Colonel David L. Huxsoll, chief of the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) told a meeting of Soviet scientists that Soviet charges that the U.S. military created the HIV virus constituted “disinformation.”

1987 Project Moonscan allegedly gets under way for prepositioning mind control technology on the Moon to influence Earth's population. Managed by Airborn Instrument Labs and run by Eaton Corporation. DOD takes over management in 1988.

1987 Recorded cases of syphilis jump 23% - largest increase since 1977.

1987 Sixty-six Japanese victims of Pertussis vaccine receive huge damage awards from the Japanese government.

1987 Swedish Health Board declares amalgam to be toxic and unsuitable as a dental filling material.

1987 William Bise had the only article published on the behavioral effect of microwaves that is accepted by the “establishment” scientific community. Together with Elizabeth Raucher, Bise created an amazing demonstration that was video taped and nationally televised on October of 1987. Although nine hours of video tape was taken, only four minutes made it on the air. Four years went into their unfunded work, and the results speak for themselves. They had 300 human subjects that were tested under clinical conditions. Over 85% of them showed a repeatable response between an externally generated magnetic field and EEG brainwaves. Three male subjects were exposed to specific electronic patterns, such as spike waves, sawtooth waves, lissijous patterns, complex patterns like square waves with pulses, etc. In all cases they were correctly identified. This is not a statistical process. There was a medical doctor present in many cases. In one case, the doctor was supposed to be somebody from Army Intelligence, who said, “wow, this is really interesting.” They never heard from him again. The EEG documentation clearly showed pattern shifts associated with each change in waveform. There were distinct signatures present in the brainwaves when the input magnetic field was shifted. The induction of line images into the human brain from a distance is publically proven.

1987 Dr. Vincent DeVita, head of the National Cancer Institute, issues a controversial recommendation to 13,000 cancer specialists “to give chemotherapy and surgery to all women with breast cancer, regardless of whether it has spread. ”1988 An article in Medical Hypothesis, Vol. 25, p151-62, by Eleni Eleopoulos notes that about 25% of the population of Southern Japan has antibodies against the “HIV” virus, compared with 1% of the population of the United States; there were only 14 cases of AIDS reported in Japan (a figure that has not significantly increased). 1988 Lederle Laboratories package insert for DPT vaccine reads “Pertussis vaccine has been associated with a greater proportion of adverse reactions than many other childhood vaccinations. Local reactions are common after administration of DTP, occurring in 35-50% of recipients. Febrile reactions are more likely to occur in those who have experienced such responses after prior doses.”

1988 Medical Tribune publishes article “Brain Autoantibodies in 33% of Schizophrenics” which indicates that 33% of schizophrenia cases appear to be autoimmune in nature.”

1988 Battelle Memorial Institute releases its studies on fluorides and animal cancer for the U.S.PHS which, ironically, report highly specific fluoride-related cancers. The data is turned over to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), who gives the data to the Experimental Pathology Labs, who reclassify and delete items damaging to the pro-fluoridation faction. The altered data is then submitted to the “pathology working group” on December 6, 1989, after a year of reworking. All this with the full knowledge of EPA and U.S.PHS. (See 1990).

1988 Dr. Joel Boriskin, chairman of the ADA national fluoridation advisory committee, in an address before the Calgary Health Department, claims that “1500 mg of fluoride per day is prescribed to older people that have progressive hearing loss.” (Note: 1500 mg/day is a lethal dose).

1988 Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory discover that fluoride promotes and enhances the carcinogenicity of other cancer-causing chemicals in the food and environment. Interestingly, this work confirmed studies sponsored by the United States National Cancer Institute conducted back in 1963 by Herskowitz and Norton at Saint Louis University. More than 30 years ago, these scientists showed that low levels of fluoride increased the incidence of melanotic tumors in living organisms from 12 to 100% - often these tumors were induced by fluoride over a period of days. These studies were further amplified by work done by the Taylor's at the University of Texas which found that 1 ppm fluoride in drinking water increased tumor growth rate in mice by 25%.

1988 The U.S. Agency for International Development commits $88 million to a five year plan to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.

1988 U.S. tests acellular Pertussis vaccine on Swedish children. Five children die, up to five months after vaccination. Deaths in the U.S. that occur within hours or days of a whole-cell vaccination are quickly dismissed and rarely investigated.

