The Renaissance Project

"Vincit qui se vincit." ________________________ "Re-naissance" from the French for re-birth, rebirth of our true hunter/huntress robust nature, our humanity. Everyone deserves a "second chance" to experience that during the precious little time we all have here. ______________________ Dr. Mike McGannon, M.D., a free-thinking Medical Doctor (Internal Medicine, Georgetown University, 1979-1986, post-doc Gastroenterology, Stanford University, 1986-1988), who uses Nature's healing medicines: Primum non nocere, clean food, intense workouts, sunshine, fasting, laughter, letting go, meditation, poetry, garlic extract, music (harmonica, heavy metal, ragas) and visualization & deep Cyclic Breathing. After all, every breath counts in the footrace between ignorance and understanding. “Straight, not straightened.” – Marcus Aurelius I have NOT prescribed pharmaceutical drugs in 35 years, while holding a California License for internal medicine & surgery. No need for those: the brain makes all the neuro-chemicals we need to prosper and love. ___________________ In a word, when it comes to "getting it' health-wise, there are 2 types of wake-up calls: easy and hard: I. The EASY WAY to wake up: wake up NOW, get the message that life is a training, a learning experience. Then, with robust understanding, chart your road ahead. Best years = in FRONT of you. Nice. Here are the steps: 1) Calculate Health Age: (для российских коллег и друзей) Калькулятор Возраста Здоровья - Проект «Ренессанс» 2) Sample Week One of the Journey of Awakening (here on MINDS platform): 3) If Steps 1) and 2) seem to make sense, subscribe to my channel, use my contacts below and we'll take the 24-week mentoring from there. Otherwise, proceed to The HARD WAY to wake-up. Good luck, though enthusiasm will serve you better. II. The HARD WAY to wake up: get distracted by TV, anxiety, $, keeping up socially, ignore early warning signs (like fatigue), and then, try to "wake up" to life's wonder after the first heart attack/stroke, diabetes, or depressive episode (good luck with that). Best years = BEHIND of you. Maybe next time. ______________ e mail me for information at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] ___________ Come visit our site: ____________ The Renaissance Project is our 24-week program designed to upgrade FUNCTIONALITY mental and physical while decreasing RISK. Managers, some at the "top", come to us in a state of LOW functionality and HIGH risk for everything bad, just on the basis of their diminished ability to ADAPT to life's stresses. Our research over 30+ years, teaching our MSM-24 resiliency module to more than 150, 000 international managers at the premier business schools worldwide, clearly demonstrates that after 24 weeks of mentoring, this imbalance is permanently reversed: HIGH functionality, LOW risk. ________________________ Contributions for research into preventable diseases will be gratefully & graciously received at our BITCOIN address: 1ANw7RWyXzphpraQn8okHWwwzjEiogPQnS God bless!
location_onEssaouira, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco
Type: All
Date: All
"Vincit qui se vincit." ________________________ "Re-naissance" from the French for re-birth, rebirth of our true hunter/huntress robust nature, our humanity. Everyone deserves a "second chance" to experience that during the precious little time we all have here. ______________________ Dr. Mike McGannon, M.D., a free-thinking Medical Doctor (Internal Medicine, Georgetown University, 1979-1986, post-doc Gastroenterology, Stanford University, 1986-1988), who uses Nature's healing medicines: Primum non nocere, clean food, intense workouts, sunshine, fasting, laughter, letting go, meditation, poetry, garlic extract, music (harmonica, heavy metal, ragas) and visualization & deep Cyclic Breathing. After all, every breath counts in the footrace between ignorance and understanding. “Straight, not straightened.” – Marcus Aurelius I have NOT prescribed pharmaceutical drugs in 35 years, while holding a California License for internal medicine & surgery. No need for those: the brain makes all the neuro-chemicals we need to prosper and love. ___________________ In a word, when it comes to "getting it' health-wise, there are 2 types of wake-up calls: easy and hard: I. The EASY WAY to wake up: wake up NOW, get the message that life is a training, a learning experience. Then, with robust understanding, chart your road ahead. Best years = in FRONT of you. Nice. Here are the steps: 1) Calculate Health Age: (для российских коллег и друзей) Калькулятор Возраста Здоровья - Проект «Ренессанс» 2) Sample Week One of the Journey of Awakening (here on MINDS platform): 3) If Steps 1) and 2) seem to make sense, subscribe to my channel, use my contacts below and we'll take the 24-week mentoring from there. Otherwise, proceed to The HARD WAY to wake-up. Good luck, though enthusiasm will serve you better. II. The HARD WAY to wake up: get distracted by TV, anxiety, $, keeping up socially, ignore early warning signs (like fatigue), and then, try to "wake up" to life's wonder after the first heart attack/stroke, diabetes, or depressive episode (good luck with that). Best years = BEHIND of you. Maybe next time. ______________ e mail me for information at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] ___________ Come visit our site: ____________ The Renaissance Project is our 24-week program designed to upgrade FUNCTIONALITY mental and physical while decreasing RISK. Managers, some at the "top", come to us in a state of LOW functionality and HIGH risk for everything bad, just on the basis of their diminished ability to ADAPT to life's stresses. Our research over 30+ years, teaching our MSM-24 resiliency module to more than 150, 000 international managers at the premier business schools worldwide, clearly demonstrates that after 24 weeks of mentoring, this imbalance is permanently reversed: HIGH functionality, LOW risk. ________________________ Contributions for research into preventable diseases will be gratefully & graciously received at our BITCOIN address: 1ANw7RWyXzphpraQn8okHWwwzjEiogPQnS God bless!
location_onEssaouira, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco