
This is a group where science meets spirit. If you’re interested in meeting other likeminded individuals and learning more about optimal energy creation and consumption, there’s a group for you: Liquid Plasma Crystals. In this group you can find out more and also share your experience about feeding and healing body and spirit. Come, be part of a new vision of bringing cosmic energy to the Earth and having an abundant energy source for humankind. This is the right time and space to participate by learning and by doing. Our motto is “learn to use fewer chemicals with simple methods and keep the environment clean in natural balance in respect the laws of nature.”
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Date: All
This is a group where science meets spirit. If you’re interested in meeting other likeminded individuals and learning more about optimal energy creation and consumption, there’s a group for you: Liquid Plasma Crystals. In this group you can find out more and also share your experience about feeding and healing body and spirit. Come, be part of a new vision of bringing cosmic energy to the Earth and having an abundant energy source for humankind. This is the right time and space to participate by learning and by doing. Our motto is “learn to use fewer chemicals with simple methods and keep the environment clean in natural balance in respect the laws of nature.”