1988 Discovered that ingestion of 100 mg (.004 ounce) of sugar reduces the immune functions in the body by 50% within one hour. Other studies confirm that excessive sugar consumption may increase the incidence of infections and reduce the body's ability to defend against disease. Ref: Eat for Health, William Manahan, M.D, Tiburon Press, 1988; Robert Mendelsohn, M.D, “The Risks of Immunizations,”

1988, Peoples Doctor Newsletter, Inc.

1988 Hearings held in Sweden on amalgam. 1987 ruling upheld.

1988 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declares scrap dental amalgam to be a hazardous waste material. Mercury comprises over 50% of the “silver” dental filling. Mercury is a protoplasmic poison more toxic than lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Dr. Thomas Clarkson and Dr. John Hursh of the University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Department of Toxicology, and Dr. Magnus Nylander and Dr. Lars Friberg of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden, concluded from their research that “the release of mercury from dental amalgam makes the predominant contribution to human exposure to inorganic mercury, including mercury vapor in the general population.” Over 100 million people have amalgam implants.

1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982.

1988 Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D, publishes material indicating that Dr. John Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes that “any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre.”

1988 New “conjugated” Hib vaccine approved for use in children at least 18 months old in the United States. Hib = Hemophilus Influenza Type B.

1988 Research indicates that 25% of those vaccinated against rubella show no evidence of immunity within five years. In Wyoming, 73% of rubella cases occur in vaccinated children.

1988 Announced in Washington Post that all polio since 1979 caused by vaccine

1988 Washington Post reports only 2% of 60,000 chemicals in use have been tested for human safety.

1988 Wall St. Journal reports Swedish dentist pituitaries contain 40x average mercury level.

1989 At the in New Orleans Institute for Electric and Electronic Engineers Engineering and Medical Biology Conference in 1989, the following papers were presented: “Proto-biological Basis Of Laser Bio-stimulation” (U.s.s.r.) “Basic Mechanisms Of Magnetic Coil Excitation Of The Nervous System In Humans And Monkeys And Their Application”

“Stimulation Of Excitable Brain Tissue With Time-varying Magnetic Fields”

“Trans-cranial Stimulation Of The Cerebral Cortex”

“Directed Ability Of Magnetic Flux Density Vector In Magnetostimulators”

1989 Prestigious journal Nature publishes an article entitled “High Abundance of Viruses Found in Aquatic Environments,” detailing the discovery of 2.5 trillion viral particles 0.2 microns in size found in each liter of unpolluted sea water. (Aug. 10, 1989). Size equivalent to Naessens “somatids.” Is this the reason fish cannot live in synthetic sea water unless 2 oz. of real sea water is added?

1989 Los Angeles undergoes spraying with 47,000 gallons of nerve toxin Malathion until May 30,

1990, one month after the Office of Technology and Assessment issued a report on Neurotoxicity of Organophosphates (malathion is one). The substance is known to cause severe behavioral manifestations. 1989 In 1989, Dr. Yiamouyiannis used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain carcinogenicity studies conducted by Proctor and Gamble (one of the makers of fluoridated toothpaste) that were submitted to (and covered up by) the United States Public Health Service. These studies showed dose dependent cell abnormalities caused by fluoride. These results were reported in the February 22, 1990 issue of the Medical Tribune. Additional studies by Proctor and Gamble scientists confirmed the link between oral precancerous growth and fluoride, as well as an increase in osteomas (bone tumors) and osteosarcomas (bone cancer). In fact, the National Cancer Institute found in 1991 that the incidence of bone cancer was 50% higher in men ages 0-19 years of age exposed to fluoridated water compared to those who were not.

1989 A study by Hildebolt, et al. on 6,000 school children contradicts any alleged benefit from the use of sodium fluorides.

1989 Project Trident, Office of Naval Research, using airborne mind control methods over large cities to stimulate the public into civil violence. Los Angeles responds well. Black helicopters with long probes are seen more around the United States.

