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The most probable outcomes of the new Covid vaccines.

NoMoreFacebookApr 20, 2021, 1:00:12 PM

Past Sars Covid vaccines resulted in the animals dying. Past RNA vaccines caused autoimmunity and death. Since the new Sars-Covid vaccines have not been test the people getting them are the test. Previous RNA vaccine studies can give a a picture of what we may be dealing with when they are injured. These vaccines also made them more prone to infection especially from microbes in the same family that are usually harmless. So the many harmless Covid strains that are out there will most like be making those who got the vaccines very ill and increase their risk of death from Covid strains that are normally harmless. Now add to the fact that most vaccines contain aborted fetal cells or animal tissues which cause autoimmunity. Those ingredients no longer have to be listed on the vaccine inserts and usually are not listed along with many other ingredients. 

These new Sars-Covid vaccines are programming a persons DNA to produce certain components of Covid-19. The body knows what to do and will get rid of the source. Since the bodies own DNA is the source of these proteins what do you think is going to occur? Well past vaccines produced using RNA or mRNA caused the animals bodies to turn on them selves and they died a slow and miserable death. Something else to keep in mind many components of the Corona virus causes excess blood clotting and stimulates the immune system which causes autoimmunity so we are going to see a huge increase in death from cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases and autoimmune diseases .

 Most vaccine injury is brushed off as coincidence, as being caused by genetics or they will say the cause of the illness is unknown. When you hear those words it lets you know the illness was caused by the pharmaceutical industry or medical industry and they are gas lighting. 



This one surprised me, it is very possible the Sars-Covid vaccines will cause prion diease which will destroy the brain.


I m going to continue to add to this because these vaccines appear to be shedding. I am trying to see how this is occurring.