Hello Dear Ones, it has been some time since I wrote you a blog..so I thought, what better a subject then Quitting, one of the Hardest things in the World to Quit.
As you may or may not know, smoking has been proven to be harder to quit then Cocaine, or even Heroin.
Not only does the tobacco you're smoking contain 70 different Cancer Causing Chemicals in it..But when lit, produces a methane gas that everyone in your immediate range is subjected to breath.
In grade eight, I wrote an oral presentation on 'A Smoker, Against Smoking' .. And I think that's the route I will take today.
I myself, at 31, have been smoking for 18 years.
How horrid that makes me feel. But we never talk about it, because then we would have to tell ourselves the hard truth. That we are purposely, and knowingly, poisoning ourselves and our families on an hourly basis.
Talk about a Red Pill.
As i sit here, writing to you, I light up. I ..who smoke at Minimum, one pack (20 Cigarettes) every day..Am lighting only my Third smoke of the day. It is 1:30 pm.
By now, i have usually smoked about half a pack, give or take, depending on the time i wake up. This, is HUGE for me.
I owe my achievement to Myself. For asking the doctor to find me the best quit smoking method I could use, being that I already take so many different types of medication.
The Method I've chosen, Is Champix.
Not only am I smoking Less, I am waking up without the urge to grab a smoke first thing. As us smokers know, that, is the hardest part about trying to quit smoking.
I am Only On Day Six, of a 90 Day Program. And for the first time in my life, I feel as though This is really happening this time! I have tried Every Other method of quit smoking products..throughout my almost two decades of being a smoker. NOTHING EVER HELPS!
But this time...This Time, I Am Mentally Capable. As I continue to be Grateful for every step I take, I look inwards and realize that I am the biggest hypocrite. How can i be So Grateful, Yet Continue to shove Poison Into my Body on an Hourly Basis??
This, is the Thought, that's brought me to where i am today.
No More. This time, I have REAL HELP.
I can already feel the change. I already notice how much less I wheeze to take a breath. I notice how Awful these things taste, as my taste buds restore themselves. I Realize how much this has effected my health. And how badly this Addiction has taken over my every thought.
I am excited, to see how long I can last without having a smoke. Its like a challenge against myself. My will power, against Addiction. And my willingness to try against my obvious excuses.
I was not going to say anything to anyone, I was going to do this on my own. But another thing I realized, is that, I am not alone. Not Anymore. For the first time in my life I have access to like minded people such as yourselves, and knowing that, makes me stronger. Knowing that, gives me more will power. and a greater Larger then Myself Understanding...
That if I can Do It...So Can You!
I will try harder knowing, that writing this, and sharing my experience...might save just one life...one person who reads this and gets inspired...
We all know, how much #MK22 Is here to Fight For You. To guide you into a better understanding of things, and perhaps change your perception of things.
I think, that as your friend MK...I become something larger then myself.
I believe in me.
I believe that i help. at least one person everyday.
And that eases my raging fire inside me that continuously tells me I am responsible for spreading love and light, far and wide.
What I am trying to say, is that just the thought of you, on the other end of this blog...has made me that much more determined not to fail.
I will end this with a thought bubble..
If you could do just one thing..to change your health..be it giving up sugar, or quitting smoking, you could very well change the course of your life. Right now. Today.
And I, will be here, on the other end of your struggle. To lift you up, and encourage you to keep going.
This has been very gratifying, and has lifted such a weight off my chest.
Thank you all, for your time, and attention.
As Always my Dears, Live With Love...And May Peace Be With You All!
Your Friend, MK.
#mk22 #minds
2019, Mid-October.