From the creator of Installing Minds On Ubuntu; lets talk about the docker code. {An Open Sourced Review}
Minds claims to be an open sourced network and has an open sourced code published on but the question here is does it meet open sourced standards, does it even work?
Well we ran Minds in vagrant not long ago; so with the update to docker we thought it would just make it easier but it seems the new docker just doesn't work and any user that I have spoken to has run into errors and no developer has made a comment on these issues with the code. In fact we have opened an open challenge for anyone to install and get Minds running on a VirtualBox environment; if wrong we are willing to learn here:
Even if we can get the code up and running via this challenge or a install process that doesn't bring errors with {Enter % Here} would Minds meet open sourced standards? Well, no. I would have to shift you to other blogs on areas of open sourced standards, and you would have to understand these standards set by the community and the current code {Even if it boots}. For this case we will read this area of the Minds ""
Production System Requirements
At this time it is not advisable to run Minds in production, however it is possible so long as you are aware of the risks.
3 Cassandra Nodes (Min 30gb RAM, 1TB SSD, 8 CPU)
1 ElasticSearch Node (Min 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD, 8 CPU) #2 nodes are recommended for failover
1 Docker Machine (Min 60gb RAM, 50GB SSD, 32 CPU)
Now I would like to ask how is Minds Open sourced if it is not for editing, production and distribution to others? Well the simple answer is it's not, Of course these standards are well debated and are open to change, and of course can be updated, however I would like to openly ask you how many open sourced programs you know that are not recommended for production and distribution? {You have to be able to produce to distribute}
Want to find out more about open source standers read this blogs by @medworthy or
Well I would say limited speech; No really. With the new limits that Minds has put into place and the high rate of moderation from comments to news-feeds Minds has become more of a #Mindslimited as you only have a limited amount of comments {Even on your own content} and expression on the network, or be considered spam. I still think currently Minds is the 'best option' for free speech but do not feel I can speak freely or express myself freely on the network with the new limit system. Let us know how you feel in the comments!
{Added on to blog later}
In closing this blog I would like to say I am hoping these issues with both the code and limit system are closely evaluated by the Minds team, and are improved in near time. I hope this isn't the future of what many came to in hopes of freedom and transparency.
Related Blogs:
More Minds Limits ( #HashTags #MindsGaming )
Everything Wrong with Minds Limits & A solution #MindsGaming