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Where is your castle? (Group Notifications) #MindsGaming #Op #OpenMinds

#MindsGamingDec 22, 2018, 1:21:17 AM

Minds has recently removed the group option for notifications. That's right it is no longer a notification on the system.

Now I have confronted the Minds development team about the removal of the group notification and they have insured me that they are "Not killing them..."  and aware this is a major issue and are revamping the group notifications as well as upgrading the groups.

Although the technical aspects are most likely true, I boldly and blatantly disagree that they are not killing groups. Without group notifications user groups are losing mass interaction and interest as you manually have to check the group for new info and no longer get notifications when your favorites are posting.

Many groups have declined in views and interaction over this issue crumbling inner network connectivity and connections that come from these groups.

Minds agrees that that it is indeed and issue, however I have seen no official statement from the Minds team about the issue and predicted fix to this major network issue.

This should worry any investor and user on the network as your network interaction and community influence dies as groups die, and as I have said many times before they have been in the back burner for to long!

As this issue affects my network and community at a large scale I am listing all bugs that have been outstanding for over ONE YEAR and asking Minds if and when they actually plan for group notifications to be fixed as "its coming" just doesn't cut it here.

- HTML in media

- Full block not working (boosted and groups)

- No group Block

- Reefer pages

- Ghost Accounts

- Open Hosting

- Mobile notifications do not lead to notification

- Can't delete comments in conversations in group

- Cant remove sub from sub list

- Cant log out of mobile (log out does not end sessions, still notified)

- Avatars do not update for months

- Notifications lag or I do not receive them (you are still not getting groups)

And I am sure I have forgotten a few or maybe more than a few, as an investor and supporter of this network I feel it is inside my privileges to be relayed these issues with a scheduled or estimated time of fix in a transparent way that Minds so whole heartily portrays as one of the backbones of the network.

I also hope that users start making the issue an issue and stop overlooking how much harm this is actually doing to the network/networks as a whole on Minds and demand Minds to fix this issue in a timely manner.