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Minds Applications (Unwrap your Minds) #MindsGaming #Op #OpenMinds

#MindsGamingDec 13, 2018, 12:04:45 AM

Welcome to our virtual box application with Minds installed and ready to play with!

Thank you all for the high interest in this project, as suggested by a few users we are releasing this as a blog now the appliance is up and running :)


Looking to try out Minds on a local server? We have you all set-up and ready with our VirtualBox application, install script or install guide :)

Just download what you need from and use VirtualBox to install and run Minds!

The Virtualbox application is using Linux Mint as the operating system. To use this application you must have Virtualbox installed on your system.

To install the application on Linux simply open the application with Virtualbox after downloading it.

Download Minds For VirtualBox

* This is the most stable package.

Install & Launching Minds


Once you have downloaded the Virtualbox application just open it with VirtualBox.

Install Script Launcher

You can also run our Minds Installer to Minds on your current Ubuntu or Mint computer make sure to read the read me.

* Download Installer

* Unzip Installer in home folder

* Launch installer

Self Installing Guide

If you wish to install the program yourself on a ubuntu based system or are having issues with our launcher follow this layout in your terminal :)



echo "YOU MUST BE ROOT USER, ARE YOU ROOT!?? This script will fail otherwise"

echo "Downloading minds/upstream source code"

git clone https://gitlab.com/minds/minds.git

cd minds

echo "Getting dependencies"

apt-get update

apt-get install git -y

apt install docker.io -y

apt-get install docker-compose -y

echo "Setting up elasticsearch"

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

docker-compose down

docker-compose up elasticsearch-legacy-provisioner

docker-compose up elasticsearch-provisioner

echo "installing the front and engine repositories"

sh init.sh

echo "Deploying Minds Docker Build, This could take a while..."

docker-compose up -d nginx

docker-compose up installer

docker-compose up front-build

docker-compose up sync-engine

docker-compose up sync-front

echo " Install Complete, Open http://localhost:8080/login"

firefox http://localhost:8080/login/


"Minds is already installed"

- Ensure engine/settings.php does not exist and re-run:

docker-compose up installer

"Cassandra will not boot"

- Ensure thrift is enabled

- Cassandra requires at least 4GB of memory to operate. You can start Cassandra manually by running:

docker-compose up cassandra

Closing -

Thank you all again for the interest and I hope you have a fun time using and playing around with the program, please remember to try to host the file yourself as well if you can for other with any noted changes to the box :)

You can help maintain the install script here.