1989 On February 23, 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides on mice. A most curious result of the study, from the U.S.PHS point of view, was that fluoride induced the occurrence of an extremely rare form of liver cancer, called hepatocholangio carcinoma, in fluoride-treated male and female mice. Two months later in April of 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides and rats. The study showed a dose-dependent relationship between the incidence of oral cancerous tumors and fluorides. It is interesting to note that mice and rats yielded different The results with fluoride—different types of cancer. As a response to the Battelle study, the National Cancer Institute from examined the incidence of oral cancer in fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries over the period from 1973 to 1987. The National Cancer Institute study found that as exposure to fluoridation increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes as much as a 50% increase in oral cancer rates occur in fluoridated areas—this translates to 8,000 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer per year, needless pain and suffering and a financial windfall to the medical and pharmaceutical factions that concern themselves with treatment.

1989 French co-discoverer of the HIV virus, Luc Montagnier in France, admits “HIV is not capable of causing the destruction to the immune system which is seen in people with AIDS.”

1989 Microwave News reports Boris Yeltsin told a reporter that the KGB has an ELF device that can stop a human heart with a powerful 7-11 Hz signal.

1990 The National Toxicology Program issues a Press Release with data confirming findings of a link between fluoride and osteosarcomas as well as higher rates of oral cancer in rats. (January 1990)

1990 The National Toxicology Program in February 1990 releases its pathological data tables with a cover letter which, in a turnabout, claims “there has not been any evidence that shows a relationship between fluoridation and cancer or any other diseases in humans,” and “water fluoridation has proven highly effective in improving the nation's dental health by markedly reducing tooth decay.” The NTP final report, issued in March, omitted all studies which showed genetic damage from fluorides, and important studies showing that fluorides induce tumors and cancers were ignored. Kraybill, head of the NTP study, becomes a consultant to the American Council of Science and Health (ACSH), who threatens to sue the EPA if it “tries to undermine public confidence in fluoride.”

1990 The American Dental Associations ADA News reports that Proctor and Gamble (who make fluoride-based toothpaste) has “unpublished findings” which “refute the carcinogenicity of fluoride.” Proctor and Gamble in March 1990 publish their paper on fluoride and bone cancer (rats) and leave out their data on mice. The rat studies confirm an earlier study that proved that fluorides in food resulted in precancerous growth in the mouth. In contradiction to their own results, P&G declares that fluoride “does not cause precancerous or cancerous changes .”

1990 Health Consciousness magazine features article entitled “Live Virus Vaccines and Genetic Mutation” by H. E.Buttram, M.D, in which it is determined that “the physical invasion of the human body by foreign genetic material may have the immediate effect of permanently weakening the immune system, setting in motion a new era of autoimmune diseases.”

1990 Omni Magazine (7/90) reports that between January 24 to February 3, 1990, the rotation of the Earth suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down again. (See 1991).

1990 American Psychiatric Association (APA) task force report “The Practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy” (ECT) discusses and dismisses brain damage and memory loss from ECT, and ignored animal studies by well-known groups, research on memory loss by Janis, Squire, and Slater, and the work done by Pettinati and Bonner on ECT of the elderly. Ironically, the APA's 1978 report contained more information on memory loss.

1990 Psi-Corps receives psionic hardware from NSA capable of tracking information worldwide.

1990 The error-prone nature of the standard test for “HIV,” the ELISA test, was illustrated in Russia in 1990. Out of 20,000 “positive” ELISA tests, only 112 were confirmed through the secondary Western Blot test, which itself is subject to doubt. (See 1994, The Sunday Times)

1990 Lancet, the Journal of the British Medical Association, V1,p123-8, admits that Karposi Sarcoma is not caused directly or indirectly by “HIV.”

1990 Total U.S. Government budget for Human Resources is $197 billion. This includes social behavioral programs and similar activities.

1990 CBS 60 Minutes program on mercury amalgam dangers (Dec. 16) caused the ADA to slightly modify its position. The National Institute for Dental Research subsequently issued a position paper calling for “a gradual phase-out” of mercury amalgams, in favor of “far less toxic” composite materials to be developed.” (Note: Less toxic? How about non-toxic?)

1990 Project RF Media in Boulder, Colorado, using mind control subliminals over television carrier waves.

1990 The U.S. Public Health Service Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP) and the American Academy of Pediatrics considers high-pitched screaming after a Pertussis (DPT) vaccination an absolute contraindication to further Pertussis vaccine.

