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Minds Is Git’n Better! (Moving to Gitlab) #MindsGaming #Op #OpenMinds

#MindsGamingJan 8, 2019, 10:13:44 PM

I was trying to wait on this blog, I promise I really was. The only reason I wanted to wait was because Minds hasn't publicly released they have moved and I wanted not to be the bad guy just once and promote something that I am very happy Minds is doing once again. But I guess I will be the bad guy and as so you have to read this little intro so the backlash is on me ;).

I was notified by email from my gitlab account about changes made before any other user told me. Minds admins and users already actively use the issue links, and last it is a public git.

So not long ago I wrote an article on community logging; highlighting key features and resources Minds was missing in its open source development process. It seems Minds didn’t like Taiga enough to move to them but has chosen Gitlab as a way to bring these resources to the community at large.

You can now easily get involved with the Minds development process in a couple ways and we will cover them shortly, but first we are going to bounce back to all the features we listed needed for Minds community development in our community logging blog. So below is formatted in the same way as the blog for community logging blog for feature only for Gitlab references.


A way to separate features, bug and prioritize them in the system.


Minds is using Gitlab to log issues. This is a 3rd party system that is relayed to developers. To find out more about how this process works or ask more questions go here: https://about.gitlab.com/

Log your first issue here:


Feature Request Taskboard:


Bug Taskboard:


Activity feeds.




You can also view things like milestones, analytics and more on Gitlab and of course have direct access to the git itself for the Minds code. These features are a great for the Minds development team as well as user involvement.

Git’n Involved

As I mentioned above a couple ways to get involved in helping are now available form creating your own Gitlab account and logging issues directly to the Minds code via easy to use templates, to open community's like MCOSI that has created a mirror of the Minds git and are more than happy to help guide you get involved in the contributing to the network  and getting your contribution on the  projects git in a team atmosphere.

Overall I think that Minds has made a great way to get the community involved in contributing to the network and this is a great improvement and move. I am sure Minds is as happy as I am that they finally have community logging!

Thanks as always for reading, feel free to drop a comment or question about this blog, and make sure to head over and check out all the features on Gitlab :)