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Freedom Of Press? (Second Class Press Pass) #MindsGaming #Op #OpenMinds

#MindsGamingMay 13, 2020, 3:39:41 PM

I must admit it took me longer than planned to make this blog, the main reason is this issue just makes me not want to be a member of Minds.

The point of almost any social media is the ability to get your posts and content seen, for some this is a lifestyle and for others its a hobby or past time, For those of us without fat pockets an even playing field for content is essential otherwise we become second class content creators and journalist.

From: Minds.com (Homepage)

On April 20th 2020 Minds Inc. opened up unlimited boosting for pro channels.

From: Minds.com (Channel Page)

Showing base users:

1.) That boost limits have nothing to do with bots

- A bot account can accumulate 400 tokens a month for unlimited boosting easier than a base account.

2.) The content policy limits the First amendment for base users.

-Freedom of the press is limited for base users by limiting boosts for base users.

3.) Minds wants to manipulate the market.

- Soon admins and devs will have unlimited tokens and no boost limit just wait...

4.) Minds wants to become a pay to play platform.

- Showing one sided bias towards shark accounts for promoting by limiting boosts unless you pay for pro is a network attack on base users in my view.

Please if you agree with me bring this issue up in a help and support post, email Minds, comment, like and remind this post. We must find a way to provide users with an even playing field to maintain freedom of the press as a social network and avoid market manipulation and saturation by marketers with fat pockets.

Thanks as always for reading, hope all is going well for you and yours hopefully we will see you for the next one.