1990 Pediatric neurologist Dr. John H. Menkes, professor emeritus at UCLA, reports on 46 children experiencing neurological adverse reaction within 72 hours of a DPT shot. Over 87% of the children reacted with a seizure, 2 children died and most surviving children became retarded, with 72% having uncontrollable seizure disorders. Menkes conclude, “Pertussis vaccine encephalopathy (brain damage) is not a myth but rather a serious complication of immunization.”

1990 Project Tower, CIA, and Office of Naval Research step up electronic behavior control efforts through cellular telephone systems, which resonate at a harmonic of the humans skull.

1990 A study by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis on 39,000 school children contradicts any alleged benefits from the use of sodium fluorides.

1990 U.S. Claims Court, as of October 31, 1990, indicates that “several thousand claims for compensation from injuries or death caused by vaccines have already been filed.” National Vaccine Information Center.

1990 Estimated 3 million in U.S. with vaccine-caused disabilities.

1990 Dr. John Colquhoun in New Zealand is forced into early requirement in New Zealand after he conducts a study on 60,000 school children and finds no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. He additionally finds that a substantial number of children in fluoridated areas suffered from dental fluorosis. He makes the study public.

1990 The September 14th issue of Newsweek reports that the study performed by Battelle Memorial Institute under Congressional mandate to look into fluorides and animal cancer (that found a connection) was refused for publication by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

1990 New York Dental License Board removes license from Dentist Joel Berger for removing mercury amalgam fillings from a woman in 1984 in order to encourage remission of her rheumatoid arthritis.

1990 In December of 1990, a federal regulation was adopted permitting the FDA to circumvent U.S. and International laws forbidding medical experimentation on unwilling subjects. This regulation permits the FDA to inject American military with unapproved experimental drugs or vaccines without informed consent. The FDA merely needs to deem it “not feasible” to obtain the soldiers permission. See Health Letter, Washington, DC. Public Citizens Health Research Group “400,000 Human Guinea Pigs in the Persian Gulf,” Feb. 12, 1991. See 1991 Gulf War Entry.

1991 NATO Advanced Research Workshop in the Coherent and Emergent Phenomena on Bio-Molecular Systems is conducted at the University of Arizona (Jan. 15-19, 1991). One of the papers presented by Harlan E. Girard is “Effects of Gigahertz Radiation on the Human Nervous System: Recent Developments in the Technology of Political Control.” Girard reports on haphazard testing of EMR “nonlethal” effect weapon systems as having a principle feature of producing “auditory effects and visual hallucinations.” Girard describes the visual hallucinations induced “as having the quality of 35mm slides.” According to Girard, the equipment “can be used to block all sensation.” He concludes with the consideration that long range mind control is “truly Satanic.”

1991 Operation Desert Storm. Bush stops war after 100 hours at preserve Iraq as a threat. American troops are given experimental vaccines against biological agents. Within months thousands of troops sicken with communicable cancer causing virus. Disease deemed “Gulf War Syndrome.” Government denies responsibility. Over 8,000 troops were vaccinated with Botulism, over 150,000 troops were given anthrax vaccine, and all 500,000 troops were given Pyristigimine, an experimental nerve agent. All drugs were experimental.

1991 New York Times, Mar 17th, 1991 “U.S. Vaccine Plan Uses Welfare Offices” indicates the Federal government has considered denying welfare and nutritional benefits to families who refuse vaccinations.

1991 The U.S. Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) drafts new guidelines which eliminate most contraindications to Pertussis vaccine. Essentially, this results in a denial or coverup of most reactions on the grounds that “there is no proof the vaccine causes brain damage.” They base their position on several studies financed by vaccine manufacturers conducted in the late 1980's by vaccine policy makers such as Dr. James Cherry and Dr. Edward Mortimer, who sit on the ACIP Committee and are also paid consultants to U.S. Pertussis vaccine manufacturers, resulting in biased and flawed studies in order to prove “no cause and effect” between the Pertussis vaccine and permanent brain damage. U.S. vaccine policy makers are the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. All this, despite decades of experience indicating the opposite conclusion. (Note: This policy constitutes criminal neglect, racketeering and conspiracy).

