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Creating Your Episode With Imagination (#MindsGaming #DWMW)

#MindsGaming May 20, 2023, 9:29:44 PM

If you are participating in the Dude Where's My Wallet Web show and want to write your own episode we encourage you to look at other creator story lines and episodes to get an idea of episode formats. 

Once you have a general idea of the format you can tie in your project and ideas into the series, of course if you need some help with this Imagination is always willing to give you ideas you can edit and improve!  

Using Imagination

We have demos for Imagination on a few applications as well as open source instructions on how to use the script yourself. 

Once you have you have accessed the demo or built your own custom network you can easily get an idea for your story.   

Step One: Write down some information on your idea.   

Step Two (Optional): Provide a link that provides more information on your project. 

Step Three:  As Imagination to create an episode of DWMW for your idea that Mike and Dan need to explore.   

My Example:

Imagination can you write an episode of DWMW that Mike and Dan need to explore based on the following information:  A cake that is magical.