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Minds Code install Issues ( Them Vendors, Just Suck)

#MindsGamingJul 3, 2019, 10:37:39 PM

Are you “stuck” well we are here to push you in the right direction. Minds has just launched its Gitlab docs that I am sure they will be working hard on. Installing the Minds git its not as straight forward as one would think, many issues or confusion arises from the Minds install.

I think I have created a round about to the issue but will say that I think this is a bug with the install process and needs to be fixed as soon as you can. The issue comes into hand when you follow the install instructions on the Minds Gitlab page.  Many users are getting “stuck” on the vendor.js rendering, where the install does not pass this step, I do believe that this should be considered a bug with the install production and new, updated or fixed install instructions are needed.

Currently you can avoid this issue by simply ignoring it in the terminal and loading to /login to test your localhost. However the issue to start is indeed A issue that Minds needs to look into as soon as possible.

The Issue

Many users are complaining about the Git getting “stuck” on vendor.js in the build mode. Minds developers have said that this is not an bug but part of the install process however I strongly disagree. I think that the install code should complete in the terminal and provide a new line.

I have however completed some workarounds to the issue and it’s pretty simple, once (if) you get “stuck” on vendor.js simply load your 'localhost' with the /login extension, http://localhost:8080/login

This will load your local development (it may take a few refreshes) and allow you to continue to work on your project. Although I know the solution to the issue I still think that the issue needs some dedicated attention or the install instructions need to be updated to yarn.(?).

Installing Minds

I have made a simple install process using an .sh script that you can find here to help you with the install process. I also have noted that the Minds git has added /docs to its project list  and am looking forward to seeing this develop while hoping you take this article into consideration on the install process.

{.sh = print}


echo "YOU MUST BE ROOT USER, ARE YOU ROOT!?? This script will fail otherwise"

echo "Getting dependencies"

apt-get update

apt-get install git -y

apt install docker.io -y

apt-get install docker-compose -y

echo "Downloading minds/upstream source code"

git clone https://gitlab.com/minds/minds.git

cd minds

echo "Setting up elasticsearch"

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

docker-compose down

docker-compose up elasticsearch-legacy-provisioner

docker-compose up elasticsearch-provisioner

echo "installing the front and engine repositories"

sh init.sh

echo "Deploying Minds Docker Build, This could take a while..."

docker-compose up -d nginx

docker-compose up installer

echo " Install Complete, Open http://localhost:8080/login

docker-compose up front-build

docker run hello-world

echo " Install Complete, Open http://localhost:8080/login

I have also made (updated) my Virtualbox if you are interested in having a virtual instance of Minds feel free to contact me and get your DAT running to access our download file for the .ova.


I think Minds has a long way to come with install process and think they should look into adding an AppImage, as well as a simple (one/two step) installer for the Minds code. I am looking forward to minds going onto Activitypub and DAT to become more decentralized and connected to its user base. Thanks as always for reading, and I will see you for the next round.