The Science Of English: (Grammar) May Over-Rule All Presumptions. (False impressions)
1 This is an interesting insight into how foreign, private corporate
governments are deceiving the people of the western world into a “not
guilty plea” when the guilty plea may be the only grammatically
correct thing to do. It appears that this governing system is meant for
the ignorant and illiterate in order to control such masses. No matter
how much we try and fight the system for its crimes against you, if you
are ignorant to the grammatical rules of the written text used on
documents, you will never beat such a system. You have been DOGGED by
the Egyptian DOG-MAN-SYMBOL: Anubis, Egyptian Gods of the UNDERWORLD.
Anubis, one of the Gods of the Underworld, in charge of preserving the
body on the slim chance that the dead come back to life. the DOG-LATIN
text is found on the tomb stones of a grave. Dog Latin is the “engraved
image” on the tomb, the written text of the dead. It is debased Latin,
appearing as a written sign language without the hyphens. Written Sign,
subject to the grammatical rules of Latin, appears in ALL UPPERCASE TEXT
2 This concept is in relation to the DOG-LATIN find, being the debased Latin text appearing on Governmental documents. It very well may work like this:
what appears to be “Dog Latin”, (Latin all uppercase text appearing
under the grammatical rules of English) such a text does not destroy the
vitality of such a document! Refer to GRAMMA FALSA NON VITATE CHARTAM: Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition: (Below). It is saying that the document “Is what it is” in its grammatical standing, meaning, that the document is grammatically saying nothing when such a document is appearing in the corrupt “DOG-LATIN”
text. The fact stands as stating that the bad grammar does not
destroy such a document, it renders such a document as it
“grammatically” stands. Another way to look at it is that its true
correct grammatical meaning is telling you that such a document is what
it is, it is not destroyed, . (If the writer constructs a bad
grammatical document, the document is not bad, it appears as
it grammatically appears, such a dogged document is a reflection of
the the poor ability of the “bad” writer of such a document, or an act
of the writer to deceive his fellow man by using grammatical tricks in
order to hide something).
When: “Commonwealth Of Australia“, appears on paper as: “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” the grammatical fact is saying that its translation into English appears as: “Commonwealth. Of. Australia.” and not: “Commonwealth Of Australia”. (Notice the full stops) Only an ignorant false impression would render such a presumption as the true correct: “Commonwealth Of Australia”
(This will apply to all western nations.) Be aware that a clever
grammatical writer may have the grammatical ability to write a document
that gives a false impression of something that grammatically does not
exist in fact. Such a false impression tendered as something other than
what it truly is, could be deemed as a counterfeit if one is attempting
to “Pass it Off” as something other than its
grammatical facts. A counterfeit is simply the act of passing something
off that is false for something that is real.
6 So where is the “deception” one may ask, when its not in the grammar? The deception relates to the “false impression” that a document appearing in DOG-LATIN, (Or contains ALL UPPERCASE TEXT usurped into such a document) is
something other than what it truly appears to be. If the reader
assumes such a document to be something other than the grammatical fact,
than such a reader’s “ignorance” to English Grammar is his own downfall in defining the grammatical facts appearing on such a document. (The Grammatical standing of the document is always what it is)
Ones ignorance is ones downfall. Ignorance is no excuse in law and if
you “ignorantly” assume that you can read, when in fact your grammatical
ability may be poor, than you may be in danger by being subject to the
grammatical ability of those that possess an immoral intention in order
to deceive the ignorant masses into assuming such a false document to be
true… As you can see, its never the fault of the document itself, the
fault appears with the ignorant perception of such a document.
Not Guilty, creates the “Conflict”, giving the foreign corporate
State, (Your quasi corporate foreign government) the ability to engage
in War. (Warrant: War-Rant) … Not Guilty, is an “acceptance” of the
charge and an intention to “Defend” rendering such a governing state to
assume that you have accepted the corrupt charge, dogged in Dog Latin,
and that you intend to defend it. The Guilty Plea, forces the State to
prove its charge against you to be valid, causing the State to be
subjected to the “Error in the name”. No “charge” can be issued to a
“creditor”, its impossible! … Only a “debtor” can accept the charge in a
corporate governing system. If the debtor becomes aware that such a
charge is corrupt, such a charge will fall back upon the one that
created it so the “not guilty” plea saves the state from its own fraud.
7 If the Courts and the Enforcement agencies of such courts start to
enforce the wrong presumption of a grammatical fact of a document, than
the court is making the error, it is uttering, by tendering a false
document and as long as the court knows that the defendant is ignorant
of such an error, the court needs a “Not Guilty Plea” in relation to a
grammatically DOGGED document in order to safely proceed without risk.
The “not guilty plea” is your ignorant “acceptance” of the error
confirmed by your acceptance that you intend to defend. The plea of “not
guilty” is the consent that you agree to the false presumption of
the content of the charge sheet and you agree to defend the “Presumed”
charge. (The charge, dogged in DOG-LATIN, grammatically does not exist)
however, if your understood the true grammatical appearance of such a
document, your guilty plea is simply saying that you are guilty to
nothing, because, grammatically speaking, the charge never existed.
7B: The not “guilty plea” also gives the presumption that you agree to
be governed and adjudicated by such a private foreign corporate banking
system (Tribunal) alien to your true de-jure common law government. Its
Treason in the true fact but lucky for you, you were unaware that such a
foreign private corporate government has secretly usurped itself into
your real common law government and has deceived you into the false
presumption that your government is real when in fact it is a foreign
criminal counterfeit. This has been done by keeping you illiterate and
ignorant to the true rules of your own written language, grammar and its
Latin roots.
8 If you are forced to act as a defendant of a foreign corporate
“charge” against your will (Coercion) and then
make the plea as “guilty”, or “Guilty to the Fact”, than the court must
determine if the one pleading is aware of the grammatical standing
“facts” of the document itself, because a charge dogged in: DOG-LATIN is
grammatically saying nothing, there is no charge so a “guilty plea” is an agreement to a document that has no charge appearing. (Why? because its been poisoned by the poisonous gloss that corrupts the essence of the text: DOG-LATIN)
But what is the danger for the Court: Such a court is tendering
(Dealing with or passing off) a false document and that in itself is
criminal, that is uttering. (Attached) Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition.
This type of conduct is found more in relation to foreign
private banks acting as Governments and Police, when in fact, they are
not. Such private banks acting as Government are de-facto or counterfeit
9 The only way the court can proceed to charge you with anything is
that you agree to the false impression of such a charge because
the charge sheet document grammatically becomes the fact that there is
no charge. (Refer to Deception: Attached: Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition)
10 The deception relates to someone attempting to deceive another person in relation to a false presumption other than the fact.
If the grammatical facts state that a Charge sheet from the
Court dogged in DOG-LATIN grammatically states nothing, but the Court
attempts to portray a false presumption in relation to such a document
that states nothing, than the deception is from whoever owns the Court.
If you are aware of the Grammatical facts relating to such a charge, or
you are forced to deal with such a document that you know that is
grammatically stating that there is no charge because it is Dogged
(Corrupted), than the Court (STATE) is than at fault and stands as the
criminal for enforcing a false presumption. (Uttering a forged document)
And the Standard English version of Dog Latin:
16 DOG-LATIN is a debased form of Latin, so look at the meaning of the word “debased” in the standard Dictionary: Words such as Criminal and Corrupt appear. If DOG-LATIN appears on Government or police and Court Documents, than is the grammatical fact stating that such documents are Corrupt and Criminal, subjecting such a Court, their Police and Government as a Racketeering Criminal Corrupt entity?