With the recent influx of users we have edited this area ;)
This method requires more work, and you will not project the same amount of views total. However you may find more interactions and overall will increase your post projection.
Well it’s simple the solution is to bypass the network boost system and serve your content to your supporter base independently. This will help on a few fronts, first it will give views as your post is projecting to views to whomever subs of the channel you are serving your content.
This in theory should be self explanatory, I send you a post for tokens, you accept the post, its projected on your channel to your views or subs. This in turn projects more views to the original content and more interest as its not a random user reminding but hopefully someone interested in that type of content.
1.) Algo Theory
As the algorithm for Minds top content is based off interactions (as far as we know) more interactions moves it closer to view in the top areas of the network.
2.) Community Building
As you are projecting your content to certain channels in turn you are building a closer relationship with this channel and subs on what content they accept, like and there views interact with. This makes a closer community feel.
3.) Less Rejection Impact
Although channels must still accept your boost to there channel the rejection impact is a lot less as you are projecting to them and there subs a decline is simply missing the views they have and another channel with similar views may accept it later or already have.
4.) Boost Rejected
As your content is projecting it’s own views independent of the network if declined or rejected/refunded from the network it will still rise in views. Boost Rejections can happen when an influx of users are boosting the to the network.
Boost me! Actually I have wrote about offers before, so all this may not be new to you, but if it is new will go over how to boost to your peers and circumnavigate the boost system. Please pay close attention if you have never made an offer before as the format of tokens is not the same.
Step 1.) Find a post to boost on your @channel page
Step 2.) Click the boost button
Step 3.) Click Offers
Step 4.) Type/Search A channel to offer tokens
Step 5.) Select the amount of TOKENS you want to offer the channel.
Step 6.) Click Boost
[Recommend ]Step 7.) Send a message or tag the channel you offered the tokens to in the post.
Step 8.) Wait…
Those are the general steps to make a channel boost or offer to another channel to help your views and channel grow, Grow together, don’t depend on the system.
In one of our recent blogs we wrote about how to fix the boost system and would like to re-ignite the suggestions again.
1.) Remove 10k boosts
10k boosts are only jamming the system, although a priority boost is not looked down on by me a general whale boost system is just not a good idea, offer front of the line for more tokens.
2.) Give back the BoostFeed
Bring back the boostfeed, the purpose of was to project only boosted posts to fill views on said boosted posts.
3.) Add more ad space
Adding more ad space, in the form of home page ads from boosted content or a three-tier discovery system that shows columns one of the columns to project only boosted content.
* User Notes: Once you accept a boost to your channel you can not remove the post as the user whom boosted it paid for an advert on your channel you have agreed to promote on your channel.