1991 The “conjugated” Hib vaccine introduced in 1988 is extended for use in infants as young as two months. It becomes mandated in 44 states in the U.S.

1991 The CDC begins the process of mandating Hepatitis B vaccinations for all infants in the United States. Many infants receive multiple doses from birth.

1991 National Institutes of Health (8/91) state mercury amalgam is safe. (W.Post)

1991 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) again engages ICAIR Life Systems to perform a literature search on fluorides. A researcher for ICAIR, Dr. John Beaver, admits that he was instructed to select only certain reports and ignore others. The final series of reports was sent to EPA, who forwards them to the Subcommittee on Risk Assessment of Ingested Fluoride of the National Academy of Sciences as an “independent” report. Five out of eight members of the Subcommittee are historically profluoridation.

1991 The United Nations Population Fund, managed by William Draper III, asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized in the course of the 1990's, and that if present trends continue, 80% of women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be sterilized. Mexico is high on the list of targeted nations for population control.

1991 Second Immunization Conference in Canberra, Australia. Dr. Viera Scheibnerova reports that “vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths.”

1991 Diane Sawyer does report on ABC about Burroughs Wellcome AZT tests on Romanian babies. FLV.23A is a reagent oxidative catalyst, as AZT is toxic to humans and destroys the immune system.

1991 The U.S. Public Health Service recommends a child receive the first DPT shot at two months of age, with subsequent shots given at 4, 6, and 18 months, and between the ages of 4 and 6. At the same time, Europe, Sweden and several other countries routinely “wait” until after 6 months of age “because of the improved antibody response in babies whose immune systems are more developed.”

1991 Annual Conference of the Society of Homeopaths, Manchester, England, September 91, Richard Moskowitz, M.D. Revelation that the English National Health Service pays a “bonus” to doctors with documented vaccination rates above SPECIFIED averages.

1992 Lancet, Journal of the British Medical Association, reports (3/7/92) that the oral polio vaccine used in the mid 1970's to treat recurrent herpes was contaminated with a number of potentially dangerous retroviruses, and may have seeded HIV among Americans.”

1992 In Britain, molecular biologist Peter Duesberg publishes a 76-page article in Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Vol55), in which he systematically takes apart the theory that AIDS is caused “by an infectious virus” and that “HIV” is capable of the wholesale destruction claimed. Robert Gallo and others base their theory of the HIV-AIDS link on purely circumstantial evidence: that this virus is present in some people who have a general immune dysfunction. Duesberg quotes statistics presented by the Institute of Medicine which shows that no more than 50% of American AIDS patients have antibodies against HIV present in their systems. According to Duesberg, “twenty-five previously unknown and in part unrelated diseases have been redefined as “AIDS,” provided they occur in the presence of HIV.”

1992 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits cases exist where there is T-Cell depletion in persons without the presence of the “HIV” virus. The admission is in the September 9, 1992 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

1992 Vancouver Sun (1/25/92) reports University of California chief neurosurgeon Ronald Young as saying that a way has been found to focus ultrasonic waves so precisely that a beam can be directed into a living brain and halt the activity of clusters of neurons. (UCAL Irvine). Neurons can be stunned or killed with a higher power level, according to Young.

1992 American Journal of Epidemiology reports that children die at a rate 8x greater than normal within three days of receiving a DPT shot.

1992 Four (4) cases of Diptheria in the United States.

1992 Virginia legislature passes the Health Care Decisions Act, which specifically targets patients in psychiatric or mental retardation facilities for extermination who have no “reasonable expectation of recovery.”

1992 Article in the Washington Post, Nov. 2, “On Vaccinating Safely” and Dec. 14th press release by the National Vaccine Information Center indicate release by the FDA of a report acknowledging more than 17,000 adverse events - including more than 350 deaths - following vaccination, all in a 20-month period ending July 31, 1992. Reported events number far less than actual events, so number is actually larger, perhaps 170,000 or more.

1992 From 1988 to 1992, over $249 million has already been awarded due to hundreds of deaths and injuries caused by mandated vaccines. Thousands of cases are still pending. The permanent injuries from vaccines include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, and paralysis. Many of the awards for pertussis vaccine deaths were initially (and wrongfully) misclassified as Sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS).

