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I am a liberal person BUT anti LEFT.. I am PRO constitution of The United States of America. The Constitution RULES PERIOD. I served in the military USMC 1989 - 1995. Last Duty Station 1st Bn 6th Mar 2nd MarDiv CLNC. I love Science ... Mankind's greatest development is the Scientific Method. Evolution is FACT. Facts don't care about your feelings. Fun fact... The closest star to us is 4.5 light years away.. in our fastest rocket we have ever produced 17.05 Km/sec would take over 70,000 years to reach it.
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I am a liberal person BUT anti LEFT.. I am PRO constitution of The United States of America. The Constitution RULES PERIOD. I served in the military USMC 1989 - 1995. Last Duty Station 1st Bn 6th Mar 2nd MarDiv CLNC. I love Science ... Mankind's greatest development is the Scientific Method. Evolution is FACT. Facts don't care about your feelings. Fun fact... The closest star to us is 4.5 light years away.. in our fastest rocket we have ever produced 17.05 Km/sec would take over 70,000 years to reach it.