1992 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 87% of all cases of polio in the United States between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. The CDC also said that every case from 1980 to

1989 was cause by vaccine.

1993 Dr. Robert Gallo, “co-discoverer of HIV” reveals in the June issue of Bio Tech that the protein “p24,” which is generally accepted to be the proof of HIV existence, is in fact found in all retroviruses that live in the body and do no harm. It is not unique to “HIV” retrovirus. The detection of “p24” is the basis for the ELISA test. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1988 V318,p448-9) revealed that antibodies to p24 were detected in one out of every 150 people.

1993 Epidemic of Pertussis in Massachusetts, 218 students, 96% of whom were vaccinated against Pertussis (whooping cough).

1993 Clinton administration announces plans for a National Childhood Vaccination Program. 103rd Congress introduces S732, S733, HR1460, legislation that would attempt to vaccine all children in the United States, while severely limiting exemptions parents could claim. The bills also seek to set up a national vaccine registry to track down parents who resist.

1993 Mediaeko Investigative Reporting Group releases report “Brain Transmitters: What They Are and How They Are Used” in Stockholm, October 1993, which details the “use of liquid crystals injected directly into the bloodstream that will fasten to the brain.”

1993 The “Hantavirus” strikes the Southwestern United States. Media campaign produced at the Rockefeller University in New York.

1993 Seattle Times reports that all polio in the U.S. is caused by vaccines. (6/10/93).

1993 CNN News announces that a couple win $2.9 million in a vaccination lawsuit.

1993 Media program (8/11/93) asking parents to order “Hepatitis vaccinations” for children.

1993 Associated Press (9/1/93) announces that five volunteers at the National Institutes of Health have died from an experimental drug touted as a “miracle cure” for hepatitis B. Drug: Fialuridine (FIAU). NIH Dr. Jay Hoofnagle “fears other toxic antiviral drugs as AZT and DDL may attack patients the way FIAU did.” The article revealed that Dr. Raymond Schinazi of Emory University found in 1986 that FIAU, under certain conditions, would metabolize into a very toxic compound. FIAU causes cells to produce flawed mitochondria and DNA.

1993 The U.S. Army directs Walter Reed Army Institute of Research to sign an agreement with Micro-GeneSys in Meridan, Connecticut, for a “large scale clinical evaluation” of an AIDS vaccine designed

to block destruction of the immune system. The VaxSyn vaccine uses a genetically engineered protein that matches a protein called (gp160) that covers the surface of the HIV virus. (Note: That the HIV virus is harmless and does not “cause AIDS” is known, illustrating that the military is in on the AIDS scam). See Duesberg material.

1993 Centers for Disease Control announce expectation of a nasty A/Beijing flu season and recommend flu shots nationally. (Sept. 1).

1993 Diptheria outbreak reported in Russia and E.Coli outbreaks in the U.S. “Deep Lake flu” reported at a lake in Washington State.

1994 In March 1994, the London Sunday Times reports that Russia has a new superplague powder that is so powerful that 400 pounds discharged in air burst bombs could kill 500,000 people. According to the report, it is thought that the West has no antidote.

1994 The National Academy of Sciences reports that 95% of the chemicals used in perfumes and fragrances are derived from petroleum, and many of these chemicals are causing allergic reactions, central nervous system disorders, birth defects, cancer, and autoimmune disease. The FDA is powerless to remove these substances because by law the cosmetic industry is not regulated and exempt from listing all product ingredients. Many of the fragrance ingredients have been classified as neurotoxins, hazardous waste disposal chemicals and sensitizers. Townsend Letter for Doctors 7/94.

1994 University of North Carolina finds that women employed in electrical trades are 38% more likely to die of breast cancer. For men, the risk of breast cancer in those occupations is six times normal.

1994 In the United States (Aug. 94) a program begins in the mind control arena which involves the use of scalar energy and photonic information fields, to last until December 1994.

1994 The Sunday Times in London (May 22, 1994) reports that the Western Blot “HIV” test gave a positive result to some 85% of African patients found to be “HIV” negative. Proteins from the leprosy germ, which infects millions in Africa, can show up as a false positive for “HIV” (detected by p24 protein presence).